Dull pain in left testicle
Two days ago, I started to notice a dull pain in my left testicle about two hours after I masturbated (Second time that day). That was around 3 PM. The pain was semi-constant till I slept, which was about at 10. Yesterday, the dull feeling came back. This time though later during the day. Interestingly enough, the dull pain felt a little “higher” then the day before. All most like what ever is causing the pain is moving up. This could totally be in my head though, not 100% sure. Today, It just hit me about 1 hour ago. It’s about 6:00 PM right now. The pain again, feels like it’s a little higher then the day before. A little higher then the left testicle. It’s hard to explain really. As for my testicles, they have no swelling, lumps, bumps, or w/e! I have no problem urinating, getting an erection, or ejaculating. There is no other pain in my penis, or the surrounding area. No pain, just that dull feeling above or at my left testicle. Sort of shocked, because I’m only 18 1/2 years old. I don’t have the money to go to the doctors, but if it gets worse, I might have to. I’ll give it three more days. If it goes away, and doesn’t come back, I’m good. I’m really freaked out right now though. I can’t find much information about this. Don’t know what can be causing this.!
I mean other things like: spacious boxers, or good diet. This stuff is all in check. Just wondering if any of you have experienced any things similar to this? I didn’t do PE for a while, so I don’t think that has anything to do with it. Sorry, but I couldn’t post this in off-topic.