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How to use the Search button for best results

How to use the Search button for best results

I’ve noticed a lot of people have problems finding exactly what they want when searching, sometimes not finding anything at all. Then someone else comes along and pulls up several threads, all found by, yes, you guessed it, searching.

So I’ve decided to put this thread together, to help everyone get the most out of their search.

The Basic Search
Accessed by simply clicking Search menu (or hamburger menu, top left on smaller displays) at the top of any forum page.

This is the kind of search that 95%+ of members use. Its quick, simple, easy, fast. It will also get you pretty good results. If there are relevant videos, they will show in the result.

As an example (I will use this example throughout the thread), lets do a search for “Penimaster” the well-known ADS device.

The basic search for “Penimaster” returns……341 results. And this covers the majority of search needs.

The Intensive Search

Intensive searches take longer and may even time out on the first attempt. They aren’t worth doing unless you’re not finding what you are looking for with a quick search. On the search results page or if you click Advanced Search, you will see Search Options underneath where you type your search term. Click on it and the options will expand.
If you’ve never seen these options before, it can look a little daunting, a little off-putting and maybe a little scary. But its not, so don’t shy away.

Type Penimaster into the box at the top and click on intensive right at the bottom of the options. This changes the default sorting to score and shows another set of options, results by thread or post. In thread mode if a thread is highly focussed on penimaster, it will return higher in the results. In post mode individual posts that are focussed on the penimaster will be sorted. Let’s leave it on threads.

Searching for Penimaster in this way, lengthens your results to 962 threads. Quite a big difference from the 341 in the last search, I think you’ll agree. It’s probably a lot harder to find the answer you’re looking for, so it’s best to leave intensive mode for a time when the quick search hasn’t given you the results you need. You’ll be prompted to switch on intensive mode if a quick search returns too few results.

The Forum Specific Search

This kind of search probably won’t be used often, but can be VERY useful. In the middle of the Search Options, there is a selector for the forums you want to search in. You simply click on the name(s) of the forum(s) you want to search, in this example, we’ll use the Progress Reports and Pictures forum. Continuing our use of “Penimaster” as a search term, enter that into the search keywords box.

This search returns 23 results and the threads with the icon actually contain pictures. If you are searching for pics of the Penimaster, this is going to get you close.

Now redoing the search, but combining it with the intensive mode, returns 69 threads.

Hopefully you’re starting to see how a combination of Search Options can really increase the productivity of your searches.

Note - You can search multiple forums using this method, just hold down CTRL whilst clicking the forums you wish to search

The Misspelling Search AKA The Multiple Terminology Search

Despite the spell check, spelling errors will occur. Which, unfortunately, means you will miss some threads when you do a search.

Take “Penimaster”. Also referred to as “Penismaster” and “Penis master”, along with less obvious errors such as “Penismater”, etc. It IS possible to find these whilst searching, but requires a little more effort and sometimes a little more patience than the other searches.

Peni would return all threads that contain words beginning with “peni” (ie - penis [and therefore, master], penimaster, penismaster)

As you can see, you need to use a little more imagination with the misspelling search, but sometimes it proves well worth the effort.

Other searches

The other search options available on the advanced search page I rarely use, but are pretty self explanatory, and very straight forward.

You can specify a minimum number of replies, specify a date range, choose to show results as a thread, or as posts, or even choose the order the results appear in.

You can also do a post/thread search by username, just type in the member’s name, choose “post” or “thread” and click search. If you are unsure of the exact name of the member, be sure to check the partial name box, otherwise you may not get any results.

Final comments

If all threads were stayed on topic and didn’t meander quick search would be all you need. As it is though, that doesn’t always happen, so of course some threads will be missed .

I hope some of you find this useful, feel free to add any comments.

Also see this thread:
Tech Tips For Thunder’s Place

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Bless you Slack.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I thought you had cracked it Slack, so Happy Days, I ran an advanced search for something I know was definitely posted by Sixerman, but I, nor he, have ever been able to find it again (one evening I spent umpteem hours on a manual hunt).

Every Forum I looked just now, it came up as no match was found, try again! Like try what exactly? :rolleyes:

Not blooming likely, I’m far too busy :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

You the man Slack!!!! Every search I’ve done thus far rewards me with 500 results and zero information because I’ve got to wads through so much shit to find it. I’m off to advance search BTC right now- maybe I’ll finally figure out what it stands for because I didn’t want to ask. Thanks bro’!!!

Good info.

BTC- “between the cheeks” a form of hanging wherein the method of hanging causes the penis to be stretched at an angle *behind* the body i.e. directed *past* the straight down position.

Now I’m off to search all of the other shit that’s gone over my head….

woo hoo!!!

Nice info slack :up:

Great job Slack!

I just learnt it from you today :D Thanks


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Slack’s latest gambit to become a mod.:)

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Don’t tease the poor fellow.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

I didn’t know half that stuff.

Slack, stop making me look bad! :cuss:

Originally Posted by huff
Slack’s latest gambit to become a mod.:)

Everybody hit the floor! :chuckle:

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