Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Penis (smooth) Muscle Theory

The Penis (smooth) Muscle Theory

This thread is a continuation of a discussion begun in the thread entitled, Need help from all good gainers!.

Originally Posted by xenolith

Were you a scientist in reality, you’d not make recommendations without citing a basis for them.

I have always been curious how the penis works — and if I could enlarge it. Along time ago, I was rather upset when I found out that the penis wasn’t a muscle, and therefore it couldn’t be enlarged. Thankfully, since then (due to this site and others), I have found out the truth — penis enlargement is very real. It works, yet, no one seems to know exactly how.

I was rather dumbfounded when I learned that the penis truly is a muscle — not completely muscle, and not a normal muscle — but approximatelly 50 percent smooth muscle. Below are two posts of my notes and research about the smooth muscle of the penis.

Xeno, there is plenty of basis in this forum. I hope I haven’t offended anyone by for-bringing what I recommend to the table. After all, sparkyx did ask for my opinion. Perhaps you meant no harm in your reply, just busting my balls, eh? Either way, in actuality I’m truly not a scientist, yet.

Science is mysterious itself. Even scientific facts aren’t always fact. So I presume that my recommendations could be wrong, but I believe in them. But I will always follow the evidence, at least to the best of my ability. My recommendations are also based on hours (and hours, and hours) of reading over PE forums, and scribbling down my own notes.

But more important (at least right now), do you disagree with me? I know you think decon breaks help, and I also know that you believe moving up in intensity is the best way to go. Or, at least that is what I am under the impression (from your posts and your journal). I’m all for discussion if you think I’m wrong. I think that is why Sparky created this thread. He, the thought provoker he is, wants to create more guidelines for men to follow.

Anyways, here is a reference for what you requested:

Originally Posted by pubmed

1: J Urol. 2004 Feb;171(2 Pt 1):771-4. Related Articles, Links

Sildenafil preserves intracorporeal smooth muscle after radical retropubic prostatectomy.

Schwartz EJ, Wong P, Graydon RJ.

Division of Urology, University of Connecticut Health Sciences Center, Farmington, USA.

link: http://www.ncbi … earch&DB=pubmed


The important role of corpora cavernosal smooth muscle in potency has been known since Goldstein et al reported the first examination of erectile tissue. 8 Normal smooth muscle content and function are necessary for the initiation and maintenance of erection. 6 Published reports suggest that the average intracorporeal smooth muscle percent is between 40% and 50%. 9 Our unpublished data confirm this rate with the finding of an incidence of smooth muscle of about 49% in normal potent males in the general population. In contrast, patients with veno-occlusive dysfunction show a much lower percent on microscopic examination. A prior study suggested that these patients have a smooth muscle percent of 10% to 36%. 9 Concomitant intracorporeal fibrosis results in abnormal smooth muscle function, increased venous leakage and eventually impotence.

If you want the full article, email me (

Personally (this is my opinion), I think the smooth muscle plays a monumental roll in penis enlargement. Healthy smooth muscle in the penis is required for an erection.

This is well documented in:

Originally Posted by pubmed

The penis as a vascular organ. The importance of corporal smooth muscle tone in the control of erection.

Christ GJ.

Urology Research Laboratory, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, USA.

The intrinsic biological complexity of penile erection and the multifaceted nature of erectile dysfunction are just beginning to be fully appreciated. This article describes how mechanistic studies of the local control of penile erection, with specific emphasis on the primary role of the corporal smooth muscle, contribute to the improved understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of erectile dysfunction.

link: http://www.ncbi … earch&DB=pubmed

I only have this one in print, so I can’t email it to you. However, if you would like to look at this 20-something page article (an exercise in itself to read ;) ), then I would be willing to mail it to you.

But here is a tidbit:

Originally Posted by Christ, The Penis as a vascular organ

Complete smooth muscle relaxation is both necessary and sufficient to elicit an erection.

In an essence, this article went over (in detail, down to the chemistry) the smooth muscle’s role in the penis. The bottom line: smooth muscle is very, very important. Or, at least that is what I perceived it to be. The smooth muscle causes an erection (which is set off through chemical reactions) by completely relaxing. "Compression of the relaxed trabecular smooth muscle against the fibroelastic tunica albuginea causes the closure of the emissary veins," and thus results in an erection. If this smooth muscle is unable to completely relax, then an erection can’t take place… . .

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Last edited by ModestoMan : 05-12-2006 at .

Here are my current thoughts on the subject of smooth muscle:

  • For the penis to enlarge, the smooth muscle (cells and sinusoid spaces) must enlarge too. This is how I think penis enlargement takes place. I don’t have the time to go into complete detail right now, and I won’t for the next 1-3 months (another reason I gave my quick opinion in this thread), but I do plan on doing more research and writing a few "Internet" articles on the subject.
  • Because the penis is compromised of 50 percent smooth muscle, and smooth muscle has a lot of the basic properties of skeletal muscle (the biceps, triceps, and all the other commonly known muscles), we can presume that it might react to stress the same way normal muscle does. Which is a no brainer for us all! What are we doing here? Exercising! Moreover, nearly every single guideline we have is based off body-building/exercising/weightlifting concepts in one way or another! Think about it — Bib, presumably one of the biggest gainers (if we accept his claims as facts), used a weightlifting concept known as "progressive overload." Peter Dick, another big gainer uses a common weightlifting program known as "muscle confusion" (in which he keeps the muscles guessing). And now, more recently (thanks to guys like you [xeno], Shiver, MX, Modesto, Wadzilla, and many more) we are now realizing cyclic training using deconditioning breaks helps us keep the penis in a responsive state. And cycylic training is a very popular weightlifting principle (if not the biggest).
  • Albeit, this doesn’t particularly mean we can attribute the growth to smooth muscle growth — but regardless, if the penis grows, the smooth muscle must grow too. The article I quoted above stated: less smooth muscle = higher chance of ED. Obviously this isn’t the case for us PEers. Most of us report harder erections.
  • Also, It is well documented that smooth muscle can grow due to stress. I have a whole book on the subject, in fact. It is called [u]

    Hypertrophic Response in Smooth Muscle[u], by Charles L. Seidel and Normal W. Weisbrodt. It appears this book has numerous scholarly articles on the growth of smooth muscle. Link: http://www.amaz … 5Fencoding=UTF8

  • I also think this can explain why PE gains are permanent (for the most part), opposed to traditional muscular growth gains. Think about it like this: the smooth muscle in the penis is exercised when we jelq, stretch, and incorporate other exercises. These exercises take the penis (and the smooth muscle) beyond it’s normal threshold. But what is the normal threshold? An erection. Masturbation, sex, anything that involves an erection is exercise too! It’s typically just not enough to cause growth. Therefore, after the gains are cemented, and we retire all we need to do to keep the gains is have frequent erections — in which the erections are enough exercise to keep the gains. It is also well documented that as men get older, and they use their penis less, the smaller it becomes. Note: I don't have a reference for this off-hand.
All that being said, I hope it’s enough reference for you, at least for now :) You’ll have to wait a few months until I get some more time to completely divulge into the research again — something I do love. I’m not sure if I’m on the right path with my smooth muscle theory, but there is one thing for certain: Guys like you, sparkyx, Shiver, Modesto, me, and countless other scientific minded PEers will figure it all out, sooner or later.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Last edited by ModestoMan : 05-12-2006 at .

Seems you may be more of a scientist than you think :) . Thanks for the thoughtful reply. My first comment was referring to your recommended training schedule. Is there some basis for its configuration? Or is it just what you FEEL is right? IOW, is there any evidence that it is an effective schedule?

With regard to my second comment, the request for a reference, thank you, very well done. I’m delighted to have learned something from your reply. I think you would do the Forum a service, not to mention assisting your credibility, certainly, at the least, in my eyes, if you’d support your statements of fact with supporting evidence from the get go. That’s what real scientists do.

BTW, as far as I’m concerned, I have “figured it all out”. And I’ve shared it here.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Nice work, Remek. I have been under the impression that smooth muscle does not respond to exercise the same way skeletal muscle does. I’d be very interested in learning more about this.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Holy shit! This site says smooth muscle, unlike skeletal muscle, retains the ability to divide throughout life: http://www.biol … 9/10_muscle.htm . Let’s add hyperplasia to the hyper list for smooth muscle.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Holy shit! This site says smooth muscle, unlike skeletal muscle, retains the ability to divide throughout life: http://www.biol … 9/10_muscle.htm . Let’s add hyperplasia to the hyper list for smooth muscle.

Very interesting find!

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Very interesting Modesto…the comments in that biology-online link coincide very closely with what I was going to say here…

The I in IPR stands for Injure (well, if you’re sqeamish, its Inflammation) fellas. This is good information, about 50% of a penis is comprised of smooth muscle, presumably primarily in the form of the CCs and the CS…that can grow through hyperplasia (a process that I think we’ve also referred to as distraction hystogenesis), and then there are some other smaller percentages of tissue made up of collagenous material, primarily in the form of the tunica (and the less important for this discussion, ligaments) being the structural limiting factor for growth, and miscellaneous more stretchable things like nerves and veins and such and then some fluids.

So the IPR training gig goes like this: strain (Injure) the limiting factor, the tunica, and then take advantage of a bit of a volume problem, where subsequent to straining the tunica, there’s a finite amount of ‘new volume’ (ΔV) available for the contained (largely smooth muscle) tissues to occupy. So with a bit of jelqing or pumping we “encourage” our existing SM tissues to deform/shear in the direction of the tissue density gradient, from occupied space toward finitely, relatively ‘unoccupied’ space by Injuring them in that preferred direction.

Then we apply light tension in the direction of the ‘new volume’ (ΔV) in order to keep that ‘new volume’ open while hyperplasia (distraction hystogenesis) takes place to fill it in. This is Proliferation.

The tunica proliferates too as a result of the strain to it. With growth of Type I collagen, which is a bitch to deform. So we let (all of) our tissues rest, while that pesky old Type I collagen is reabsorbed and replaced with that gullible little Tpe III collagen that we know how to deform (if ever so finitely). This is Remodelling.

IPR hanging + jelqing I phase training followed by ADS or ADC P-phase training cycling at both micro and macro scales is certainly consistent with a strategy that would accomplish the making and filling of ‘new volume’, while transitioning from the former to the latter process through the course of each cycle, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of each phase/process while still accommodating a smooth transition between them. And it sure has worked for me, he says ΔV= 0.88 later.

Is there anything more we need to know?

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 05-11-2006 at .

Oops, it was the mens-network link that coincided with my thoughts, not the biology-online link :) .

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thank you Modesto. I see you got it to work ;) . I appreciate the moving around.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Good show, Remek.

:up: :up:

I’d appreciate it if my original “first” and “second” comments (from the other thread) that I refer to in what is now this thread’s post #3 were also included in this thread in order to provide the proper context (in the same thread) for my follow up comments that now appear in what is now this thread’s post #3.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 05-12-2006 at .

Also, on a more chemical level, Nitric oxide is required for the relaxation of the smooth muscle.

This is noted in this article (and many, many, others):

Originally Posted by The abstract
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with pycnogenol and L-arginine.

Stanislavov R, Nikolova V.

Seminological Laboratory SBALAG, Maichin Dom, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Penile erection requires the relaxation of the cavernous smooth muscle, which is triggered by nitric oxide (NO). We investigated the possibility of overcoming erectile dysfunction (ED) by increasing the amounts of endogenous NO. For this purpose, we orally administered Pycnogenol, because it is known to increase production of NO by nitric oxide syntase together with L-arginine as substrate for this enzyme. The study included 40 men, aged 25-45 years, without confirmed organic erectile dysfunction. Throughout the 3-month trial period, patients received 3 ampoules Sargenor a day, a drinkable solution of the dipeptide arginyl aspartate (equivalent to 1.7 g L-arginine per day). During the second month, patients were additionally supplemented with 40 mg Pycnogenol two times per day; during the third month, the daily dosage was increased to three 40-mg Pycnogenol tablets. We obtained a sexual function questionnaire and a sexual activity diary from each patient. After 1 month of treatment with L-arginine, a statistically nonsignificant number of 2 patients (5%) experienced a normal erection. Treatment with a combination of L-arginine and Pycnogenol for the following month increased the number of men with restored sexual ability to 80%. Finally, after the third month of treatment, 92.5% of the men experienced a normal erection. We conclude that oral administration of L-arginine in combination with Pycnogenol causes a significant improvement in sexual function in men with ED without any side effects.

Link: http://www.ncbi … earch&DB=pubmed

Originally Posted by Article from above
Penile erection requires the relaxation of the cavernous smooth muscle, which is triggered by nitric oxide (NO)

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

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