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Protein and gains


Protein and gains

I just started going back to the gym and am trying to do it natural I been off steroids for 2 years.So I been eating 220 grams of protein a day .Not only has my muscle been gaining quick my penis is growing much faster then before in taking high protein.I notice that it heals much faster .do you guys think that your penis needs high protein when you pe? It makes science you are breaking down the tissue and protein heals you.

My diet has lots of protein in it and I am a quick gainer so it could be true.

It’s the key to fast gains .if you worked out your body and didn’t eat the right amount of protein you would not grow.Slow gainers probably have a poor diet

Different blood types I believe need varying quantities of meat. This is largely in line with your ancestors dietary habits. If your ancestors came from a region where large quantities of meat were devoured, your blood type will match accordingly. If so your ‘optimal nutritional balance’ (I.E. the perfect diet to repair broken tissue and to be generally healthy in all matters) would be to consume more (organic) meat than, say, an ancestor of a corn farmer whos optimal diet would be whole-grain and vegetable based and would acquire protein from eggs and the occasional chicken.

And there are many variations. As you can see the perfect diet is fluid not fixed, there are hardly any fixed rules with diet apart from the obvious ones like lots of fluids, and organic. Some people can eat shit loads of McDonalds and other shit, yet still look totally healthy and have a great body – other people get fat if they eat like that, others break out in spots and others become unhealthy (diabetes, etc.). The disparity is blatantly obvious when you hear advice from health experts – there is always deeply contrasting advice about whether to eat this foodstuff or that foodstuff.

So you should listen to your body, experiment with foods and use how you feel, look and what they taste like (this means take away shit that hides taste, like salt or ketchup) as advice more so than nutritionalists.

I too workout 4-5 days/week consuming about 150-180g’s or protein/day. I know that protein is the key to building muscle but I don’t understand how it would effect your penis since it’s not a muscle. It would seem like supplements such as L-argenine which increases blood flow would be a better help than protein but I could be wrong.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

I have been working out(weights) for a few months now, but recently I started trying this new diet because I wasn’t gaining any weight(not enough calories) Anyway this new diet is high in protein consisting of lots of meat. For about five months I was PE’ing and I only gained about .25 in length maybe. And maybe a couple months ago I’m not sure I was bouncing around between 6.25(hard) and 6.5(ontheedge). As of now I’m 6.5 hard and 6.75 on the edge. I don’t know if the diet had anything to do with it as I never thought about the connection until I saw this thread. Hopefully it does! =D

Originally Posted by biggerjohnson
I too workout 4-5 days/week consuming about 150-180g’s or protein/day. I know that protein is the key to building muscle but I don’t understand how it would effect your penis since it’s not a muscle. It would seem like supplements such as L-argenine which increases blood flow would be a better help than protein but I could be wrong.

There is muscle tissue in the penis.

Looks like I will be eating more protein from now on…Good thread gunbuster

My Goal...To Look good NAKED

I take a protein, name is guarana. But I live in france, and in usa, I don’t know if it is the same name.

I’m sure any whey protein or casein protein would suffice. I would think a casein would be best in this case since it takes longer to digest than whey.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

I take muscle milk 3 scape’s in the morning and 2 scoops at night right after I pe.I think it’s best to have a protein shake right ofter you pe it helps you heal faster.just like the gym you need protein right after you work out

Tuna Fish

Eat tuna fish, lots of it. Look at the back of a can, its pure protein, and also inexpensive.

Go with all sources of protein. Chicken breasts, egg whites, tuna, sashimi, fish etc. If you can get your hands on good sashimi your getting protein as well as omega 3 fatty acids.

I think, that protein itself don´t do much to penis. It is the exercising, that does it .
Some researches explore, that exercising releases more building blocks for veins and such.
The one I have read studied the effects of jogging and walking to circulation system. It revealed the previously mentioned effect.
I haven´t seen researches about gym exercising, but I think it is pretty much same as jogging and walking.
The research said, that sweat exercises have the positive effect, so at least hard gym exercising should go in that category.

Well I eat protein because of gym exercising, so if it really have some positive effect to penis, it is even better.

Last edited by J123 : 03-28-2006 at .
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