Thunder's Place

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Does anyone know anything about prostatatis?

Does anyone know anything about prostatatis?

Hey I was recently diagnossed with prostatatis, I think I am spelling that right. The doctor seemed to think it would pretty much go away by now. He gave me some antibiotic. It still has not gotten better. It is probably one of the most painful things I have experienced. I friend of mine mentioned that kegeling to much can cause it. I am considering if I go back to PE to stay away from kegeling all together. Has anyone else experienced this problem, I could sure use some words of comfort or some good advice on how to get better. I have had the problem for about a month now.

A little info , and some more from the same thread.

The link with overdoing kegels.

Ejaculation to combat

ejaculating with prostatis

Ok, I have seen a urologist and he thinks that my current problem will go away with some Ibuprofen. I have already been through a cycle of antibiotic. My symptoms are pretty much the same though. The thing that really gets me is this. He says that I need to ejaculate more, which is supposed to be good for my condition. The problem is that it makes my symptoms much worse. I told him this and he said it didnt matter, more ejaculating would still be better. I dont know if I believe this, what do you guys think?

Thats the same advice avocet8 received.

I would have thought thats a very useful thing to tell your partner.

‘Got to have more sex dear. Doctors orders’

The advice to increase ejaculations is in order to “clean” the prostate of any nusty stuff. Some might say you need to ejaculate every day (if it you start to grow hairs on your palms or go blind, please let us know.)

Your symptoms worsen as it also, unfortunately, irritate the prostate. If it’s really bad you can ask him for something to help with it. Make sure you drink a lot and pee after each time that you ejaculate (always!). But, dont drink too much or that would irritate the bladder ;) It’s great that you went to the urologist soon after you started having the symptoms. AB should help and the symptoms would go away in time as the prostate would get smaller in size.

My symptoms are going away nicely. I suspect in a week or two I will be completely healed. I am at the point of ejaculating daily with hardly any pain at all through out the day. It is still there a little, but I am confident that I will get better. Thanks for your posts. By the way, the last urologist that I went to said penis pumping works for enlargement. The way he described how to use them is quit different than what is described on this forum.

The way I have been picking up girls lately is to show them my perscription for more sex. The doctor actually wrote it out for me.

larry, please fax me a copy of the perscription ASAP! thanks.

The way he described how to use them is quit different than what is described on this forum.

I don’t pump, but many others do.
For them, could you explain or elaborate please?


it’s good to hear your problem is clearing up.

Due to the prevalence of so much misinformation and quackery I wasn’t sure which approach was detrimental, ejaculating too much or not ejaculating enough. Just avoid opened windows when exercising the tool… never mind, long story.

I second PEnister’s request. A prescription… LOL

Well I guess I sort of forgot about this post. Sorry about that. Sorry to say that my previos optimism didnt pan out as I would have hoped. But this is so common with prostatis. One week you could feel like you are beating this thing, and the next you could feel like your dying. I am currently doing very well. Still living with prostatis but I am not in so much pain that I can not live my life. I am nearly living my life to the fullest now, I think it is the drugs that have improved my quality of life so much. Penister, I am interested in your situation. How old are you and how long have you been dealing with prostatis? I can tell you all the drugs I have taken, but I am not sure that it would be of any help to you, and it has not yet completely cured me either.

I developed prostatitis a while back and like you I went through a cycle of antibiotics. I did experience some discomfort even after the cycle was done. I think the prostate just stays weak for a while after the inflamation. One thing that helped me was the practice of Chi Gung. Many of the breathing excercises having synchronize you breathing with anal contractions which strengthen the same muscles as kegels but more indirectly thus avoiding irritation of the prostate.

Is this like what the guard off the Green mile story had?

Originally Posted by larry
Well I guess I sort of forgot about this post. Sorry about that. Sorry to say that my previos optimism didnt pan out as I would have hoped. But this is so common with prostatis. One week you could feel like you are beating this thing, and the next you could feel like your dying. I am currently doing very well. Still living with prostatis but I am not in so much pain that I can not live my life. I am nearly living my life to the fullest now, I think it is the drugs that have improved my quality of life so much. Penister, I am interested in your situation. How old are you and how long have you been dealing with prostatis? I can tell you all the drugs I have taken, but I am not sure that it would be of any help to you, and it has not yet completely cured me either.

Hi Larry,

I also had this condition about a year and a half ago, the two doctors I went to see didn’t diagnose it in the end because they all just assumed I must have had an STD, because I live in Hong Kong and that’s what most expatriates get up to. Beleive me I wasn’t getting around as I was too busy at work and the gym anyway, sometimes it would get so uncomfortable that I would wake up in the middle of the night with a burning erection and have to go sit on the toilet try and pee and sometimes blow a load to get the feeling to subside a little. (I had other symptoms such as pain on ejaculation and stuff but you know about that already)

Now as it turns out my fiancé is a Med student and she ended up diagnosing me and we worked out the cause. First of all it seems that due to my bodybuilding I wouldn’t want to have sex most nights in fear that I wouldn’t be strong the next day so this went on for a period of about 3 months or so while at the same time I had started my PE routine jelqing stretches etc. So I kept building up loads but with no release until the burning started and didn’t go away for a few months. The docs did give me some antibiotics and it helped a little but once they were finished it came back somewhat. To be totally honest if I still had the feeling (burning etc) I wouldn’t want to be around and that is the first time in my whole life that I’ve ever thought like that. :(

Now I’ve also been practicing Kung Fu for many years and as part of that we practice diaphragmatic breathing and Chi Gung and like Rico, used it to help me focus energy on this area of my body. Now the type of breathing is as mentioned diaphragmatic meaning you don’t breathe into the top part of the lungs but actually into the lower part distending your stomach outwards. The scientific aspect of this type of breathing is that it stimulates the Vagus Nerve the longest nerve in the body, which if stimulated correctly by the deep/diaphragmatic breathing will slow the heart rate. Additionally as is explained in the link the nerve is connected to the medulla the oldest part of the brain, and affects not just the heart but many of the bodies systems. The point I’m getting to is this type of breathing is used with many forms of mediation and concentration, and I sincerely believe that coupled with more frequent ejaculation, the following will help to ease and or cure the prostatitis:

http://www.medd … cn/cn1/cn10.htm

Find a quiet place, (I usually do it just as I lay down to sleep as my fiancé is usually asleep already) you can do it standing sitting or lying down as long as you are comfortable and can breathe deeply enough into your diaphragm, then start with a few deep warm up breaths, once you are ready you should notice you can hold your breath for a while with ease. Begin by slowly breathing in through your nose (out through your mouth) again very deeply pushing out your stomach then (this is the tricky part) you have to imagine and concentrate that you are sending energy to your prostate to heal it throughout the whole cycle of breathing in and out (sounds funny but I sincerely believe it works). If it is easier do a preset number of cycles (in out) or until you fall asleep or had enough etc.

Traditionally when you do this type of breathing you would focus on breathing through your buttocks (imagine) and allow the air (energy) to travel up your spine (at the back), stop at the top of your head (hold for 3 seconds or so) then begin to slowly breathe out allowing the energy/breath to travel down your front finishing in your groin. You want to breathe very slowly trying to feel the energy… this is a simplified version but it should be enough to get you started, if you have success I recommend you research the human body’s charkas used and focused in many meditation/breathing techniques.

Anyway hope this helps.

Later F. ___________________________________ "My two cents worth, may only be worth 2 cents!"


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