My system is based on the results of my experimentation, not on anything else. Muscles smuscles, I really don’t care what my dick is made of, I care about making whatever its made of bigger. Which means I care about two things: its deformational sytematics with respect to stress and time and its adaptive response systematics with respect to stress and time. The training protocol that I recommend was developed iteratively over the course of 4 cycles of training. As I recorded my training and results, I continuously re-designed my training so that the projection of the 3-dimensional work-volume-gains vector onto work-volume (amount of work) 2-dimensional space approximated the (2-D) vector of my maximum rate of gains from all previous training. I also evaluated the velocity (1st derivative) and acceleration (2nd derivative) of my work to arrive at optimal frequency and magnitude of work (some day maybe I’ll write about PE calculus…it’s pure dope, but maybe not, I mean what’s the point, what matters is what it allowed me to determine, and that I’ve already shared). As my training and gains systematics became clearer, it was obvious that an oscillatory system was at work. So I went looking for analogous phenomena in nature that are characterized by the same type oscillatory cyclicity of positive and negative feedback looping systematics that I’d observed in the systematics of my PE training and gains in order to study those systems so that I might gain insight into the systematics of these types of systems. There are all kinds of analogues, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, the list goes on and on. They all display cyclicity between processes that serve as positive feedback for the phenomenon in question and negative feedback processes.
But the biological based model of tissue injury and healing, which also is characterized by oscillatory cyclicity just made a lot more sense to use as a model for my data. Although a volcanic eruption mechanics based model for PE gains would work really well too. Had I used that model, I’m sure you’d not have gotten the impression that my system is based on skeletal muscles…or anything biologic for that matter.
I think its great that guys are finding out what dicks are made of, but I’m only interested in so far as I can now call things with more precise names. Woopy do, I was always happy just calling it “tissue”. But, cool, now I can call it smooth muscle. Doesn’t help me grow my dick any. What helps me grow my dick is experimenting with my dick. What I care about is how “it”, whatever “it” is, responds when I apply PE methods to it. Which means I DO science. I’ll let the rest of you read up and research on all matters penile. And I’ll look forward to finding out all the cool names and such that you discover, but IMO, when the rubber hits the road, it don’t mean shit. What does matter is knowing how to do what to your dick to make it grow. Only your dick can teach you that.
For those whose dick tissues’ response systematics are similar to mine, you’ll gain well from the training protocol that I’ve presented. Were I any of you who aren’t gaining well, I’d recommend trying my training protocol. Think of it as the Da Vinci code for your dick :) .
I’ve got to go mow the lawn now, but please do carry on with your chatter you silly monkeys, I find it so amusing.