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Skin discoloration

Skin discoloration

I know it’s a well known side effect. I hadn’t really noticed any till I looked at the underside of my dick the other day. The circumcision scar is almost black.and my skin tone is light. Are there any common tips/tricks for correcting this? It’s not a huge deal, but it is a bit unsightly

There are various methods which can be successful, but not without some hassle, pain and risk.

Discolouration is the major downside to PE in my view and you have to be careful to guard against it, since removing it is tough.

Check out the chemical peels thread in the main members forum, but proceed with caution!

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG

Thanks Ruz! Yeah, I’m pretty much not going to apply chemicals to my penis to peal skin away. How do you safe guard against it from appearing in the first place?

What’s your routine, happi?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Hey Lampwick - I think this occurred primarily from jelqing. I did the newbie for 4 months with a bit of pumping and clamping mixed in.not to much, mainly just exploratory. I’ve moved onto hanging which I’m really liking.although there are some problems there too.but I won’t get into that in this thread.

Thanks firegoat. Been reading a lot about your roll method. Have you seen anything that really explains the technique in more detail. The threads I’ve seen, that question seems to come up a lot. My discoloration is on the underneath side and it’s really the circ scar that seems to retain the most color. How would I hit that with the roll?

Ever since I first read about the Firegoat roll I have always done it, such a simple but effective thing to do. “Knock wood” I haven’t had any discoloration and I’m very heavy handed. I’m also as white as ghost so I think it would show up badly on me.

Originally Posted by happi_g_more
Thanks firegoat. Been reading a lot about your roll method. Have you seen anything that really explains the technique in more detail. The threads I’ve seen, that question seems to come up a lot. My discoloration is on the underneath side and it’s really the circ scar that seems to retain the most color. How would I hit that with the roll?

Here are a few extracts from other posts I’ve made about the roll, to save you having to dig them out yourself, giving a little more explanation:

It’s as simple as rolling it between your hands, just as if you were trying to roll a piece of dough into a tube shape. It can be done at any erection level from flaccid to about 75%. Keep going until the discolouration is gone. If you’ve had a heavy session, there may still be a bit of redness that doesn’t completely go, so if you get to a point where you are not making further improvement, that’s time to stop.

As a starting point for speed and pressure when doing the firegoat roll, imagine rolling a piece of dough or pastry into a cylinder; you don’t want to roll too fast or slow, and you certainly don’t want to squash the dough flat or make no impression on it at all. Use that as a starting point and vary speed and force around it. Different levels of erection will require different speeds and force.

My preference is to do it while still well ‘fluffed’ after jelqing. Totally flaccid or fairly erect don’t work as well for me, but experiment!

I just roll my penis between my palms after every session until the discoloration is gone, so although I get a fair bit while actually doing PE, my penis is still the colour nature intended, except around the circumcision line, which, although I usually ‘pinch’ it to get fresh oxygenated blood into the tissues is still a little darker than the surrounding tissue.

For the ‘pinching’ around the circumcision line, just squeeze the circ line for a few seconds (not too hard!), as though you were trying to squeeze the blood our of it (which is what you are doing) then release. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Hope that helps happi!

Thanks firegoat.I’ve done a few sessions today and I think it’s actually working

The magic bullet for discoloration for me has been a combination of religious daily 2-3 minute firegoat rolls and a short cycle of topical DMSO + iodine. I thought I had ruined my penis forever! Now it’s completely gone, and it happened so quickly it’s incredible!

Can’t recommend these two things highly enough! Although I’ve heard some things about DMSO to suggest that it should be used briefly, as it has potential to over-dissolve collagen, and a certain study linked it with retinal degeneration. But it’s helped me.

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