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PLEASE HELP- left side pubic area pain

PLEASE HELP- left side pubic area pain

After only 2 months of the jp90, I decided I was ready to hang. I started with 2 1/2 lbs, 3 sets for 20 min each, everyday. Everything went great the first week, all positive pi’s. Going into the second week, I was planning on upping to 4 sets, same weight. The very first set though, around 10 minutes in, I felt a sharp pain in the left side of my pubic region and immediately stopped and decided to rest that day and maybe a day or 2 more possibly depending how it felt. Couple days later I warmed up and started to stretch to see how it felt but I couldn’t stretch far at all without feeling a small aching pain. I decided to take a week off from there. Week later warmed up tried again, still no good, decided to take 2 weeks off. After a couple weeks went by I decided to just hang very lightly because a month had gone by and I just felt like crap after being so excited about PE initially and wanted to feel like I was accomplishing something again.
I started extremely light, only an eighth of a jug filled with water. 2 sets, 15 min each. No pain but the left side of the pubic area just doesn’t feel right, while I’m doing it and after, kind of a dull ache. I rested a couple days and did another session today, same as last. Same dull ache. The problem is I am constantly afraid while hanging that I am going to get that sharp pain again or perhaps I am messing up whatever is injured even more. Sometimes randomly it starts to ache bad and makes me cringe. Anyway after looking at a diagram I think the pain might be in my spermatic cord, or at least that’s the area where it aches most. It also aches in my upper thigh sometimes. Any thoughts on what this is? When it will heal? If I should keep hanging very light and gradually move up or just take a longer break? Any help is much appreciated, thank you.

Additional details-
-I was hanging standing up when the sharp pain occurred
-I would take turns hanging standing up twice and once BTC and vise versa, my spermatic chord always stuck out when I hung BTC, it always worried me I was cutting off blood or something. I have a pic in a thread called “BTC hanging pic- am I doing it right”
-I always warmed up 10 minutes, and the first ten minutes of each set.

The pain is just above and a little to the side of the base of the penis, correct?

If I had to guess, I’d say you have a varicose vein (varicocele) and that’s probably not the product of something that you did. Do you have some sporadic pain in the left testicle?

Be careful as it might as well be a hernia… Just go see a doctor, you don’t have to mention the hanging and PE in general, just tell him it was after some rigorous sex with a crazy, but hot, nympho, that you met in a bar in… Maybe not so much detail. :D

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Lmao yes the pain is right there, and it can spread to the top of the left side pubic area and also through the upper inner thigh as well. And yes I sometimes get pain in my left testicle, but I would get random pains in my balls even before PE. I heard lots of people do. I really appreciate the advice but I forgot to mention seeing a doc is out the question. I don’t have insurance and no money whatsoever right now. I’m currently looking for a job. Once I get one, I will see a doctor asap, but for now I will just have to go off my best judgement.

I had some similar pain, but it was due to a thrombosed vein which can be a common occurrence among us pud-pullers. It hurt like hell! Have you noticed any small lumps in the region where the pain is located?

Started hanging on 3/28/12 after minimal gains on the newbie routine. Still not discouraged! This game is 99.9% mental. Stick with it, gents.

After 1 month of hanging 5-6lbs BTC: 1/4" gain in BPEL and BPFSL!

Originally Posted by flimflam

I had some similar pain, but it was due to a thrombosed vein which can be a common occurrence among us pud-pullers. It hurt like hell! Have you noticed any small lumps in the region where the pain is located?

No I havn’t actually. After further research my symptoms seem to describe an inguinal hernia, everything except the lump, which I heard you don’t always get one. I’m gonna do my best to see a doctor. If it was a thrombosed vein, which vein would that be?

Originally Posted by hopethisworks93
Lmao yes the pain is right there, and it can spread to the top of the left side pubic area and also through the upper inner thigh as well. And yes I sometimes get pain in my left testicle, but I would get random pains in my balls even before PE. I heard lots of people do.

As I said - it doesn’t have to do anything with PE. I had a varicose vein a few years ago and the doc explained that it isn’t caused by any external stimuli.

It could be a thrombosed vein, as flimflam said, but in that case you’d probably have some problems with the subsiding of erections. If you have a raging hard on as you’re reading that - consider the possibility of thrombosis… Or I’m just a good writer. :D

P.S. Don’t the emergency medical centres in the USA diagnose for free? Oh, crappy healthcare…

Edit: In the case of a varicose vein - In my case it was the vein that goes near the side of the penis, through the side of the scrotum to the testicle. I’m not a specialist so I don’t know how it’s called or whether there is a cluster of veins. You can touch around a little bit near your testicles, my varicose vein is pretty easy to spot (by touching) - it’s pretty big, and I should probably get an operation someday soon.

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Last edited by viksenpai : 06-07-2012 at .

It can be any vein, but you’ll normally notice an accompanying bump so it probably isn’t a thrombose. Either way, good luck and I hope you start to feel better!

Started hanging on 3/28/12 after minimal gains on the newbie routine. Still not discouraged! This game is 99.9% mental. Stick with it, gents.

After 1 month of hanging 5-6lbs BTC: 1/4" gain in BPEL and BPFSL!

An update for anyone who cares..

The pain was slowly starting to subside and about a week ago while masturbating I had a lig pop when pressing down on my penis to keep it straight instead of towards my belly. Anyway as you can imagine, never hearing of lig pops before I was quite scared. I did the research and found out they are usually harmless and many actually report gains after one. My worries turned to enthusiasm to get back into PE and not waste the lig pop, maybe try to get some gains from it.

A couple days later, I warmed up and did some light stretches. Everything felt ok until the next day. Sure enough that annoying little pain on the left side of the base of my penis was present again. Guess it wasn’t healed after all.

I really wish I knew what this was, I’ve been extremely depressed over it.. It’s like a really tite/ aching feeling that’s pretty much constantly there. I can feel it in my inner thigh and hamstring also. Anyone ever have anything similar? I would love some new optimism about this injury as it’s starting to rule my mind.

I’ve decided to just wait about 6 months, as hard as it will be, before continuing with PE. The last 2 months I put theraband around my flaccid penis everyday to keep it in an elongated state kinda as an all day stretcher to at least feel like I was doing some form of PE. I will not be doing this either. I will try to do as little with my penis as possible keeping masturbation to a minimum and no PE whatsoever. I REALY hope it heals by then and I will make an update either way.

Ligament tears take six to eight weeks to repair fully and so you will experience what initially was a sharp pain, that has now subsided to a dull one.

Steady light stretching and light hanging as you are able will not hurt your recovery.

I am a bit of an expert in ligament damage as I’m a soccer player and constantly battling ankle, knee and hip strains which generally take six weeks or more before I’m 100% again.

If there was substantial ligament tears or worse you wouldn’t be able to even urinate without pain.

I don’t know about the vein bit though, maybe a doctor’s visit wouldn’t hurt.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
Ligament tears take six to eight weeks to repair fully and so you will experience what initially was a sharp pain, that has now subsided to a dull one.

Steady light stretching and light hanging as you are able will not hurt your recovery.

I am a bit of an expert in ligament damage as I’m a soccer player and constantly battling ankle, knee and hip strains which generally take six weeks or more before I’m 100% again.

If there was substantial ligament tears or worse you wouldn’t be able to even urinate without pain.

I don’t know about the vein bit though, maybe a doctor’s visit wouldn’t hurt.

What makes you think it is a ligament tear? Light stretching aggravates it alot, it is a very uncomfortable feeling. If it wasn’t doing any harm I doubt it would feel this way.. I cannot see the doctor, I have no insurance and no money whatsoever. I cannot find a job where I do not have to use my hands much as I have very very bad wrist tendonosis. It’s hard to get a job as it around here. My life is in a major rut right now considering how high my goals were for things. I think rest is probly the best choice I can make as far as PE go’s. I’m just glad I’m only 19 and there is plenty of time to heal and hopefully get back into PE again.. Thanks alot for your input, it means alot to see there is someone out there listening.

I think it’s ligament related simply because of how you got the pain and how it’s behaving, though I’m not a medical doctor.

Give it three or four weeks and take some time off PE to be on the safe side, and work back slowly when you start again.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I’m starting to really think it was nerve damage. Idk why I didn’t explain this before but when I lay on my back and am still, my whole inner thigh and hamstring go’s numb and tingly. I’ve heard nerve damage can take a long time to heal, I really hope 6 months is enough.

Yep. That sounds like Sciatic Nerve problems. Sometimes lower back stretching can help with that, but again, I’m not a medical doctor.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

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