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how do I minimize stretching skin with BTC hanging


how do I minimize stretching skin with BTC hanging

Im just starting to get back into hanging. I was hanging for a month before I had to take some time off. I keep getting micro tears on the skin around the base. My dick is conditioned from 6 months of PE. The tear is so small you can barely see it. I want to just say fuck it and ignore it. Does anyone that had similiar problems have any objections to this idea.. when I hang it looks like my dick got injected with a thin needle.

When I came back from a month break, I did a week of manual stretching. I did one 15 minute set today with 5 pounds. I attached the hanger about halfway on my flaccid. Which is only about 4 .5 inches. So Its hard to judge where the hanger goes. Would I get less skin stretch if I attached it by the base or closer to the glans?

I recently began hanging, and have hanged as heavy as 12 1/2 pounds, which I’ve since moved away from, but my point is that in my brief hanging career I’ve never experienced tearing of the skin.

I would suggest looking at your wrap.

I use saran wrap with yellow pvc electrical tape which I’ve been strongly criticized for, but has worked superbly and never slips, as long as I make sure the clamp is placed properly.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Sounds like you are attaching too far down the shaft, try moving it towards the glans a little bit. Ideally you should have the hanger about an inch from the head, for me that’s right where my circ scar is, so I just line it up with that and it works great, no tight skin.

I recommend reading the hanger’s info thread, it’s a very good read, very informative.

8-1-2009: BPEL 7.250 x 5.5

11-1-2009: BPEL 7.750 x 5.875

Goal: 9 x 6.5

I used to be “cut” till I started hanging. I am now starting to develop a pseudo-foreskin.

I have to say that my foreskin hangs a little lower than it did before my adventures in hanging began, but the on-going soreness in my ligaments is a testament to getting the hanging process correct.

There is an entire section devoted to hanging on this forum that is full of discussions about all manner of hanging problems, advice and solutions to technical problems. I read threads there every day and learn something new regularly. Go back the the very beginning of the thread history and start there.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by Mr.BigStuff
Im just starting to get back into hanging. I was hanging for a month before I had to take some time off. I keep getting micro tears on the skin around the base. My dick is conditioned from 6 months of PE. The tear is so small you can barely see it. I want to just say fuck it and ignore it. Does anyone that had similiar problems have any objections to this idea.. when I hang it looks like my dick got injected with a thin needle.

If your hanger is placed too far toward the base of your penis (or if you’re not tightening enough) you’ll put more stress on the skin than the ligaments. Attaching at the middle of your shaft is - from what I’ve read - considered “too far back” from the glans based on your flaccid length. A lot of guys will do dedicated skin stretch for about a week before moving on to lig deformation, so stretching skin first isn’t too big of a deal anyway, and you have to do it eventually.

Using Vaseline on the skin before, during and after hanging should be a huge help. Wrap it up with plastic wrap after hanging to keep the mess to a minimum, unless you like messes in your pants.

Started hanging on 3/28/12 after minimal gains on the newbie routine. Still not discouraged! This game is 99.9% mental. Stick with it, gents.

After 1 month of hanging 5-6lbs BTC: 1/4" gain in BPEL and BPFSL!

If your skin has torn/ripped, might want to consider using some Vaseline on it. I experienced that one time.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Thanks for the advice everyone. You guys is alright. Im going to take another week off from any kind of stretching maybe do some manual clamping for the week to keep the progress with my girth. I just started getting back on a daily vitamin maybe that will help. When I come back I plan on working my way up to 4/ 15 minute sets a day with 2.5 pounds to recondition the skin and get use to attaching the hanger right.

Originally Posted by Mr.BigStuff

Thanks for the advice everyone. You guys is alright. Im going to take another week off from any kind of stretching maybe do some manual clamping for the week to keep the progress with my girth. I just started getting back on a daily vitamin maybe that will help. When I come back I plan on working my way up to 4/ 15 minute sets a day with 2.5 pounds to recondition the skin and get use to attaching the hanger right.

Skin damage is no reason to stop hanging. Throw on the vaseline and you should be good to hang.

Started hanging on 3/28/12 after minimal gains on the newbie routine. Still not discouraged! This game is 99.9% mental. Stick with it, gents.

After 1 month of hanging 5-6lbs BTC: 1/4" gain in BPEL and BPFSL!

Ok, couple questions . How is vaseline under a IR lamp and how long should I keep it wrapped after a hanging session. I do sets before bed so would It be safe to keep it wrapped all night?

To flimflam, your saying that I should continue hanging even though my skin showed signs of tearing?. Would it still heal eventually ?

Its getting around that time. Should I say fuck it, throw some vaseline on it and let it hang or take the week off. Whats more practical? Common sense is telling me to wait but my penis is telling me to listen to flimflam :/ . Then again flimflam means someone trying to get over or deceive you around my way so I think Im going to pass on his advice.

Ultimately it is up to you to continue hanging, as it is your body. But proper attachment will take stress off the skin and place it on the ligaments where it should be, meaning the skin will heal even while hanging.

8-1-2009: BPEL 7.250 x 5.5

11-1-2009: BPEL 7.750 x 5.875

Goal: 9 x 6.5

I had pretty bad tearing when I first went to BTC. Stupid me never even thought of Vaseline before hitting that angle. I took a couple days off and used lots of Vaseline to help it heal. But it’s your call. If you can live through the discomfort, go for it.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

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