Originally Posted by kubchaser
Since I do BTC and SD angle, should I feel fatigue in my ligs? I can feel the tension while hanging, but not too much fatigue and soreness after 3 sets.
I believe you will mostly feel fatigue in whatever is your next most limiting factor. Sometimes I feel fatigue near my pubic bone, sometimes I feel it at the attachment point. Sometimes I feel fatigue in the middle of my shaft (perhaps near where my suspensory ligaments attach to some fascia). Logic tells me that whatever my next weakest tissues are will be the place where I feel fatigue next.
Assuming you’ve chosen a good angle of attack (and it appears that way to me), I don’t think you should worry too much about where you feel fatigue; I think the focus should just be on reaching fatigue. Some guys don’t gain until they exceed 5lbs or 10lbs; I think that partly depends on how much previous PE experience you have. If you didn’t do much before hanging, you wont need as much weight to start reaching fatigue and start making gains. When I started hanging, I was able to make gains in the 2.5lb to the 5lb range, but that’s probably the exception more than the rule.
SD and BTC are excellent for targeting your suspensory ligaments. If you have shifted your package so your penis exits your pelvis straight down, its possible you’ve maximized your suspensory ligaments and you may get more benefit from other angles. Of course, you’ve only been hanging a few weeks, so its too soon to tell.
Effectively, we continue making microtears, stretching, deformation and possibly causing some mitosis too as we work on our angle of attack (in your case BTC and SD). As long as you reach fatigue you’re doing it right… During the first few weeks you’ll just be going through an adjustment period, but after that you should be able to reach fatigue each session.
Always strive to reach fatigue by the first or second set, then ride it in subsequent sets (reducing the weight as needed). If you don’t feel an urgent need to reduce the weight then you have not reached fatigue. Once you do reach fatigue, don’t be shy about reducing the weight (always avoid sharp pain). If you reach fatigue and ride it daily, and you’re hanging 10 hours+ per week, the gains will come.