Thunder's Place

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Giving up on hanging for now

Giving up on hanging for now

Well I tried hanging for about 4 weeks, now I know that’s not long enough at all to judge its overall effectiveness but heres how my situation is:

I gained almost .75” over 3 months with manual stretching and jelqs.
I was in a period of rapid gain in both BPEL and BPFSL before I began hanging.
Once I started hanging all progress stopped.
I wasn’t even getting any extension to my BPFSL after hanging as I was after a stretch session.

I know that hanging is probably a good method for getting length, but for some reason or another I just wasn’t feeling like I was getting any stretch. I had no fatigue ever, I didn’t feel like I was really pulling on my ligs and tunica the same way that the stretches were, and I wasn’t getting any increase whether temporary or not. My conclusion is that there is something wrong in my technique, although I can’t imagine what it could be. Right now I will probably stop hanging and do manual stretches until I can break the 8” barrier. I was so close before I started that I was sure I’d break it within a few weeks, but once I started hanging I hit a wall. As of now I think I will postpone hanging until probably Christmas time, and even then I might start focusing on girth if I have surpassed my goal of 8”.

I hate the fact that I’m quitting, I’m by nature not a person who can quit something easily. I keep telling myself to keep with it, but it’s really hard when you know you can and were gaining easily but now it has stopped because of something you’re doing. Last night I did a normal manual stretch session and I was feeling the same good stretch that I was before I decided to hang. I will spend these next few months figuring out my mistakes so I can hopefully get back to hanging.

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG


Don’t feel bad bro do what works for you and milk it for all it’s worth.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I think a lot of the senior hanger’s have said that the first month or two is more about conditioning your penis to hanging instead of getting gains. I don’t know if you could safely get to a weight that most consider would cause gains in only 4 weeks. But everybody’s different.

Classic example of not needing to change something that appears to be working. Good Luck, hyyprr. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


Originally Posted by Alice Hooper
Classic example of not needing to change something that appears to be working. Good Luck, hyyprr. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


Yea you’re completely right, I thought about this but I just assumed if I was getting gains from stretching hanging could only increase that. I was wrong.

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG

I got some awesome gains by manual stretches and jelqing, however I too have just started hanging, but its too soon to measure again. I may continue to do manual stretches and I still jelq, I gained .75 inches in two months hyyprr, and that was due to a very simple routine:

5 minute warmup
25 minute manual stretching
25 minute jelqing
5 minute warm down

2 days on,1 day off

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

I didn’t start hanging till I stopped gaining through stretching and jelqing. Did this for a year and stopped gaining for 3 months. I hope I can start gaining again soon.

What’s up hyyprr??

I noticed that you didn’t mention how much weight you were hanging with. IMO alot of people do not hang with enough weight. It sounds like your unit is conditioned to hang a very decent weight. Why don’t you try hanging with 15-20lbs, then add more weight til you feel the lig stretch. I used to not feel much from hanging til I read about a guy that gained 2.5 inches from hanging ONLY 20 min a day!!!!!!!!! and some jelqing. He tried more weight with less time. I am trying it now and have already gained 1/8”

Hanging is GREAT because my hands do not ach anymore, and you can do things around the house while getting bigger. I wouldn’t give up on it just yet.

Originally Posted by kkevinj

Hanging is GREAT because my hands do not ach anymore, and you can do things around the house while getting bigger. I wouldn’t give up on it just yet.

Hey Kevin

How do you hang to be able to do things round the house? I’m just starting with my wench and condition with 1.2kgs and I can walk around my room but I’m like an ape! Mind you, I am uncut so I have to be careful my unit doesn’t slide off.

1st Jun 07: EL: 6.0 inches. BPEL: 6.5 inches

1st Aug 08: 7" with the V-pump!

7"would be heaven, 8"would be great, 9" would be damn fine!

I walk like an ape… or like Fred Sanford hahahahaha

BTW I tried hanging before and it never got me anywhere. I used a shoe string and a wristband. VERY uncomfortable!!!!!!!!!!! I could only make it to 20lbs for a few min. I made a homemade bib and that made ALL the difference in the world. I cut a piece of soft blanket and cut some ace bandage. I got to noticing that the guys who were making progress with hanging were hanging alot of weight, but I used to couldn’t because of the pain. I am all excited now that I can hang 25lbs. I am gonna try to make it to 30lbs soon. The problem I had with hanging was the time it took, then I read that post about more weight with only 1 set, IT WORKS. When I pull on him, I can feel the same lig soreness that I use to feel with manual strecthing.

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

I have heard about this hardcore hanging. But will it not just make your penis tougher and more strengthened not necessarily longer? At least that’s what I’ve heard. Most say to use the smallest amount of weight possible that you can feel fatigue at.

Originally Posted by jetsetter439
I have heard about this hardcore hanging. But will it not just make your penis tougher and more strengthened not necessarily longer? At least that’s what I’ve heard. Most say to use the smallest amount of weight possible that you can feel fatigue at.

The truth is PE is not a science and we really don’t know how each person will respond. There are a lot of theories about. I just think I’ll try one thing, using small weights slowly building it up when needed and if I don’t gain I’ll either change angle or try another method. If one thing doesn’t work, try another!

Originally Posted by jm
I think a lot of the senior hanger’s have said that the first month or two is more about conditioning your penis to hanging instead of getting gains. I don’t know if you could safely get to a weight that most consider would cause gains in only 4 weeks. But everybody’s different.

Exactly. Also EQ will go down when you first start hanging, your penis is going through a shock/fatigue phase.

2009: 5.8 BPEL 5.0 EG Before hanging.

2011: 7.7 BPEL 5.4 EG Hanging 1 to 2 hours a day with Bib starter (padded).

Goal : Length goal hit, cementing now. working on 6.0 EG now.

Most studies into ligament elongation advocate the use of heat, time and low force. The higher the heat (within reason) and by heat I mean deep tissue heat, the greater the elongation, without the detrimental effects of extreme forces (trauma/scarring/toughening)

IR light, or ultrasound (currently untested and perhaps very dangerous) are the only two methods I can envisage penetrating the thermal conductivity of our epidermis/dermis/subcutaneous tissues.

You can forge cold steel, but the force required to do so is significantly increased.

It scares me when I hear 15-20lb mentioned, it’s possible that by using so much weight, you’re creating scar tissue which will limit your total life-time gains in PE. For me that’s a pretty worrying concept :)

End of first month for me.EQ was so low I couldn’t perform.I took 3 days off, and I’m back in business. If this happens to any of you other newbie’s, try not to worry like I did.

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