Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Blink's Hanging 101

Warning: Hanging is an advanced PE exercise. Don’t attempt it unless you have at least completed the Newbie Routine.


Part 1: What is Hanging & Which Type of Hanging Device To Choose
Part 2: Your First Hanging Routine, Rest Days & Equipment
Part 3: Hanging Fatigue, Angles of Attack, Ligaments First
Part 4: Skin Stretching, The Wrap, Hanger Attachment, Hanging Technique
Part 5: Mini-Glossary: Hanging Related Terms & Angles
Part 6: LOT Theory: Why Use a “Debunked” Theory?

Part 1: What is Hanging & Which Type of Hanging Device To Choose

What is Hanging?
Hanging is possibly the most ancient PE technique in existence. Followers of the Indian Shaiva Naga Sadhu sect, Peruvian Cholomecs, and Karamojong African tribesmen have all used ‘hanging’ to increase penis size (or in the case of the Sadhu, to destroy all feeling in their penis). Effectively, traction is used over long periods of time to increase penis size through micro-tearing and deformation. Eventually, the penis heals in a permanent, elongated state.

Why Hang?
First and foremost, hanging has demonstrated the capacity to permanently add penis length (both erect and flaccid). Hanging is one of the oldest forms of PE and is a very well proven technique. In fact, many PE veterans believe hanging is the single best way to increase penis length. There are many stories of hangers permanently adding 2” to 3” of erect penis length. In the most spectacular story, “Bib” aka “Bigger” gained an amazing 4.5” of erect length through hanging. Many hangers (about 2/3) also gain .5” to 1.5” of erect girth (EG) at the very base of the shaft. Hanging will not add girth to the rest of your shaft, and some hangers gain no girth at all.

Above: The Bib Starter. Probably the most popular of all hanging devices, even among Bib’s various designs. Image courtesy of

With manual PE exercises, it’s sometimes hard to tell how much force you are applying to your penis. In contrast, with hanging you always know exactly how much weight you are hanging from your penis. With hanging, you can also increase the weight very slowly, in small increments (vs. other PE methods where can’t tell exactly much additional force you are using). Due to these factors, fatigue is somewhat easier to manage with hanging.

However, even with hanging, the amount of weight you need in order to reach fatigue can change daily and weekly, and even hourly. If you push yourself during one set, you may find you must greatly reduce the amount of weight you are using during your next subsequent set. You must carefully monitor yourself, and listen to your penis. A sharp pain is always bad. Other feelings can be harder to identify; this is why keeping a journal is critical. Referring back to old feelings later may help you determine what is, and what is not working with your routine. Reaching high enough levels of fatigue (without injury) to cause permanent deformation is almost more art than science.

Length First, Girth Second
If you are debating whether to hang, you should consider whether you want to gain any more length. If you gain too much girth, you may find that it’s too difficult or even impossible to make good length gains. An analogy often used is that it’s easier to stretch a thinner rubber-band. If you are incredibly thick, you’ll need more weight, or more force to stretch your tunica. Another issue is that the scarring or toughening that occurs with big girth gains, can actually prevent hanging gains, while the opposite doesn’t seem true. Hangers seem to have no problem gaining girth once they stop hanging.

Choosing a Hanging Device
So you’re an experienced PEer, and you’re ready to hang. You now need to choose a hanging device. There are two primary types of hanging devices:

Traditional Hangers: (Bib Hanger, Muzzle Hanger, Sock Hanger, Captn's Wench, etc)
There’s a long learning curve on getting the wrap and hanger attachment settings perfected. Once you optimize your settings over many months, there’s a relative level of comfort. However, this type of hanger will never be as comfortable as a Vacuum hanger. With Vacuum hangers, you’re limited to maybe somewhere around 15-20lbs of weight on the high end. In contrast, with a traditional hanger, there’s no real effective weight limit. Experienced hangers like “Dustpan” have used as much as 75lbs for short periods of time while hanging.

With traditional hanging devices you’re limited to sets of 20 minutes in length, and after each set you must take a break of 10 minutes to restore circulation (Beyond 20 minutes, there’s tissue death, and some very experienced hangers use breaks less than 10 minutes, but this is not recommended).


Bib Hanger With Weights

Vacuum Hangers: (e.g. AutoXleeve, VacExtender)
There’s a fairly short learning curve on attaching these devices, since a wrap is not an absolute requirement. However, most VAC hangers, especially those using higher weights find that they absolutely must use tape to protect their glans. 3M makes a special Micropore tape that leaves no residual; most VAC hangers use this.

You also don’t need to worry about taking breaks every 20 minutes. Many Vacuum hanging PEers find that they can maintain blood flow while hanging. This means, substantially less work is required vs. a traditional hanger. Remember, every time you attach a traditional hanger, you’ve got to get the settings right, which can be difficult at first, and still tedious even if you’re an advanced hanger. If your wrap gets loose, or is falling off, you may also be forced to re-wrap (more of an issue with traditional hangers).

Despite the great advantages of Vacuum hanging, there are still some downsides. You can’t go beyond 15lbs to 20lbs (compare that to a traditional hanger where there’s virtually no weight limit). At higher weights, the VAC hanger either causes too much pain or or the silicone sleeve tears (expensive). There are also reports that using a vacuum hanger for many years can cause a raised whitish circle on the glans. In fact, the same effect has been reported with extreme usage of VAC ADS Extenders as well. Overall, there have been numerous reports that VAC hangers can make your penis ugly. Based on anecdotal evidence, it appears this is more of a concern with heavy VAC hanger usage.

Most manufacturers give you a few disposable silicon sleeves when you first purchase a VAC hanger, but eventually they will all tear with prolonged use (or increased weight). Then, when you attempt to buy more silicon sleeves they are usually overpriced. Lots of VAC hangers have tried to make their own silicon sleeves, but often this ends up being just as expensive if not worse. Over months and years VAC hanging eventually becomes several times more expensive than traditional hanging due to the inevitable need to continue replacing the silicone sleeves.


An example VAC hanger with sleeves, anti-fluid tape, weight caps, etc.

Hanger Should Match Goals, Budget, & Preferences
When choosing a Traditional vs. Vacuum hanger, consider all the pros and cons of each device. Great gains can be obtained with either type of hanger, so that’s a moot point. In the end it’s a matter of personal preference and goals. Some hangers buy multiple devices and try them all, while others (on tight budgets) only use home-made hanging devices. In my case, I decided a Bib Starter (traditional hanger) was the best match based on my requirements, budget, and goals. I purchased my Bib Starter in 2008, and it’s still in excellent shape to this day.

Last edited by blink2000 : 09-20-2010 at .

Part 2: Your First Hanging Routine, Rest Days & Equipment

Part 2: Your First Hanging Routine, Rest Days & Equipment

Where do I start?
Some very experienced PEers find they are able to begin hanging with as much as 10lbs. However, it’s strongly recommended you only use 2.5lbs to 5lbs when first starting out, along with 3x to 4x 20 minute hanging sessions. If you’re not an experienced PEer, you shouldn’t be hanging. If you decide to hang without proper conditioning (unwise), you should start with only 2.5lbs and perhaps only 2x sets. And if you’re at a lower weight such as 2.5lbs, you should only be increasing weight in increments of .5lbs, and perhaps you should limit yourself to adding 1/2lb per week max, until you reach 5lbs. With experienced hangers, it’s safe to add up to 1lb per week, but this should still be done in 1/2lb increments too. Don’t rush too fast, give yourself time. Enjoy the gains you can experience while hanging at lower weights, since eventually you’ll need to use more and more weight to make smaller and smaller gains.

The more experienced you become, the more conditioned your penis will become. You don’t want your tunica and ligaments turning to steel overnight. The idea is to use the least weight possible while still reaching fatigue. Less is more, this is not a weightlifting competition. Don’t be ashamed of using less weight. I started at 2.5lbs, and I stayed at the lower weights as long as possible. Trust your feelings, and don’t push yourself to the point of injury. Eventually the gains will come with hanging as long as you don’t get injured. On the other hand, an injury could prematurely end your (potentially) glorious hanging career.

Your 1st Hanging Routine:
-5 to 10 minute warm-up (e.g. rice-sock)
-2.5lbs to 5lbs (Test at the lighter weight first, stop adding weight if there’s any pain)
-reduce weight if needed during subsequent sets.
-3x or 4x 20 minute hanging sets (don’t be afraid to end your set early if something feels wrong
-10 minute breaks between sets, use light jelqs, massage, or slap your penis on your leg to restore circulation. This is a good time to inspect your penis for any marks or pinches (sometimes I visually see bruises before I can feel them). Often a minor injury implies a problem with your technique (or simply too much weight). If you realize your wrap is too tight, this is also a good time to re-wrap.
-5 to 10 minute warm-down
**expect at least 2 weeks of skin stretching and hanger attachment point stress adjustment
**angles like BTC and fulcrums are very difficult to adjust to. take it SLOW if needed. an injury will only set you back
**it took me a very, very long time to get used to the deep BTC angle
**don’t try a fulcrum unless you have at least 6 months of hanging experience
**warm-ups are very important and it will help your internals stretch instead of breaking

General guidelines are:
-Always Warm up & Warm Down
-Eventually reach at least 30x sets per week (10 hours of hang time weekly)
-Light Jelqs (10-20 minutes) should always be done to restore circulation (along with BTB jelqs)
-You can keep the wrap on between sets, but slap your penis on your leg, or massage it to restore circulation
-Take rest days as needed but make sure to read the section below.

Assume 2 Hours of Available Hanging Time
Maximize your privacy time then begin adding weight. Move up in .5lb increments, adding no more than 1lb per week early on. Remember, avoid sharp pain, increase in 1/2 lb increments. Once you’re past 10lbs, 1.5lbs or 2lbs per week might be ok. Don’t add both weight & more sets in the same week. Also, split sets are important & help growth a lot. If you’re really riding the fatigue, your max weight will go down sometimes.

Sample Routine Progression:
(adjust as needed based on how you feel)

Week 01: 3x sets 2lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 02: 4x sets 2lbs Max @ 20m each (only adding sets)
Week 03: 5x sets 2lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 04: 6x sets 2lbs Max @ 20m each (privacy time maximized)
Week 05: 6x sets 3lbs Max @ 20m each (only adding weight)
Week 06: 6x sets 4lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 07: 6x sets 5lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 08: 6x sets 6lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 09: 6x sets 7lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 10: 6x sets 8lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 11: 6x sets 9lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 12: 6x sets 10lbs Max @ 20m each

Normally you will only reach your maximum weight during 1x set (maybe 2x sets). It’s ok to reduce the weight in subsequent sets if you start feeling pain. Reaching your maximum weight in the 1st or 2nd set then being forced to reduce weight in later sets is called riding the fatigue.

Critical Guidelines:
-Do Not add more than 1lb per week
-Do Not add more than 1x 20 minute set per week
-Do Not add additional sets AND hanging weight during the same week (increase one or the other, not both)
-Do Not spend more than 4 hours on one angle (due to diminishing returns)
(4 hours = 12x sets; if you hang more than 4 hours, choose a secondary angle of attack)

Ignoring these guidelines could result in an injury.

**1lb per week rule: There are substantial attachment point stresses exerted on your penis when you hang. Even if you can theoretically handle 10lbs, your penis might not be ready for the level of attachment point pressure / hanger tightness required. Even if you have a conditioned penis, you’ll still need to adapt to hanging. Give yourself time, and be patient. Most hangers gain little or nothing during their first few weeks. Consider those weeks an investment in a bigger penis. During this time of adjustment, don’t be afraid to take rest days as needed (e.g. 3 days on 1 day off, 2 days on 1 day off, whatever).

Rest Days
Once you have adapted to hanging, when and how you rest is your own prerogative. Bib advises against rest days completely (unless they are absolutely needed due to injury risk). If you’re uncomfortable with that, or if your schedule will not allow it, I recommend at least hanging one set per day, and try not to do that more than 1-2 days per week at most. Hanging at least one set will help you prevent from healing shorter & somewhat better maintain the gains you’ve already made. If you feel too sore to hang, don’t push yourself to the point of injury; err on the side of caution. Otherwise, keep hanging.

Watch your PIs, listen to your body, and do what feels right for you. By the time you’re hanging you should be an experienced with PE and have an idea of what feels right. This doesn’t change with hanging; EQ, morning wood, & other PI’s still apply the same as they did before. Try to optimize your routine and rest days to maximize your gains; figure out what works for your physiology.

Objective = Bigger, Not Stronger Penis
If you take too many rest days your maximum weight might go up too fast. It has been demonstrated many times that hangers tend to gain the most below 20lbs. You want to stay in a low weight range as long as possible. If you take too many rest days, you could end up making a shorter, stronger dick that can handle more weight. A shorter, stronger penis is counter-productive since what you really want is a longer penis (you’re hanging for length not strength).

Optional: 1x Light Set on Your Rest Day
Just one light set on your off day will make your maximum weight increase more slowly and pull out crimps in your ligaments, restoring the deformation from previous days. This will re-create micro tears, and help you continue to heal in an elongated state (instead of a shorter, stronger state). Your penis will remain weaker, and your maximum weight will remain lower, but you will be maximizing your gains from deformation. With this method, you can still take 1-2 rest days per week, but you should hang at least one light set on those days. Keeping your penis in this weakened state is a high risk activity that can deliver big rewards. That is why this is an optional, higher risk method (vs. normal rest days).

Things You'll need:
-Some kind of wrap (Theraband, cloth, HTW, What-A-Grip etc). Eventually, you may want to wash your wrap from time to time.
-Scotch Tape For Traditional Hanging (to secure your wrap)
-3M Micropore tape for VAC hanging (it leaves no residual), or use Vaseline, Lotion, or Baby Powder with Scotch Tape
-A hanging device: Bib Starter, Autoextender, AutoXleeve, Muzzle, Captain’s Wench, etc.
-Some weights. I keep 2.5lb, 5lb, and 10lb plates inside my PE toolbox. my PE toolbox is just a cheap plastic black & decker toolbox from Wal-Mart. You’ll also need at least 1x .5lb weight, and 2x 1lb weights
-A chair to sit in (I use a swivel office chair with armrests and a high back)
-Baby Powder or Talcum (if you’re using a traditional hanger, this can help with slippage, the same way it helps with manual stretches. I find it helps if it’s extremely warm & I’m sweating, etc).

-Some kind of moisturizing lotion to prevent skin from cracking. Cocoa Butter Lotion and Vitamin E Lotion are the most popular. Personally, I don’t like Vaseline because it is petroleum based (petroleum based products are known carcinogens).
*Cocoa Butter Lotion (I prefer the kind that comes in a small tub, 3” diameter and 4” tall) or
*Vitamin E Lotion (available at any health food or organic oriented store).
**Note: Never, ever let your skin crack or tear. Avoid getting the lotion on the outside of your wrap, or on the hanger; we don’t want slippage. I frequently add lotion as needed, even while hanging. I think this has helped both minimize stretch marks and allow better skin stretching and growth (without cracking or breaking my skin).

-Give yourself a pubic hair trim: first, you don’t want your pubic hair to get caught in the hanger. If you have full length pubic hairs, they can easily get pulled by the hanger or the wrap, causing false-positives on pain—something that could interfere with your fatigue monitoring. It’s best to give your pubic hair a close cut instead of shaving. If you shave, there’s a chance you could get an ingrown hair or an infection. An infection could interfere with hanging or even force you to take some time off. Personally, I shave, but I only do it once every few months to avoid infection (Bib advised me to trim the hair instead). See Pubic Hair Grooming for more advice.

I created my 1x .5lb, and 2x 1lb weights with the following ingredients:
-A wire hanger (to provide a loop)
-Fishing weights (I used cheap lead ones from Wal-Mart)
-Duct tape (so the lead fishing weights never make skin contact)

.5lb and 1lb with Fishing Weights:
To create this weight bend the wire hanger into a loop. You may need pliers to bend and break the wire hanger, or a wire cutter to make the wire hanger an appropriate length. Feed the fishing weights onto the loop. Now, bend your loop into a nice oval type shape, and make sure the two wire ends are near each other, towards the bottom. Now just wrap the bottom half of the wire with duct tape, leaving at least a half-oval on top exposed, while completely covering the lead. Wrap it a number of times, and you should have a very safe device with no sharp edges, just a fully rounded little weight, with a wire loop exposed so you can quickly attach it or remove it.

Optional: PVC Half-Pipe
I cut a 4” black PVC Pipe in half, then used black duct taped on each end (so it won’t scratch me). I also cut it to be about 2” - 3” wider than the front of my chair on each side. I then used rope to tie the PVC half-pipe to the front of my chair. This provides the ideal surface for my hanger skids so they don’t get caught on an edge. I also have SO, SD, UTL and BTC angles built right into my chair.

Keep in mind, your penis has to adapt to attachment point stresses, and these are completely different from normal PE. If you’re using a traditional hanger, these stresses should be on the left and right sides of your penis (on the erectile chambers). If you’re using a vacuum hanger, the force is better distributed around your glans and your shaft. However, your skin and glans will take a beating at first. Expect blisters, fluid buildup, and similar issues until your penile tissues are conditioned to handle these new stresses.


An example 4 inch PVC Half-Pipe, attached to an executive chair by rope.

Part 3: Hanging Fatigue, Angles of Attack, Ligaments First

Part 3: Hanging Fatigue, Angles of Attack, Ligaments First

How Do I make Gains?
Consistent, well managed daily fatigue is an absolute necessity to make substantial gains. Some PEers have made hanging gains despite poorly managed, sporadic routines. If nothing else, this is evidence that hanging is very effective. Unfortunately, these same people have truly sold themselves short, and they have definitely failed to maximize their potential gains.

Fatigue = Deformation
In order to make great hanging gains, consistent fatigue is required to create permanent deformation that will result in a longer penis. Effectively, you’re creating micro tears and stretching your penis apart on a microscopic level. As your body heals and repairs your tissues, including your tunica, ligaments, etc, you begin to heal in a ‘longer state’.

Scar tissue or the collagen your body uses to repair your tissues has a tendency to retract and pull in. This is why you’ve got to hang every day if possible (even if you can only get a single light set). Otherwise, you might not maximize your gains, and your penis will heal shorter. As mentioned above, Bib suggests 1-2 very light days a week instead of rest days. Do what feels right to you; an injury will set you back farther than a missed day of hanging. Never taking full rest days is an optional high risk activity (as mentioned above).

It’s critical you don’t try to grow too fast while hanging. Your urethra, nerves, and some of the other internal structures are too sensitive to stretch too far in just a day. Doing too much, too fast, will result in an injury or “macro tear”. You only want to create “micro tears” with your hanging routine. As a side note, skin and blood vessels have no problem stretching along with your ligaments and tunica. Skin is probably the easiest part of your penis to grow, and some hangers have stretched their skin to such an extent that they have effectively “re-grown” their foreskin (it’s not really a foreskin; it’s just extended shaft skin).

Traction over Time = Deformation & Creep
An extender uses the same concept, but utilizes less weight over more time. On that measure, extenders can be safer than hangers. Unfortunately, most extenders can’t generate more than about 5lbs of force, while with a vacuum hanger, you can generate 3x to 5x that force, and with a traditional hanger, there’s no effective limit. Also, you only need to hang about 10 hours per week to experience significant gains. With an extender, you’ll need to be wearing it at least 4 hours a day to make major gains. Once again, it’s the same concept; traction over time, leads to gains. Some hangers, like “Bib” aka “Bigger” have taken things to an extreme level, using a hanger for as much as six to eight hours per day. Diminishing returns make this unnecessary; you can still make substantial hanging gains with a small fraction of this time commitment.

Shotgun Approach: BAD.
A “Shotgun Approach” means you didn’t pick an angle of attack and you’re randomly choosing different angles each time you hang. This method will never give you the ultimate deformation you need to make substantial length gains, and at worst, you might even lose length.

Choose a Primary & Secondary Angle of Attack:
All hangers should begin by targeting their suspensory ligaments. There are two reasons for this:
1-the ligaments are more susceptible to deformation than the Tunica (easier gains)
2-the Tunica gains cannot be successfully maximized until the ligaments are fully deformed.
In order to target your ligaments, use any low angle such as BTC, SD. One you have maximized ligament deformation and you are ready to target your Tunica, you may need to change your angle or start using fulcrums to continue making gains. The RSDT is an excellent example of a powerful fulcrum that can create fatigue all the way down your shaft.

Always Start with BTC (Even with LOT of 6-7)
Even if your LOT is 6 O’clock to 7 O’clock (your penis naturally points straight down), you need to start with the BTC angle. Make sure you spend at least a month (maybe more) maximizing your gains at this angle. You can then move to OTS (over the shoulder) or SU (straight up) angles. Once you’re ready for advanced hanging (6 months to a year, maybe more) you can move to Tunica work (e.g. RSDT).

If your LOT is 8-9, you still start with BTC
If your LOT is 9 O’clock to 8 O’clock (your penis naturally exits the body almost straight out, or straight out), you need to hang SD or BTC until your LOT is 6 or 7. Ideally, you should get your LOT to 6. If you still don’t have 6 months to a year of hanging experience by the time your LOT is 6, you should swap to OTS or SU angles. Once you’re past 6 months to one year (or once you feel ready) you can move to fulcrums such as the RSDT (Rice Sock Duct Tape Fulcrum). The RSDT is a more gentle fulcrum, so it is a good one to start with.

Maximize Ligaments Before Targeting Tunica
Starting out, everyone should fully maximize suspensory ligament stretch gains (BTC & SD). Once you’ve maximized your suspensory ligament gains you can move to higher angles such as SU & OTS. Eventually, once you feel ready, or once you start to plateau with standard hanging angles (SD, SU, OTS, BTC, SD, UTL, OTL, etc), you will be ready to start using fulcrums, such as the RSDT.

Each time you change angles, remember to do maintenance hanging at your previous angle until those respective previous target tissues are cemented & heal in a permanent, elongated state. Once you reach your ultimate length goals, be sure to do some maintenance hanging to maintain your hanging gains while work on your girth gains.

Notes on Hanging OTS / UTL
Note: To hang OTS put a plastic half gallon milk jug, towel or something else on your shoulder to protect it. This will prevent the nylon strap or rope from your hanging weight from cutting into your shoulder. When you hang angles such as OTS or ULT (Under the Leg) make sure to alternate sets evenly (1x set left, 1x set right). If you have to end on an odd number of sets, pick a similar angle in the middle (e.g. switch from OTS to SU or from UTL to SD / BTC for your final odd numbered set).

Part 4: Skin Stretching, The Wrap, Hanger Attachment, Hanging Technique

Part 4: Skin Stretching, The Wrap, Hanger Attachment, Hanging Technique

Skin Stretching
With hanging in generally, especially BTC, you’re going to experience some severe skin stretching at first. This feels like a mild burning sensation (I’m not sure how else to describe it). Once you’re done stretching skin, and you’re pulling on your internals, you’ll notice things feels different. Your maximum weight might suddenly go up or down (because you’re tugging on different structures once skin tightness is no longer obstructing things ).

You should always hang at your primary angle of attack unless:
1-You’re too sore to hang at all otherwise. If 2.5lbs or some small amount of weight is too much, then you’ll have to change angles. If that still causes pain, you’ll have to stop hanging (take a rest day, etc)
2-you’re doing over 12x sets or 4 hours at a single angle. You’re 13th set should be at a different angle. Anecdotal data suggest massive diminishing returns past 4 hours at one angle.
3-You’ve maximized gains at that angle (you go a month or two with no gains at the angle), and you’re switching to a new angle.

In these cases, switch to your secondary angle. (once again, your secondary angle can be anything, just pick one and stick to it).

The Wrap (Traditional Hangers, e.g. Bib, Muzzle, etc):
For a long time I used Theraband over an HTW; Hair Tie Wrap (an HTW is just a scunci cut in half). I have recently replaced the HTW under-wrap with a What-A-Grip (I still use Theraband on top). Some use a cloth strip underneath with Theraband on top (anything made of cotton, like a T-shirt will suffice). Some guys use nothing but Theraband. Experiment and find out what is most comfortable for you. You don’t want to wrap too lose, or it will just fall off. If you wrap too tight, you’ll constrict circulation. Getting the wrap just right may take a while.

The wrap should start a full 1.25” behind your coronal ridge; that’s about .25” behind your circumcision scar (if you’re cut). Generally, I make 1-2 extra passes, or at least make sure the wrap is a little thicker towards the start. This helps prevent hanger slippage, and I don’t have to tighten the wing-nut quite as much to get things stable. Use a little bit of scotch tape after you make the final pass with your wrap. This should hold things in place well enough to get your hanger on and off without causing the wrap to fall off or become loose and slide.


The Wrap: Vacuum Hangers
Most VAC hangers use 3M Micropore tape because it leaves no residual adhesive. You can use as much tape as needed to be comfortable. Some VAC hangers only tape the tip of the urethra. If you don’t have 3M Micropore tape, you can use Vaseline, lotion, or Baby Powder on the tip of your glans, and then put a little tape across the tip of your penis. The lotion is just so you can get the tape off without losing skin. All the methods below work best with 3M Micropore tape.

Protect the Urethra Opening
One method is to use two pieces of tape parallel to the urethra opening, with another piece of tape across the opening. The extra tape across the opening can then be pulled open to allow urination during breaks. Another method is to use tape in the shape of a plus sign over the urethra.

Protect the Glans
Tape can also be added around the circumference of the glans with a tight pass over the frenulum. A pass of wider tape is then spiraled up the shaft, starting 1/4 up from the base (with excess skin pulled back 1.5” to prevent turkey-neck).

Even More Tape?
Some guys completely cover their penis with tape before VAC hanging. This can be done based on personal preference, but is not necessary. There are also many other taping methods, more extensive than the ones above. If none of the above methods seem to be working, you can experiment and find what works best for you.

Attaching the Hanger: (Traditional Hanger)
Now that you’re wrapped, you’re ready to attach your hanger.

You can adjust the wing nuts on the bottom of a bib hanger to make it wider or narrower. You can also adjust the hanger so that the front or back is wider than the other. These are called “toe-in” / \ or “toe-out” \ / settings. Bib suggests slight “toe-in” settings, so that the hanger is narrower towards the front of your unit. Be careful with “Toe-In” if your hanger is loose, since this can create a noose effect on your glans, effectively cutting off circulation (bad).

Your unit should lay down straight in the shaft. You shouldn’t twist. More than a 45 degree angle is bad, and too much twisting can damage your urethra (among other things). Make sure your shaft is pushed down towards the bottom of the hanger. Don’t jam it right against the bottom; this can cause a bruise (I’ve done it myself). But make sure your shaft is towards the bottom. The top screw should have clearance so that no pressure is on your dorsal nerve (this sensitive nerve runs across the top of your penis). There is an especially sensitive bundle of nerves right behind the coronal ridge of the glans, on top of your shaft. If enough damage is done to this nerve bundle, you won’t be able to achieve an erection any longer.

If your penis has a curve, a natural bend, or otherwise naturally resists laying straight, you’re in for a challenge. It took months, but I found that eventually hanging somewhat straightened out my penis, eventually making it easier to get my hanger settings right.

Set the hanger wing nut width so that when the hanger is tight the teeth nearly mesh. We don’t want the teeth to completely mesh since you’ll need to progressively tighten the hanger during your set to prevent slippage. If the teeth at the top of the hanger completely mesh, then you might find halfway through a set that your hanger is slipping and it’s impossible to make it tighter. Depending on your girth and comfort needs you’ll have to find a balance between the thickness of your wrap and the width of the hanger.

Is everything in place? Do a pulse-push and make sure the hanger isn’t slipping. Sometimes I’ve found that new Theraband, wing nut adjustments, or re-wrapping can prevent slippage.

At first it’s going to take some patience to get used to the hanger, the wrap & all the wing nut settings as well as the challenge of getting your penis not to twist in the hanger. This is why traditional hangers have a long learning curve.

Squeeze The Blood Out of Your Glans
Before you tighten the hanger, push the blood out of your glans. Personally, I temporarily point my glans straight up, I find it’s easier to squeeze out the blood this way. If there’s any tension in your hanger, you might find that you must loosen the hanger before you can squeeze the blood out. If you don’t squeeze the blood out of your glans, you may find hanging extremely uncomfortable. Consistently forgetting to do this can eventually result in major discoloration or even an injury.

Cold or Blue Glans:
You don’t want your glans to get too cold when hanging. This implies you’ve cut off your circulation. If your glans are cold and bluish, this is also bad news. It is possible you need to improve your wrapping or hanging technique.

Ride the Fatigue
It is best to reach a state of fatigue early, usually by the end of the first or second set. You’ll know when you reach fatigue, because you’ll feel compelled to lower the weight to continue. Then, subsequent sets can be done with lower weight. Focus on going by feel. Watch your PIs, monitor yourself, and react accordingly.

Sharp pain is always bad. A burning, but mild pain is probably just skin stretch. Learn to identify how the different types of pain feel to you, keep a journal/log and write your feelings. This will be important later on when you’re trying to determine what level of fatigue brought the most gains. You may discover many important things about your own physiology by doing this.

If you find you’re able to increase weight in following sets, then you definitely did not reach fatigue. Remember, that fatigue is what will lead to the micro tears and deformation, which you need to grow a longer penis. You absolutely must find a way to reach fatigue every hanging session. This is a delicate balance, because you must also not push yourself to the point of injury. If you feel the weight is too much, simply reduce the weight to keep hanging. If you find your primary angle of attack is too painful to continue at any weight, don’t forget, you chose a secondary angle. You can hang at your secondary angle until your internals heal enough to handle your primary angle again. If you find you’re in pain no matter what, stop hanging. You might be close to an injury. Take some time off, heal, and then return to hanging when you feel better.

Split Sets / Avoiding Turtling / Healing in an Elongated State:
After a very intense hanging session, you’ll probably turtle. Your penis sometimes just won’t be able to resist the urge to curl up to your fat pad and heal in a shorter state. This is normal and no reason for alarm unless your penis tries to severely turtle for more than 20-30 minutes. The simplest solution is a traction wrap (just a wrap with no added weight). A traction wrap may also help protect your penis If you find the skin on your glans or shaft is really sensitive after a workout.

Bib recommends split sets to avoid turtling. In fact, a lot of this guide is just based on things Bib recommends. Doing one set before you go to bed often helps maximize your gains (assuming you did the rest of your sets earlier in the day). Personally, I have trouble doing this, so I may be adding an ADS like golf swing weights during the day for a few hours to prevent myself from turtling (this would have the same effect as doing another hanging set at night—at least that’s the intent). The idea here is that avoiding turtling can help you maximize gains, by helping you heal in a more elongated state. As Big Girtha says, “Never Let it Turtle”

Overall, this is the hardest part of any PE routine. Ideally, you should hang daily unless you’re injured, or close to injury and you need a break (or unless you’re on a rest day). If you’re not going to be able to hang for an extended period of time (e.g. traveling for work, or taking a long vacation), then you’ll need to use an ADS / Extender, or do some kind of PE maintenance routine, such as jelqs, manual stretches, etc. If possible, avoid letting your hard work go to waste. Maintenance is much easier than recreating lost gains.

Cementing Gains / Maintenance:
Keeping your gains is just as important as achieving them in the first place. I learned this the hard way; I lost a full .75” of gains by going “cold turkey” (no maintenance routine) after I started PEing. The idea here is that you can do smaller and smaller workouts, slowly tapering things off, after you reach your ultimate goals. Don’t suddenly stop when you reach your goals. And remember, cementing 100% of your gains could take as much as 1.5 years. It is possible you could cement 70% of your gains in 1 year, or some other % of your gains in less time, but why throw away your hard work? You don’t necessarily have to keep hanging after you reach your hanging goals. You might find other routines can help you maintain your length. Bib experienced losses a few times when he was cementing gains, so he went back to hanging, regained his losses, then went back to cementing gains / maintenance again.

Hanging Erect (BAD)
Hanging is not girth work, so you should never be erect. Hanging erect is girth work—if you want girth, I suggest a normal girth routine, not hanging erect. If you find your penis trying to become erect when you start to hang, you’ll have to teach your penis the difference between work and play. Hanging is work. Hanging is intense. You don’t want the added intensity of an erection, or you’ll likely give yourself an injury. I’ve seen guys again & again ask if it’s ok to hang erect, or they will claim they invented a new special routine (which is just erect hanging). Hanging erect is a high risk, waste of time. If you want more intensity, add more weight. That’s all the intensity you need.

Hanging + Advanced Girth Routines (BAD)
Another no-no. Don’t ever try to mix hanging with any type of advanced girth routine (e.g. hanging + clamping = no). This creates an extremely high injury risk. If you’re hanging correctly, you’re giving your penis more than enough fatigue, in fact you’re already pushing yourself to the limit. Only light jelqs, light BTB jelqs, and kegels should be included with your hanging routine. Adding more will very likely push you past the limit and lead to an injury. A severe enough injury could break your penis, and then you’ve thrown away all your hard work. Don’t do it.

Hanging + Other Length Routines (BAD)
Don’t do it. Hanging alone is intense enough.

Some veteran hangers add a light ADS to prevent turtling, but split sets are more effective anyway, so I would just advise split sets instead. Today I saw an injury from a guy trying to combine extender use with hanging. Due to this & other experiments, I can’t advise anyone to ever try combining hanging with anything else. I have also tried adding edging or other ‘light’ work to my routine, and it backfires every time.

In the end what you do is your choice. However, Bib managed to achieve 4.5” of BPEL gains with just hanging, and many guys have gained 2” to 3” BPEL with just hanging. I hope to achieve similar gains one day myself. Personally, I wont be combining hanging with anything else.

Part 5: Mini-Glossary: Hanging Related Terms & Angles

Part 5: Mini-Glossary: Hanging Related Terms & Angles

Tunica - tendon-like tissue that covers the corpus chambers within the penis; the most difficult part of the penis to deform
Suspensory Ligaments - can be deformed by hanging to make the flaccid penis hang lower; easier to deform than the Tunica.
Glans - the head of your penis, squeeze the blood out of it before you tighten the hanger
Dorsal Nerve - runs along the top of your penis, sensitive. avoid putting pressure on it.
Coronal ridge - the edge of the glans. your wrap starts 1.25” behind this point
Circumcision Scar - your wrap usually starts about 1/4” behind this point
Septum - division between the 2x major erectile chambers in the penis
Collagen - the main component of connective tissue
Fatigue - you’ve reached it when you feel the need to lower the weight in subsequent sets
Ride the Fatigue - you reached fatigue in set 1 or 2, and now you feel compelled to lower the weight in each set
PI's - physiological indicators. How to tell if your PE routine is working (morning wood, EQ, gains, etc)
Micro Tears - (good) fatigue at the microscopic level that is best described as a very mild, short term soreness
Macro Tears - (bad) may manifest as an injury, can result in broken blood vessels, loss of feeling, and/or permanent damage
BTB Jelqing - “behind the balls” jelqing. a very deep jelq that nearly reaches the inner penis; good to restore circulation
Light Jelqing - should always be done lightly after hanging for 10-20 minutes to restore circulation
Pulse Push - final check that hanger is secure before attaching weight
Traction - the condition of being drawn or pulled
Skin Stretch - a very dull pain that may feel like a very mild burning sensation
Mild Nerve Damage - a strange tingly feeling. a somewhat rare consequence of fatigue
Severe Nerve Damage - a permanent loss of feeling, generally associated with a macro tear, or injury
SS - sweat shirt, a shirt cut 1.25” to 2” wide; often used as part of a wrap
Theraband - grey rubber, usually cut 1.25” to 2” wide, an ideal wrapping material to prevent hanger slippage
HTW - Hair Tie Wrap, a “scunci”, model 17906-A, cut and rolled on like a condom (thin, flexible, cloth)
What-A-Grip - thin rubber tennis Racket grip, perfect for under-wrap (replaces HTW) or a traction wrap
WFG - wrapped flaccid girth. increase this and widen the hanger wing nuts if you’re twisting
Shotgun Approach - (bad) no clearly defined target tissues, trying to many different things, & not reaching or riding fatigue
Primary Angle - maximize Ligament gains with BTC or SD first, then move to Tunica
Secondary Angle - only use this if you are near injury or hanging over 4 hours per day (12x 20m sets)
RSDT - Rice Sock Duct Tape Fulcrum. Don’t attempt fulcrums until you’ve been hanging at least 6 months to 1 year straight.
BTC - Between The Cheeks; a difficult angle to adapt to, but usually the best angle to improve flaccid hang
OTL - Over The Leg
OTS - Over The Shoulder
SD - Straight-Down
SO - Straight-Out
SU - Straight-Up
UTL - Under The Leg
LOT Theory - Bib’s theory that attempts to predict your potential for ligament stretch gains

Part 6: LOT Theory: Why Use a "Debunked" Theory?

Part 6: LOT Theory: Why Use a “Debunked” Theory?
LOT theory was debunked to some extent in terms of predicting suspensory ligament stretch gains, however, I am not using it in that context. Perhaps I should just use a different theory; however I guess it was easier to work in the context of something that was already created.

The Whole Point
I’m just using LOT Theory as a way to determine the angle at which your penis exits your pelvis.

9 O’Clock - Your penis exits completely straight out
8 O’Clock - Your penis exits slightly down
7 O’Clock - Your penis exits at a downward angle
6 O’Clock - Your penis exits completely straight down

You can probably figure this out by looking in a mirror. However, if you’re not sure, reading LOT theory & using the MIrror & Palpitation Tests (available on Bib’s forum) will help you figure out where your LOT is to begin with. While hanging over the months (and possibly years) to come, you’ll be slowly changing your LOT angle.

Since you will be spending months, or possibly even years hanging, you should probably make sure you know how to track your progress in terms of maximizing your suspensory ligament gains.

Become a Hanging Expert
The more you know about hanging, the more likely you are to achieve great length gains and the less likely you are to incur an injury. Be sure to study all the hanging and penis anatomy related threads here at Thunders. If you still want more information, Bib’s forum has a wealth of information regarding the BibHanger and hanging, that you might not find elsewhere. I also wrote an article there (see “Helpful Hanging Links” below). Keep in mind, the more you know about the anatomy of your penis, the more like you will understand the forces you’re apply vs. the various internal structures of your penis. Being an expert on your own anatomy can help you prevent injuries and perhaps even make more gains. Remember, this is just hanging 101, this should be where your study of hanging begins, not ends!

Important Hanging Threads

General Hanging
lil12big1’s Hanging 101
PE Hanging FAQ
More proof that long periods of hanging may be beneficial?
More Weight VS More Sets

Bib Hanger
Bib Hanger Product Guide
Blink2000’s Hanging Guide
Bib’s Wrapping Drawings Thread
lil12big’s Wrapping Video
Bib Hanger Feedback Thread
SS4 Jelq: How to Remove Skin Soreness While Hanging
Bib Hanger Toe-In and Toe-Out Settings

Vacuum Hanging
dlm4’s Vacuum Hanging Thread
Monkeybar’s AutoXLeeve (Vacu-hanger, ADS)
Monkeybar’s VacExtender (hang up to 5lbs)

Homemade Hanging Devices
Homemade Hanger Instructions
Tom Hubbard’s AFB Hanger
Tom Hubbard’s Heavy weights
The Chicken Choker Hanger
The Captain’s Wench (ADS, Hanger)
The Captain’s Wench Alternative Supplies

Other Helpful Links:
HTW: It’s a Wrap
Eroset’s Vein Oil - for thrombosis and more
Penile Anatomy
Firegoat Roll: Discoloration Prevention, Control, and Removal
Ultimate Pubic Hair Grooming Routine

A moderator will probably need to fix or change my images for me. It appears I can’t put images in-line with the guide.

Helpful Theories
Here are two theories I think every hanger should be familiar with as well:
Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!
Tissue Growth Clues (TGC) Theory

Why I called this Hanging 101
I called this hanging 101 because it covers most of the basic principles of hanging. I don’t claim any secret knowledge or fantastic gains. I am just a regular guy who studied here at thunders & other forums. This is an amalgamation of many ideas into one straight-forward guide.

Obviously I do like Bib’s (aka Bigger) theories; he has been helping me with my hanging since 2008, so I have learned a great deal from him (and you’ll clearly see his influence in this guide). I have been influenced by many others as well, there are too many to name. This knowledge that I do have was freely given to me, so I am freely giving it back to newer guys who are trying to make sense of things & put this all together. I wish you all great success with your hanging efforts.


Last edited by blink2000 : 09-20-2010 at .

Very good and thorough guide… Excellent contribution to the community.

I’m still reading, but I have a question. Why is warm down important? I thought warm up is required for easier tissue deformation, so wouldn’t tissue “come back together” easier if we applied heat after the workout?

Thank you UpTo7 :)

I find the warm-down & 10-20 minutes of light jelqs (after my hanging session) to be very helpful in restoring blood flow. Inducing an erection before my warm down (with a rice sock) does also seem to further restore the blood flow to my penis as well.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Very good and thorough guide… Excellent contribution to the community.

I’m still reading, but I have a question. Why is warm down important? I thought warm up is required for easier tissue deformation, so wouldn’t tissue “come back together” easier if we applied heat after the workout?

Cooldown vs Warmdown
You can swap to a cool down if that’s what you prefer. I see the logic in what you’re saying & others have said similar things, if not here on Thunders, then elsewhere. I researched cooldowns in the past—you can find my conclusions towards the end of this post: Blink2000’s Hanging Guide. Look for this text “Q:Should a Cooldown or Ice be used with PE workouts and how long should you cooldown if you do one? “. As long as your blood-flow is restored, I am not sure whether it will matter whether your end with a warmdown or cooldown.

Stamina: Edging
As a sidenote about blood-flow, some also suggest edging can further help with hanging gains (e.g. translate BPFSL gains to BPEL gains slowly over time). Regardless, edging is good for stamina; it seems to help maintain the pelvic floor muscles & keep things working down below. I have been trying to occasionally incorporate some edging into my routine lately for these same reasons (just a couple times a week). I actually know a few guys who claim gains of up to 1” length & .5” girth from nothing but edging (this was before they knew PE existed).

For the most part of my PE career I warmed up and down religiously, in the beginning usually 10-20 minutes, but later I found 5-10 minutes was enough. Then I stumbled upon a discussion where it was concluded that letting penis warm down to room temperature without any aid was perfectly fine after a workout. Since then (last 2-3 months) I just warm up.

I read a lot about cool down but I’m not a huge fan of applying cold to my penis.

However, I do jelq between sets to restore blood flow (even though I don’t use type of hanger that restricts blood flow) just to be safe. I also lightly pump after a session for 5-15 minutes because it helps with flaccid hang for several hours.

Early on, if I didn’t warmdown my penis would shrink to tiny proportions. I believe turtling is very counterproductive, and I found a warm-down prevented it. If I could use cold without shrinking at all, I would consider changing my approach.

Either approach has merit (warm-down vs cooldown). I’m not sure whether one or the other will have a substantial impact on long term gains. I am not sure anyone has studied that in depth. It seems the most critical point is really the warmup.

Amazing thread, I did two hanging sets when i red it. A lot of usefull info not only for newbies ;)

Great work @blink2000

-======Goal BPEL 9.5x6======-

Thank you 7incher! I appreciate the positive feedback.

More on stamina and hanging…

I have never seen anyone talk about stamina exercises (like edging or towel raises) in in conjunction with hanging before (I have only heard kegels mentioned; that’s it). I’ll do my best to explain my perspective on this as well as my reasoning on the subject.

Edging: Only for Experienced Hangers
I think adapting to attachment point stresses and extreme skin stretching are more than enough trouble for someone who just started hanging. Adding edging to the equation is simply too much early on. If you just started hanging I think only kegels should be included in a routine for the first few months while you adjust to hanging.

Edging = Extreme Soreness for Me
Whenever I attempt to do edging after hanging I always get extremely sore. Keep in mind I am currently doing 7x hanging sets per day. I have found that even sex with my wife makes me really sore after hanging (it is possible I just have an extremely sensitive penis). A major motivator with PE is that increased length and girth will give my wife more pleasure—so I think having to avoid sex seems counter-productive.

Anyway, at least to me edging with hanging does make sense (but you would need to start with very light or moderate sessions and slowly increase the duration, otherwise, it may be too much for your penis to handle). As I mentioned above, its easy to get extreme soreness with edging and hanging.

Hangers Neglecting Stamina Exercises
I think hangers often neglect stamina; I think that’s partly why we see guys an extreme disparity between BPEL and BPFSL numbers (and very low EQ too!). I think kegels, towel raises, edging or any stamina exercises could potentially help with closing this gap. Kegels help with the pelvic floor muscles, but something must also be done to help with blood flow to the penis (vascular health is important too). I think both edging and towel raises can help with this to some extent (in addition to the pelvic floor muscle conditioning these exercises provide).

Pelvic Floor Muscle Conditioning: Frequency
Stamina exercises including edging, kegels, and towel raises will reduce EQ if done daily. The PC, BC and other associated muscle tissues down there need rest from time to time. Stamina exercises every other day may be enough for hangers (1 day on, 1 day off). These muscles are somewhat comparable to skeletal muscle; at least in the sense that they do need rest and they can definitely become overworked.

Edging Frequency
The first time I tried edging after hanging, I had just completed 6x 20 minute hanging sets in a row. I put in a full 20 minute edging session and I was so sore I couldn’t hang the next day. As far as edging goes, I think twice a week starting with 5-10 minute sessions might be more than enough. If you decide to add edging to your routine, you’ll have to experiment and see what works for you. If you’re new to hanging, wait a few months before you try to add edging.

Very well spoken blink I may try hanging soon. I am just four months into it?

Thanks Marshall.

It seems you were asking whether 4 months of PE experience is enough to start hanging? My answer to that is: yes.

4 months of previous PE experience is more than enough conditioning to start hanging safely. In fact, I think just completing the 2 month newbie routine is enough. However, in the case that someone only has 2 months of previous PE experience, I think some extra caution should be taken (to avoid injury). Regardless of previous PE experience, the attachment point stresses will likely be something completely new (especially with the Bib hanger).

Vacuum hanging might be an exception; someone with at least a few months of VAC extender experience might find a transition to hanging to be relatively simple (more stress, but more of the same types of stress).

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