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Hanging 101

This is some serious effort in giving.

Firstly as a hanger, who spends a good 100 minutes of the day in a hanger, I must say this is very valuable information, and anyone starting should print this out and stick it on their wall.

I’m still learning after hanging for 4 months.

Good work my friend, I’m up to 14lbs at the moment, I’m finding it difficult to eradicate the under shaft darkening, it’s either the bottom hex’s too close of the wrap is too tight, but it’s the only to hang comfortable recently.

Great thread.

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

17ml, I appreciate the positive feedback. In fact, this was what I was really hoping for when I wrote the guide (that guys would find the information useful and helpful). As I mentioned early on in the guide: I found that good hanging information was completely scattered and there wasn’t a good solid comprehensive guide out there (at least at the time this guide was written). There are several ‘good’ guides, but many of these always seemed to leave out important details that other guides, posts, or threads would bring up.

My attempt with this guide was to cover all the critical points of hanging so that someone could quickly get a solid foundation of knowledge (and start hanging without having to study and research extensively first—which is what I had to do).

About your Under-Shaft Bruising
I have also had issues with under-shaft bruising (mostly back in 2008, but luckily not since then).

Here’s a few tips that might help with your wrap:
1-if you wrap too thick, this can force you to make the hanging device too tight (to compensate for the thickness of the wrap). I find this can lead to bruising.
2-although the bottom of your shaft should really be at the bottom of the shaftwell, I find that if I push my shaft down too hard, this can also cause bruising
3-You could try to protect your shaft with an HTW or What-A-Grip under the theraband (both of these are very thin, so they shouldn’t cause hanger slippage or force you to make things too tight). In fact, early on I really liked HTW because I could put a thin layer of lotion on my shaft (to help with skin stretching), and this didn’t seem to cause any real slippage (with theraband, I have to wait for the lotion to dry out a bit before wrapping, or I find that can cause some issues).
4-some of us have specific weak points-like veins in certain spots that can’t take pressure. I suspect each of us may have things like this unique to our own physiology. I find for example, that I can only tighten the hanger on certain parts of my shaft. If I get it in the wrong spot it causes pain. I suspect if I tried to endure the pain, it would create severe bruising (since I think this particular vein would break under enough pressure).

In some ways, perfecting your wrap and hanger settings is more art than science. Keep experimenting; you should be able to hang without bruising (good luck with that).

Even though I have done my best to include ‘everything’, hanging is a complex subject that is very difficult to completely cover in just one single guide. I have included links to various threads, posts, articles and videos that I learned from when I first started hanging (most of the links below have been around for many years).

For example, lil12big1 created a video on wrapping, and bib has a thread with several drawings of wrappings. I found the video and drawings very helpful in getting my wrap done right.

I added a few links on Bib Hangers, Vacuum hanging, as well as some non hanging specific links (the links mostly refer to things I mentioned in the guide though).

I also included one of my favorite anatomy links, Eroset Vein Oil (something I find helps me heal faster), and the HTW underwrap. A lot of guys have discoloration problems, so that is why I included the "firegoat roll" link.

These links are now in Part 6 of the article here: Part 6: Important Hanging Links

Originally Posted by blink2000
Pelvic Floor Muscle Conditioning: Frequency
Stamina exercises including edging, kegels, and towel raises will reduce EQ if done daily. The PC, BC and other associated muscle tissues down there need rest from time to time. Stamina exercises every other day may be enough for hangers (1 day on, 1 day off). These muscles are somewhat comparable to skeletal muscle; at least in the sense that they do need rest and they can definitely become overworked.

Edging Frequency
The first time I tried edging after hanging, I had just completed 6x 20 minute hanging sets in a row. I put in a full 20 minute edging session and I was so sore I couldn’t hang the next day. As far as edging goes, I think twice a week starting with 5-10 minute sessions might be more than enough. If you decide to add edging to your routine, you’ll have to experiment and see what works for you. If you’re new to hanging, wait a few months before you try to add edging.

I don’t know about other exercises, but I’ve never had any problems with doing kegels on a daily basis (for 5-10 minutes) in past 2.5 years.

It meant to say stamina exercises done daily can reduce EQ.

Really light stamina exercises done daily might not create fatigue at all. From what you’re saying, that was the case for you. I don’t doubt that; I used to do kegels every single day with no problem as well (so yes, I’m familiar with what you’re saying, it matches my own experience).

This is not what I was referring to with that statement though. Sorry about the confusion.

I was referring to high intensity stamina exercises (towel raises, super kegels, long edging sessions), without any rest days. I have seen guys do this and panic when they noticed their EQ dropped. In this scenario, pelvic floor muscle fatigue is a likely suspect. This is what I was trying to warn about, but perhaps it was not worth mentioning since neglect is a more common problem than overworking (when it comes to stamina).


Do you spiral down like lil12big1 does in his video? I’m currently trying to get into hanging and I’m having a lot of trouble with it. Bib pointed out that my wrap isn’t solid enough. I should wrap tighter which I haven’t had success with yet.

Now I’ve started to grab my glans and pulling it away from my body while I wrap. I now find that I have to deal with my penis getting erect all over again. Hope I’ll be able to look back at the past two months serious frustration with a smile someday :)

Make a Few Passes, Then Spiral the Wrap Down
That is also the way I have always wrapped (I make a few passes towards the top, then I spiral the wrap downwards). So yes, I do my wrap about the same way lil12big1 does his wrap. This link might also help:
Bib’s Wrap Drawing Thread

Start the Wrap 1.25" Behind The Coronal Ridge (Farther If You're Cut)
Keep in mind the only difference between the old and current way of wrapping is that you should probably start 1.25" behind the coronal ridge (you will see the videos and images saying to start 1" behind the glans; that is outdated though).

If you start the wrap that close to the glans (1"), you may find that the wrap pokes and irritates your glans (i.e. start the wrap 1.25" behind the coronal ridge, this is the proper way for cut guys to wrap). For uncut guys I hear they often need to start the wrap as much as 2" behind the coronal ridge, since they tend to have so much more loose skin than a cut guy. The goal is to apply pressure to the left and right erectile chambers of your shaft (and pull on the internals). It’s true that some pressure on your glans is probably unavoidable, but if too much pressure goes there, you wont be able to hang as much weight and it could effect your progress (if your maximum weight is low due to bad technique that probably wont help your progress).

Video On Bib's Site
Theres another hanging wrap video on Bib’s site that you might find helpful. In fact, I think this is an excellent video. Even though it was made really recently, you will notice it’s not too different from lil12big1’s video. I think it’s worth watching if you have not seen it already.
Bib’s Forum: Video on how to Wrap for Hanging

In the video on Bib’s site, notice that although he attaches the hanger well behind the glans, once the weight is applied everything shifts forward. This combined with the video you already watched should provide a good visual.

Originally Posted by John Longwood
Now I’ve started to grab my glans and pulling it away from my body while I wrap. I now find that I have to deal with my penis getting erect all over again. Hope I’ll be able to look back at the past two months serious frustration with a smile someday :)

Eventually you will get used to hanging and it wont be as difficult to wrap (at least this was my experience). By the way, what are you using to wrap? (Thera-band Silver 22 Mil, the type that comes with the Bib Hanger?)

I’m using silver Theraband, yes. I’m still experimenting with the under-wrap options though. Bib has a grudge against ace wrap, So I had to drop that in order to keep getting his help :)

I’ve watched that video a lot of times and it has actually confused more than helped, when I compare with the advices from Bib.

The ace wrap is one thing but it also looks like he doesn’t make his wrap very tight. In fact, SWM actually says in the video that the wrap shouldn’t be tight. What Bib is telling me though, is that my wrap moves around to much for the hanger to have a stable attachment point. It’s obvious to me now that I can wrap much tighter when I’ve mastered wrapping while puling the penis away from the body and perhaps to spiral down will help too. In the video however, SWM doesn’t spiral his wrap nor does he pull the head away from the body. Except briefly in the beginning.

Do you understand my confusing thoughts?

Well, I’m very much looking forward to the day, when wrapping and hanger setup isn’t that hard anymore :)

Ace Wrap = Bad News
Theres a little theory on why some guys get bruised with ACE wraps. An ACE wrap can make your flaccid girth far too thick. This sometimes causes guys to tighten the hanger too much. Subsequently, it can result in severe bruising as you move into the higher weights. I have seen this happen at least a few times, and Bib has probably seen it many times.

If you want to take an unnecessary risk, its your call, but I agree with Bib that an ACE wrap is a bad idea. Many guys have been injured using that kind of wrap, so of course he wont advise you to do it.

Bib Hanging Video
Just ignore the way SWM does his wrap—confusion solved ;) . Just focus on how and where he is attaching the hanger. This is why I linked the video; it is a good demonstration of attaching a Bib Hanger.

How to Wrap: Video Demonstration
For a visual demonstration of how to spiral a wrap down your shaft, use this: lil12big1 wrapping and hanger attachment video. Also refer to the drawings in this section of the site: Wrapping drawings. As I said before, the wrap starts 1.25” behind the coronal ridge of the glans, other than that, those drawings seem to be accurate (from what I can recall).

Under-wrap Options
My two favorite underwraps are the HTW and the What-A-Grip. The WAG (What-A-Grip) can be purchased at Walmart for $2.50 (go to the sporting goods section). It needs to be thoroughly stretched out before it will fit over your flaccid penis. If you stretch it out too much it will be loose. It also needs to be cut to the length of your flaccid.

Here’s what the what-a-grip looks like:

The What-A-Grip is a very thin rubber grip for a tennis racket. By the way, if you leave it slightly tight (if you don’t stretch it out too much), it works great as an anti-turtling traction wrap. Eventually the WAG might crack or start to fall apart. Since these only cost $2.50 they are easily replaced.

I find an HTW on my skin + WAG (on top of the HTW) is pretty comfortable as an underwrap (then I use theraband on top). A WAG underwrap with theraband on top also works well. I think just plain Thera-band is possibly the best wrap, but I couldn’t use this starting out. I had to go a long time with WAG or HTW (or both) as underwrap. I don’t know if WAG + HTW + Theraband is a good wrap for higher weights; I only used that up to 10lbs. I know Bib used as much as 60lbs with just a plain theraband wrap.

I might try just using Theraband since I don’t really find it painful to take off.

The “few passes” you start with, I understand from the drawing as one piece of wrap, wrapped like SWM does. Is that right?

Would you still do that if you only used Theraband? With a short separate piece of Theraband, I suppose? Or would you just spiral, right away?

Thank you. You’re a major help :)

Theraband Wrap:
As shown in this picture, start 1.25” behind the coronal ridge /cups/1/wrap.png

Make at least two passes, then spiral the theraband down your shaft. The links I already gave elaborate on this.

Did you check both of these links yet?

Originally Posted by blink2000
How to Wrap: Video Demonstration
For a visual demonstration of how to spiral a wrap down your shaft, use this: lil12big1 wrapping and hanger attachment video. Also refer to the drawings in this section of the site: Wrapping drawings. As I said before, the wrap starts 1.25” behind the coronal ridge of the glans, other than that, those drawings seem to be accurate (from what I can recall).

You asked another question:

Originally Posted by John Longwood
The “few passes” you start with, I understand from the drawing as one piece of wrap, wrapped like SWM does. Is that right?

To answer your question, please see what I wrote in the post above. I’ll show you a quote from the post:

Originally Posted by blink2000
Just ignore the way SWM does his wrap—confusion solved ;) . Just focus on how and where he is attaching the hanger. This is why I linked the video; it is a good demonstration of attaching a Bib Hanger.

Refer to the two links above on wrapping methods (in the first quote) and refer to my simple graphic drawing (the first link) for further illustration. Ignore SWM wrapping method. I don’t know what type of wrap he’s using, and I have never seen anyone else use the technique, so don’t focus on that. While you’re just starting out, its probably best to do things the normal way (wrap with theraband, spiral it down your shaft, and use an under-wrap if you want).

Last edited by blink2000 : 09-23-2010 at .

Yes, I viewed all of it. That’s why I asked. In lil12big1’s video he jumps right into spiral wraps and as I understand from the drawings, you need a few pieces wrapped ‘normally’ before.

Anyway, I guess I should try both.

If you just wrap with theraband (nothing else), you make 2x passes 1.25” behind the glans, then spiral it down your shaft. That’s it really… This is what you saw lil12big1 doing in the video. Sometimes I make more passes (3x to 4x behind my glans); the downside is that if I make my wrapped flaccid girth too thick, I have to make the hanger extremely tight (higher injury risk). Guys with less than 5” MSEG probably have a lot of trouble with hanging (if your flaccid is too thin, the technique might be more of a nightmare.

The variables that come into play are:
-the length & girth of your flaccid
-the length and width of the thera-band (e.g. I started with 1.5” wide but I currently use 2.25” wide theraband)
-how much ‘extra’ skin you have

You will have to try it for yourself and experiment to get the wrap and hanger attachment settings perfected.

Originally Posted by John Longwood
Yes, I viewed all of it. That’s why I asked. In lil12big1’s video he jumps right into spiral wraps and as I understand from the drawings, you need a few pieces wrapped ‘normally’ before. Anyway, I guess I should try both.

In lil12big1’s video he does an SS (sweat-shirt) underwrap, followed by a theraband wrap. Is this what you mean by ‘both’? The SS is old-school, and in my own experience HTW and WAG are superior under-wraps. However, not everyone will agree with that, and some guys might prefer SS (I don’t know any, but who knows, maybe someone out there feels that way).

Currently my preferred type of wrap is just thera-band (nothing else). Now that my skin is stretched out and a little tougher, I can handle the thera-band (I couldn’t initially). But sure, try things both ways, and find what works best for you. Eventually you will figure out the kind of wrap that you prefer. In the end it’s all about what makes hanging the most comfortable (and hopefully injury free) for you.

Combining Hanging With Other Activities Greatly Increases Injury Risk

Combining Hanging With Other Activities Greatly Increases Injury Risk
I just want to re-emphasize that it’s generally dangerous to combine anything with hanging. Some guys get away with it, but in the long run I often see it catches up with people. I know guys that have combined things like extenders, clamping, or other things with their hanging routine… Although I see things go smoothly for a while (while guys combine hanging with other things), but eventually things seem to go badly (not always, but far too often).

Originally Posted by blink2000
Edging Frequency
The first time I tried edging after hanging, I had just completed 6x 20 minute hanging sets in a row. I put in a full 20 minute edging session and I was so sore I couldn’t hang the next day. As far as edging goes, I think twice a week starting with 5-10 minute sessions might be more than enough. If you decide to add edging to your routine, you’ll have to experiment and see what works for you. If you’re new to hanging, wait a few months before you try to add edging.

I have even had trouble combining edging with hanging. I find that if I’m already sore or fatigued at all, edging just pushes me over the edge (pun not intended). I tried edging when I had some very slight (and minor soreness) on the left side of my shaft (the left side is shorter, so more pressure seems to be going there). The edging definitely made things worse and I ended up having to take a day off. Maybe I wouldn’t have this problem if my penis was straighter (the tissues were pre-fatigued by hanging, so edging became a bit too much, just for that one weakened part of my penis).

Hanging can be as risky as it is rewarding and that risk seems to grow exponentially when hanging is combined with other things.

I have two questions, both concerning ADS.

1. Does it matter how much ADS weighs as long as it keeps the penis stretched during the day? I’m asking this because hanging is the tool that does the micro damage and ADS is the tool that keeps the penis stretched so it can heal in that state. If one can keep his penis stretched with, e.g., 1 lbs, why do some people use high weights (e.g 5 lbs or even more) as ADS? That’s almost like ADH (all day hanging).

2. If one uses ADS, are split sets still required? Or to be more precise, what is better:

A) Split sets and no ADS?
B) Split sets and ADS?
C) No split sets and ADS?


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