to d****kfador113
Can’t give a direct credit to any of the techniques that I have used, just that I have tried most all except injection.
I pump in a not small but tight tube with a silicon sleeve, placed high close to the glans and powdered to keep it in place.
This is in an attempt to concentrate the stretch on the affected area, which was also on my right and caused by a 1/4”x1/4’x1/32”
sized plaque on the dorsal surface near the ligament junction to my pelvis. I mostly suspect a lot of get offs from my cross country
racing days could have caused some contact damage in my groin area which later manifested itself as a scar. I was 60
when diagnosed. No direct causal evidence though.
I also use a larger tube when going for max thickness as I feel this compliments the pull or X stretch of the small tube
with a Y or girth stretch from the 1/4” larger tube. This really moved the placque around to where I do not feel it anymore
but the slightest of constriction still remains on the right side. These I do daily while having coffee, reading email and the papers. I close
the door to my LAB for privacy.
Use a noose type ADS stretcher every day 1 to 3 hr/day but not all at once, and wear an anti turtling sleeve when out to
prevent the retraction, which invariable occurs after using these devises. This is longwinded huh?
Started out doing light jelqing but only weekly now.
Stretch out like everyone else with pulls, squeezes, fulcrum stretches and over the wrist pull and holds every day. Umm
have a bar stretcher, the type with a wing nutted clamp up and bicycle grips on the bar ends, but use it infrequently due to it’s
difficult to wrap up adequately to prevent red spotting and I’m also not convinced of any positive for using it other than it can
create some light ligament soreness at my base.
Started PE in an attempt to get rid of the curve but now do it for size and the “possibility I may” get rid of the last of the hour-
glassing which occurred. Both are worthy of my time, I think.