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How to remove skin soreness while hanging


How to remove skin soreness while hanging

How to remove skin soreness while hanging

This is going to be a long post, i’ll make it as detailed I can. A clever guy once said that it is not a hanger that will get you a bigger dick, but knowledge. I use that quote to excuse my ramblings.

OK, while hanging your aim is to put as much tension of possible on the ligs/tunica (assuming that the skin has been stretched enough to facilitate internal growth), and put as little pressure as possible on the head, shaft and skin forward of the hanger when it is on. Unfortunately, you cannot avoid this pressure completely and if you are uncut it makes things even more difficult. Ligs are tough, but skin is weak. It is possible that tension that the ligs can handle easily can cause damage to the skin. If you notice that the area forward of the hanger becomes discoloured after a hanging set or session, then you could be on a bullet train to skin soreness city. Luckily, if you read this post you can get a massive discount on your return trip.

***this soreness can occur even if you have set your wrapping and hanger to allow good circulation and comfort - but it is more likely to happen if you havent***

Check the following things:

(1) Wrapping

A) Amount of wrap - If you use too much wrap, you will experience problems. Same if you use too little. It will take time to work out the optimal amount for you. The more wrap you use, the more you need to tighten the hanger to grip the internal structures, which will cut off circulation, and give your skin a nice dose of soreness. If you use a lot, try trimming a bit off, a little at a time.

B) Type of wrap - The optimal way for most people is to use a cloth underwrap, and theraband on top of that. The underwrap should be nice and soft and not harsh on the skin. If you wrap with any theraband against the skin, roll the front edge back a little.

C) Tightness of wrap - Obviously the wrap needs to allow perfect circulation. If it is too loose though, the skin will be pinched, both at the hinge and where the hanger closes. You will know instantly when you lower the weight if this is the case. A way to tell if the wrap is too tight or not is to check if you can take a piss with it on. You should also be able to keep the wrap on all day without affecting circulation. This also saves time re-wrapping inbetween sets.

(2) Hanger settings

A) Hex nut settings - I’m not going to detail this as its hard to give generalised advice since everyone needs to find their own settings. Its a peson to person thing. Look on the bib hanger site and search the forums for information. Just make sure you do change the settings, as you will notice a difference in comfort. Its a trial and error thing, change it a bit, see if it works, change it a bit more etc.

B) Hanger position - If you already have a discoloured/sore area, putting the wrap and hanger a little further back from this might help you to get a few more sets done, and you might be tempted to do this, but DO NOT. This is what I did, but I only succeded in discolouring more skin! (I know, I know, it sounds obvious).

If you feel that any of these could be a problem, spend one or more days experimenting with wrapping and hanger settings. Dont worry about enlargement for just one day of your life, and work on comfort. Start out with your current settings and hang for 10mins. Was it comfortable? Is the skin sore? Any coldness/numbness/discolouration? If your not satisfied, change one of the above options and try again for 10mins. Better or worse? Keep doing this until you can hang with comfort.

Only after checking all the above steps should you try the next step, as other problems might develop if you dont.

(3) Routine Changes

OK, your wrap and hanger settings are optimal, but you still get skin soreness, so what is wrong? The answer is that the skin cant handle either the weight you use or the time of your session. The skin is your friend, it wants you to gain, unlike those nasty ligs. And to help you gain it will toughen up when you hang, but if you blast it with tonnes of weight for 40min sets its going to get damaged. It will toughen up over time, AND during a session. So start your session with shorter sets, if you normally do 20mins then start with ten. You might need to reduce the weight as well. Build up the time of your sets and the weight of your sets, to let the skin adapt. Now, if your skin soreness is quite severe, as mine was, you will probably need to limit your set time to 10mins for a week or more, and perhaps stay shy of max weight too. This way, you can still get some hanging done while allowing the damage to heal (Any discolouration will remain however, but the soreness will go away). If the sorenes is not too bad, and you can start the day with no soreness, you should use the above formula (build up to max weight and set time). If you get any unusual feeling in the skin, take the hanger off and try again in 10mins, with a little less weight.

(4) Other Ideas

A) Vit E cream - Try putting some vit E lotion (Or any other lotion) on the skin in front of the wrap, before you hang. This can help with soreness quite well. You only need to apply it every 2-3 sets.

B) Girth wrap - I find that a 20min girth wrap in the evening before bed helps a lot. What I do is make it nice and tight at the base, and push the skin and wrap to just below the head, then think of the queen of england until I start to get good wood, then push the wrap back to the base. I do this 2-3 times then leave it like that. I guess that its more of an uli effect because of the pressure, but it really seems to help. It also helps with general head soreness, I dont know why but the next mornings hanging sets are a lot easier. Vets only, this one.

OK thats it, if you have any questions hit reply.

Good Luck

Note - this is bib’s advice, given to me in PM conversations, i am mostly just elaborating on advice he gave which worked for me, so all thanks and cash donations go to him.


A really good job in this post of explaining things that I simply am not mentally equiped to do. I hope this thread gets a lot of attention and discussion.


I had multiple windows going while the new post window was loading, the right half of the window was covered. Here is the name of this thread as I saw it:

“How to remove skin while hanging”

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Thats a different topic. Get your bib, a knife, some painkillers and… no maybe not.


Great post SS4, very informative……………………

Start 2/1/03 FBP: L: 3.25", G:3.00" EBP: L: 5.85", G:4.25" 7/7/03 FBP: L: 5.50", G:5.25" EBP: L: 7.00", G:5.25"

Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve read this and, I agree. It’s a great thread!


Great thread, much well explained.

But, seems I always have a question or 2 so here goes.

I got the Bib hanger last Thursday and have been using it almost everyday doing sets. As I’ve told Bib in our conversations on hanging, I used the Grip a lot for hanging in the past. It pulls from the head and the Bib pulls from shaft so I’m using this time as a get aquainted period with the Bib and new hanging position.

Shaft soreness dosen’t seem to be a real issue yet. I can do 20 min sets (10 min breaks between) rather easily for now. At first, I thought I could hang the usual 7- 8 lbs with the Bib that I could with the Grip but, no way! I had several years to get accustomed to the Grip and It’ll take at least several months to get fully use to using the Bib hanger.

I’m starting out slow using only 5 lbs as someone suggested and limiting sets to 1- 2 am and 1- 2 pm along with an ADS 2- 3 hrs Am/ Pm. All total about 6-7 hrs PE p/d. Also doing rather intence jelqing after last hanging session using Cocoa Butter Cream. It feels real nice on the skin if any soreness sets in.

Wrapping I think, I now have a better understanding of thru much trial and error. I wrap rather close to the base right now because it seems when the weight is applied and the hanger is tightened,snug, and blood is squeezed from the head, it still want’s to move forward and end up just behind the head. I can’t seem to get it to stay where I tighten it. I think skin comes into play here some way. Maybe some slippage?

I’m using t-shirt material as the first layer and Theraband on top wrapping rather loose. Head pressure has been the biggest problem to try and overcome for me using this style hanger so, heres what I do to avoid it (or at least try). After attaching hanger, thghten some, squeeze the head to remove blood, tighten a little more. At this point the head is small and soft.

Then let the weight down. After about 5- 10 min it appears the pressure is back up so I repeat the above to remove it again. Is this normal procedure? I’ve asked about head pressure before here and got many helpful replies but the pressure seems to still be an issue. Looks like circulation problem but not sure how it cure it… tighten more, less?

Bottom line, will the hanger always move forward some and will head pressure always play a part in hanging with this hanger? I will continue to go slow and steady. Bib told Nos the same thing, to steadily adapt to this, which does make good sinse.

I will try upping the weight in 1- 2 wks as 5 lbs want do much to produce gains but right now getting accliamated is most important.
Sorry for such long post. Just wondering yours/ others opinions.




I did not have time to reply to this when I first saw it. And then, I lost it. I had to do a search.

>Then let the weight down. After about 5- 10 min it appears the pressure is back up so I repeat the above to remove it again. Is this normal procedure? I’ve asked about head pressure before here and got many helpful replies but the pressure seems to still be an issue. Looks like circulation problem but not sure how it cure it… tighten more, less?<

No, this is a function of two things. First, you are generating enough blood pressure to counteract the weight you are hanging, and second, your wrap is too tight, capturing blood in the head, even with five pounds of weight on.

The first thing to do is, when you wrap, just leave it alone for about ten minutes, and see if the head swells. If so, the wrap is too tight. If not, put the hanger on at your normal tightness and leave it alone for ten minutes to see is the head swells. Again, if the head swells, the WRAP is too tight.

>Bottom line, will the hanger always move forward some and will head pressure always play a part in hanging with this hanger?<

No. First, get the wrapping tightness issue settled, and then we can work on the slippage which is simply a matter of hanger tightness and adjustment. Have you used the internal hex nuts for adjustment?


Hi Bib,

Hey, that’s ok about losing it, just glad you found it.

Regarding the internal hex nuts. Yes, I adjusted those the day I got the hanger. Never saw the hanger before but knew there were adjustments to be made. I loosened the 2 bottom wing nuts fully and brought out the right side of hanger to them, then adjusted the hex nuts so that the top gap about equaled the bottom gap and retightened the wing nuts. No toe-in or toe-out was done.

I did the adjusting with wrapping on and in the flaccid state. The teeth mesh pretty much equally top and bottom gaps so I figured I had it about right. Is this right or wrong? IOW, the top and bottom gaps are the same.

I tried the test you described with the wrapping and the hanger yesterday. I believe you told Nos about this test.

So, I took your advice and am now wrapping more loosely and can say I feel that’s no longer a problem, maybe before the first time you told me about it, but not since. Head dosen’t swell from the wrap alone.

Next, I put on the hanger for around 10 min at normal tightness and walked around a bit. Again no head swelling at this point.

I’m glad you mentioned slippage, that must be what it is. It’s the only thing left that I know of. As I said before, after attaching the hanger mid- shaft, I’ve almost learnt that the hanger is going to move forward toward the head no matter what I do.

So, I go ahead and squeeze the blood from the head while moving the hanger forward. It always ends up just behind the head or, should say resting behind the head. And that’s where the pressure problem starts…right there. It only takes about 5 mins and need to loosen the hanger (not fully remove it) and squeeze the head again, then all is well for 5 more mins.

I think I got all that right, yep, believe I did.

I thought about tightening the hanger more but it looks pretty thin now, especially when the weights applied. You mentioned when you put on the hanger it stays pretty much where you put and right now that amazes me. I just can’t do it and get’s rather frustrating. I’m only 6” flaccid so not much to play with… if you know what I mean.

So, I really need your help. Could you please walk me thru any tightening or adjustments I need to do. Right now I’m using T shirt material and theraband and feel the t- shirt material may be a problem with slippage but not sure. Maybe need to try something else to grip the shaft better, but the T shirt material is so comfy, kinda hate to give it up.

But I will, what ever it takes!

Thanks Bib, thank you for taking the time to help me out here… your truly appreciated!!


PS, I read your history post the other day and all I can say is WWWooooooWWW!


>Regarding the internal hex nuts. Yes, I adjusted those the day I got the hanger. Never saw the hanger before but knew there were adjustments to be made. I loosened the 2 bottom wing nuts fully and brought out the right side of hanger to them, then adjusted the hex nuts so that the top gap about equaled the bottom gap and retightened the wing nuts. No toe-in or toe-out was done. <

OK, you want the top gap a little less than the bottom gap when the hanger is ON and tightened. Not when off.

>I did the adjusting with wrapping on and in the flaccid state. The teeth mesh pretty much equally top and bottom gaps so I figured I had it about right. Is this right or wrong? IOW, the top and bottom gaps are the same.<

I don’t think so. The bottom teeth probably will not mesh at all, and the top teeth should only be slightly meshed. Here is what I need:

Erect girth measurement, wrapped flaccid girth measurement, length and width of your wrapping material. Then I should be able to approximate the settings on the bottom hex nuts.

>So, I took your advice and am now wrapping more loosely and can say I feel that’s no longer a problem, maybe before the first time you told me about it, but not since. Head dosen’t swell from the wrap alone.<

Then why is it swelling?

>Next, I put on the hanger for around 10 min at normal tightness and walked around a bit. Again no head swelling at this point. <


>I’m glad you mentioned slippage, that must be what it is. It’s the only thing left that I know of. As I said before, after attaching the hanger mid- shaft, I’ve almost learnt that the hanger is going to move forward toward the head no matter what I do. <

You might be placing the hanger too high. Try starting your wrap at about the circ scar, and place the hanger one quarter inch behind the front edge of the wrap.

>So, I go ahead and squeeze the blood from the head while moving the hanger forward.<

Wait a minute. Where did this blood come from? You said there was no swelling when you wrapped and attached the hanger and waited ten minutes.

>It always ends up just behind the head or, should say resting behind the head. And that’s where the pressure problem starts…right there. It only takes about 5 mins and need to loosen the hanger (not fully remove it) and squeeze the head again, then all is well for 5 more mins. <

See, I do not understand any of this. First, the hanger should not slide down that far with 5 lbs. The hanger is too loose. Then, blood should not build up in the head if the wrap is loose enough.

Try to think of the hanger as your hand. If you have done manual stretches, then you know what feels comfortable, and what does not. Try wrapping at about the same place that you grip for manual stretches, and then attach the hanger in about the same manner that you grasp for stretching.

>I thought about tightening the hanger more but it looks pretty thin now, especially when the weights applied. <

What do you mean by looks pretty thin? The hanger should be tight enough to grasp the internal structures. It might even be a little uncomfortable when you fully tighten. But then, when you add the weight, the discomfort magically goes away.

>You mentioned when you put on the hanger it stays pretty much where you put and right now that amazes me. I just can’t do it and get’s rather frustrating. I’m only 6” flaccid so not much to play with… if you know what I mean.<

First, six inches is plenty of room. Next, you are just getting started and do not have much experience yet. Don’t worry about it.

>So, I really need your help. Could you please walk me thru any tightening or adjustments I need to do. Right now I’m using T shirt material and theraband and feel the t- shirt material may be a problem with slippage but not sure. Maybe need to try something else to grip the shaft better, but the T shirt material is so comfy, kinda hate to give it up.<

The type of material will matter little, as long as it is soft and elastic and there is not too much of it. The hanger should still grasp the shaft through the wrap and skin.

Answer the questions above, and we will get it.



I’ll try to answer all your questions below.

First, the measurements you ask for:

EG = 5.25”
Wrapped flaccid Girth = 4.5”
T shirt material length x width = 1.5” x 15”
Theraband = 1.5” x 15”

Ok, I see your point on wrapping behind the scar and placing the hanger .25” from the edge of it. I’ll do that. I can see now that I have been placing the hanger further back than that. Ok, got it.

I’ll adjust hanger as you said with the top gap a little less than the bottom gap, but I guess that should be based on the proper amount you come up with from my measurments. correct?

Bib, to save time, It looks like most of the problem has to do with where I’ve been placing the hanger on initially. I see that now. Placing it to high (too far back) creating probems.

The other thing is the hanger is probably just to loose as you said. I’ll tighten it more to grab the shaft better. I admit, I guess I’ve been a little hesitant to tighten to much, like you say it’s still new and I don’t have experience with it yet.

It appears, now that I have your thoughts at hand I have 3 problems to fix (work out).
1. Hanger placement
2. Tightness
3. Correct adjustments on the hanger for my size.

Once these are corrected I should be much better off, with no problems hanging. Yeah, I can see this more clearly now.

I appreciate what ever you come up with on the proper adjustments to get the hanger right.

Sorry to bug you like this, know you are a busy man.

Thanks a ton!



>I’ll adjust hanger as you said with the top gap a little less than the bottom gap, but I guess that should be based on the proper amount you come up with from my measurments. correct?<

Yes. Try having the distance between the hex nuts at about 3/16 inch, front and back. Then, when you tighten, remember that the top gap needs to be a little less than the bottom gap.

This should make the hanger fairly tight. But there is some play room in this. You will probably need to make slight adjustments, a quarter turn on the hex nuts front or back or both to get it exactly where you feel most comfortable when the hanger is tight. Also, you will want to try toeing out the hanger at some point. This means the front hex nuts further apart than the back hex nuts.


Ok Bib, now I know what to shoot for. I’ll make those adjustments you said and any slight settings as needed.

Thanks for all the help and of course your patience!



I have read that you tried The Grip here . The bib was not comfortable for you because of the head pressure , could you tell us how comfortable The Grip was ( compared to the bib ) ? Did you solve the head pressure thing ? Is eight pounds the maximum you can put on the grip? So why are you using the bib now ? just curious,



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