Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

I think the art of wrapping is a major key to on going hanging success.

I have been hanging Since July and can wrap in less than a minute now, but occasionally still mess up and have the hanger slide off.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

When one starts hanging, is that the only form of PE that should be done, or can it be combined with another routine?

When I first started hanging was all I did.

Now I jelq and manually stretch also.

It really depends on how much fatigue I have.

Recently the fulcrum hanging has really been fatiguing so I’ve not been jelqing.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

A question on angles: How do you position yourself for the BTC and SU angle? It seems to me you’d have to do them upside down and I know that can’t be right :P


Sit on chair

shuffle ass to the edge (or whats comfortable there abouts)

put feet up on desk (or similar)

dick should now be splitting your sack down the middle/hitting between the cheeks

Oh, ok. Thanks.

Finally got in a good hanging session today. What with company and the holidays, it’s been tough to get time for PE. Anyhow, I did the 3X20 sets with five lbs (SD and BTC), and since I’ve been at five for a month, I moved up to six. I could feel the difference, and i think I got a good stretch. I’m not going to measure for another 2-3 weeks, so we’ll see what progress (or not) I’m making at that time.

The holidays really do interrupt ones PE.

I got two good sessions in today and yesterday thankfully, though the week end us upon us and are many visitors to demand my attention and its difficult to justify a half hour away.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Hello a-unit, nice to see you got some training time in. I’ve been at it pretty good, though the ligs in front are sore. They loosen with a good application of hot packs though. I’ve got good EQ still, but I’m reluctant to measure for a few weeks yet. The good news: My lady says “slow down” when I enter her so my girth is good. Well, for her at least. I’m hoping to see just how much she wants! I wish PE wasn’t a marathon sometimes, I want to give it to her good with a big one.


That time will come.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

High angle hanging

Hi All,

So the idea of high angle hanging hit today. I’ve been doing some research on the subject before immersing myself, does anything have any successful methods of upward hanging [those with high LOT]?

An idea: attaching hanging mechanism to penis whiles either standing or laying down; if you’re stand, place the device over your shoulder (make your shoulder a fulcrum ) allowing the force of gravity to pull your unit upward[ mind you this hasn’t been tested, this is just an idea]; and if you’re laying down with the noose attached place a weight ( or whatever you’re using ) at your side at about a shoulder length from your body and pull your penis away from the weight ( in a tugging method). Caution! Though both are dangerous and should be regarded with prudence, the latter seems me more dangerous.

I want to hear your comments and suggestions, all ideas are welcomed.

I am the master of my fate and captain of my soul.

10 hours minimum huh? Darn! Ill have to with 12 then if its a minimum, just to be safe. Is it OK to do 3 hours each on the Saturday and Sunday and then 1-2 hours on the other days? Thanks.

Hey abraxus you can do what ever works best for you with the hours you put in each day. If your thinking of starting hanging though you have got to have alot of privet time to your self which can be hard to fit in with normal every day life. If you have plenty of free time I would say hanging would be good for you.

Real nice thread. After some time away from thunder i will start the hanging.

Lets see the real deal. I tryed jelq and pumping. I think i reached the max, but now, lets give a try to the hanging.

Blink2000 suggested a progression routine where adding 1 lb week. Bib suggested the “ride to fatique” technique, where needs to reach fatique in the first or second set and after decrease weight. What the best technique? I think “ride to fatigue” makes more sense because keep a regular stress near limit.


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