Aftercare for my Xmas present this year....
Well as some of you may know, or few… My goal for December was to get to 5.5” EG, and boy was I supprized when I jumped up to almost 6” EG!
Now this was actually near the begining of december, I’ve been working hard to keep this new girth amount and have managed to do just that. I have definately noticed new reactions from my regular fuck buddy, but I also met a girl from the US who came up to Canada for New Years and got a great “You got a BIG dick!” comment which felt like a huge pat on the back for my PE efforts.
However, I am really hyper to get back into hanging again, but I don’t want to lose any of this girth. How long do you guys think I need to keep up what I’m doing before I start hanging to assure I keep it all? I read somewhere about new collegen tissues need a good 3 months to harden, which means I may need to do this another 2 months. I think this may be the case as these tissues seem to have some “puddy” like effect to them, if I squeeze the base with one hand and hold blood in, and then squeeze the engored part for a minute or so, my unit will somewhat take the shape of how I gripped it.(which is really strange.)