Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pain on left side

Pain on left side

I have been doing PE for about 20 months and have gained about a 1” in length and about a quarter inch in girth. Starting with 6.5” bone pressed or about 6” nbp. Mostly Jelqing and hand stretching, with some swim cap hanging.

When I started PE I had found Tom’s website for about a month before I lost it. So I have had very limited information to go on until I found this site and others a couple of months ago.

I hung weights for about the first 10 months of my PE. I was very conservative as I did not want any injuries. When I got up to the 10th month of “swim cap” hanging and about 9 to 10 lbs, 3sets of 20 min using plenty of heat. I noticed some pain on the left side of my penis underneath near the base. I went through several months of, on again, off again hanging before I completely stopped for about one year. I would like to see if I could restart hanging routines and anyone has heard of this kind of pain and has any suggestions.

I have noticed that during hanging the left side of my penis seems to have more tension than the right but it does not have any curves when erect or flaccid.


>I noticed some pain on the left side of my penis underneath near the base. I went through several months of, on again, off again hanging before I completely stopped for about one year. I would like to see if I could restart hanging routines and anyone has heard of this kind of pain and has any suggestions. <

I have not heard of this particular pain (that area). Dance has a problem close to that area, but I think his is on the side. It is chronic though. You might need to compare notes.

I have had various twinges in that area. They always went away after hanging a couple of minutes. No pain though.

>I have noticed that during hanging the left side of my penis seems to have more tension than the right but it does not have any curves when erect or flaccid. <

Others have reported roughly the same thing. Many have reported that over time, and with hanging, it seems to even out. It probably is not an unusual thing. Most people have a dominant side for most characteristics. We are not truly binomially symmetrical.


Pain on Left side

Bib thanks for the response, I looked at Dance’s posts.

WOW! Great news, I tried 10 pounds of hang weight for 5 min, 3 sets and no pain after a one year lay off. I applied plenty of heat with a rice sock and hand stretched for the warm-up.

Anyone know of better warm-ups or preparation for hanging weights?

I know this is just a start, but for me to be able to hang 10 pounds with no pain is big news for me. I did Jelqing and Hand stretching with a small amount of pumping at the end of my sessions during that year lay off from hanging.

My enthusiasm for PE is renewed and I look forward to some good gains again. This whole thing about PE is just another element of self improvement like lifting weights for health and fitness. My woman likes my body when I keep in shape with my exercise program and I also feel better and have more energy. All PE is about is self improvement. A better, healthier sex organ and more stamina in the bedroom for your loved one. My woman told me you have improved dramatically in bed and she still thinks it is because of all the vitamins I take. I will have to tell her soon after I reach 8” because she will wonder what is going on.


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