Let's talk penis theory.
I sort of posted something like this before but my thread title didn’t attract the responces I was looking for.
Has anyone here made large girth gains in a short amount of time?
What I’ve noticed from this is that the tissues seem to be more pliable, almost puddy like. If I clamp at the base and then use the other hand to squeeze the engorged part for a minute or more it will sort of take the shape of the way I gripped it for a good minute or so. This suggests to me that there are possibly new collagen tissues here that are softer than normal until they solidify.
Erections are still rock hard, so this is not any kind of fluid build-up just to clear that up.
Has anyone else experienced this? Or does anyone else have thoughts on this. I read somewhere on this site that new collagen tissues form like a gel and over 3 months harden into their normal solidified state. If this is the case, one would want to maintain a maximized extended state with these tissues as they harden and cement ones gains. I’d appreciate more thoughts on this.