I’m a carnivore as well, I just don’t enjoy eating vegetables, never have and never will. One of the last dinner dates I went on, dated a vegetarian and didn’t realize it until I had ordered the biggest steak prepared rare at the restaurant. It wasn’t one of those things where she was on my case for killing animals or anything that drastic, but she was just grossed out by the amount of blood on the plate. This steak was one of those hungry man deals, probably enough beef for three or four meals in terms of the portion size that’s thrown out as the normal dietary supplement for a single meal. While eating, I recall her saying she could never eat even a portion of what was on the plate. I must’ve enjoyed it enough to break her down, by the end of the meal she wanted a small portion to try. It was actually quite funny in the approach, she ordered eggplant and asked me if I wanted to try it. I told her that probably as much as she was repulsed by the steak, eggplant nauseates me far more. Since she had exposed herself as a vegetarian, I commented that out of courteousy that she was welcome to try the steak, I was surprised at how fast she jumped at the opportunity for a sample. I normally prefer the shellfish and seafood, but on occasion, beef, chicken and pork is tastey. Chicken used to be inexpensive, I have an addiction for Buffalo Wings, but it’s even more expensive these days. I love those pork picnic shoulders too. Slice it into steaks and cook them like a meaty country style rib with bar-b-q sauce.
At any rate, yeah, the protein does help heal muscle, not sure what it does for a penis though. As for weight lifting, I remember from earlier days, in some cases, it’s not the size of the muscle, it’s the quality of the muscle, meaning conditioning is key to being able to sustain a longer workout, before fatigue and muscle failure occurs. I worked out with people who could do slightly more (others couldn’t keep pace early) early in the workout at certain exercises, but they faded in terms of being able to finish the other exercises and by then they were lifting far less in other types of exercises.