Originally Posted by Whydididothis2
Yo dude . It’s funny that you say that . My penis is also like that after injury . It’s heavier and won’t go back to the way it used to look . It changes sizes and gets smaller , but never to its original look before I Jelqed one time . There’s a thread on it at Pegym called over extended flaccid . Non of the guys there ( me included ) know wtf is up . We all have different symptoms . For example . I lost full bladder sensation and others did not . Anyway , you should check it out if you haven’t .
there is now a problem of the CS (including the glans of course) to hold a certain amount of pressure to hold the uretha in place.
like u certainly noticed, and many others too, that the glans doesnt get big, and the the cs feels like is empty. and while “semi-erect” (without the rigid CS) you are able to press the glans so that it goes back to his defleated wrinkled state. Before your jelq-injury the CS was always filled with blood (other than the CC that are able to empty pretty much completly). so now there is no blood and you bladder is full the body pumps blood in the CS to hold the normal amount of pressure for you peeing normally but the amount of pressure cant be achieved and so the body pumps more and more blood that is drained the same amount. SO penis feels heavier.
these injury, like i stated before, go way back to 2002, and these admins now being so expirienced with that kind of stuff they are now afraid of lawsuit or probably other ways of revenge.
when you buy a box of cigarette there is a picture in most countries of the worst case that can happen to you. complete black lungs, cut of leg and stuff like that, but they promote these pe-stuff like there are just minor injuries, but the case YOU have is permanet, how it seems. this cusp guy sells even a book on amazon. And when you check Google-Cache you will be amazed, what stuff they deleted from the forum.
Big al on pegym says stuff like “hf is just a symptom” … is a broken leg a symptom too? but it hurts and I cant walk anymore!
and its well documented how they react to injuries like that. Just read what they say about HF:
“I’m assuming most people have seen a turtle at some point in their lives. Am I right about this? When you walk up to a turtle, unless he is a particularly sociable one, he pulls his head and neck back into his shell. ” of course… thats the way talking that MAJOR inury down…
“If you have prolonged turtling, for days and days, and none of these tips have helped you, you might greatly need some time away from penis enlargement. Try taking a week off, or 2, and then come back and apply some of these tips. You also may wish to consult with other members of our penis forums.” …. of course. whydididothis you of course know what they say about it. there are so many fake accounts coming up… now on pegym they made an fakeaccount (or maybe he works there) who quetions HF at all, and says it is nothing, but we know its a unnormal drainage of the corpera…
so there is a lawsuit coming up. everything they do is documented. the symptoms, as you stated whydididothis are similar and these injruey happans now for over 10 years. If you have time, work on a doc-document copying-pasting their tactics (like the guirlla tactic they do all the time, giving themselfs thumbs-up and talking the injured down)