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If Hanging Causes Skin Stretching

If Hanging Causes Skin Stretching

If hanging causes skin stretching, will it cause my balls to hang lower or will the skin around my shaft get all stretched out leaving me look like a bulldog or something?

My boys already hang pretty low, and I don’t want them to dangle much more than they do.

Sorry if this was already covered elsewhere. Searching these keywords yield A LOT of results.


Unless you have excess scrotal skin in your wrap, any stretched skin should manifest on the shaft (usually the base). As you grow you’ll eventually need to stretch skin to accommodate the longer shaft if your skin is really tight to begin with.

I don’t see how stretching shaft skin can give you the dog ear effect, so you needn’t fear that.

I’m no expert by any means, so the above are my observations only. Hopefully those with more experience will chime in.

Started hanging on 3/28/12 after minimal gains on the newbie routine. Still not discouraged! This game is 99.9% mental. Stick with it, gents.

After 1 month of hanging 5-6lbs BTC: 1/4" gain in BPEL and BPFSL!

While hanging you can feel exactly where there is tension in your skin. Only the skin under tension may get stretched over time. I doubt there will be any tension in your scrotal skin because of the excess skin that makes up your ballsac :)

You can minimize the tension by attaching the hanger tighter or changing hangers.

What I have experienced in my few days of hanging is that there is virtually no skin stretching, and all I feel is a tug on the ligaments at the base of my unit which is extremely satisfying, and minor discomfort on the head from the pressure of the clamp pushing down on it.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Flimflam and a-unit are right in that the tension seems to be largely at the base. I suppose I’ll pay more close attention to figure how much of it is skin and how much of it is ligs.

I’d like to think that I shouldn’t have to stretch much skin. Since not cementing my gains, I’ve lost 3/8 of an inch. Yikes! I’ll proceed with caution, and pay close attention.

Thanks for the reassurance. Will report back if I get the noticeable gains I’m hoping for.

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