Different blood types I believe need varying quantities of meat. This is largely in line with your ancestors dietary habits. If your ancestors came from a region where large quantities of meat were devoured, your blood type will match accordingly. If so your ‘optimal nutritional balance’ (I.E. the perfect diet to repair broken tissue and to be generally healthy in all matters) would be to consume more (organic) meat than, say, an ancestor of a corn farmer whos optimal diet would be whole-grain and vegetable based and would acquire protein from eggs and the occasional chicken.
And there are many variations. As you can see the perfect diet is fluid not fixed, there are hardly any fixed rules with diet apart from the obvious ones like lots of fluids, and organic. Some people can eat shit loads of McDonalds and other shit, yet still look totally healthy and have a great body – other people get fat if they eat like that, others break out in spots and others become unhealthy (diabetes, etc.). The disparity is blatantly obvious when you hear advice from health experts – there is always deeply contrasting advice about whether to eat this foodstuff or that foodstuff.
So you should listen to your body, experiment with foods and use how you feel, look and what they taste like (this means take away shit that hides taste, like salt or ketchup) as advice more so than nutritionalists.