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Losing fat in your pubic area


Losing fat in your pubic area

Hi guys wondering if anyone has any good methods/excercises that help lose fat in the pubic area? I’m sur eits difficult to lose fat in JUST this area but any excercises that give very goo to good fat loss in this area? I’ve heard it’s a very hard place to lose fat. It’s just I’ve noticed I have a lot of fat there and I’m not a fat guy (89kg at 6ft tall) if I pull back I have atleast 2 inches of lentgh to play with.


2 inches ?! Go to the gym.

Apparently no such thing as spot reduction.

It comes down to exercise and nutrition. Check out the fitness threads for tips.

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The only way to spot reduce would be liposuction. I believe some guys have explored this, but am not sure about any reported results.

Yep spot reduction doesn’t work. On the positive side, if you have two inches of chub down there any decent work out program will melt some off.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Cheers guys, defo not interested in cosmetic surgery/liposuction. Yeah I just measured, when erect it works out to be about 1.65 inch!! Thast a bit extra!! If I measure fomr the PB I’m almost 7 inches (16.7cm), but if I just measure the erect part that goes in a bird, it’s 5.25/5.5 (13.2cm odd)

I totally tought that ther ewould be no way to just focus on this area, but wondered if any type of workout or excercises work really well. I though maybe squats and lunges, and any inner thigh and stomach work would help. Hmm. Il check out the workout sections but I can’t do too muc cardio due to knee injury

I’m dieting to lose the extra weight everywhere and am hoping some of it comes from the pubic area as well. Not sure of any routine that would work that area.

I’ve just read a little bit and apparently it’s the HARDEST part to lose weight in, cos there is not a lot of muscle there to burn the fat. Il keep reading.

Originally Posted by ajcahoots
I’ve just read a little bit and apparently it’s the HARDEST part to lose weight in, cos there is not a lot of muscle there to burn the fat. Il keep reading.

Good. Keep reading. Start with this:

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I am about as lean as you can get without going extreme shredding and I still have 1/2” extra BP vs. NBP so you wont get all that but yes you will get some.

There is no such thing as spot reduction, but overall fat loss will help. Some guys just have more fat pad than others genetically, and at 1.6 inches, you have more than your share considering your height and weight. But there are lots of different ways to be 6’ tall and weigh 89 kg, and you could probably benefit from a good exercise program. Even if you could reduce to 1” fat pad, you would still gain over half an inch nbp!

As far as the part that “goes in a bird”, some of your bone pressed (hidden) length also contributes, depending on the postion (woman on top) and how hard you thrust.

Horny Bastard

My friend with a bad knee can’t run either so he uses an eliptical machine or stair stepper in the gym. Not sure if it will work for you or not, but it’s something worth looking into as a good diet and cardio is the only way to lose it.

Originally Posted by ajcahoots
Cheers guys, defo not interested in cosmetic surgery/liposuction. Yeah I just measured, when erect it works out to be about 1.65 inch!! Thast a bit extra!! If I measure fomr the PB I’m almost 7 inches (16.7cm), but if I just measure the erect part that goes in a bird, it’s 5.25/5.5 (13.2cm odd)

I totally tought that ther ewould be no way to just focus on this area, but wondered if any type of workout or excercises work really well. I though maybe squats and lunges, and any inner thigh and stomach work would help. Hmm. Il check out the workout sections but I can’t do too muc cardio due to knee injury

I speculate that your still taking pain medications, from this you may be retaining some water. A natural remedy for removing excess water is Apple cider vinegar pills and green tea pills.

Beings you can’t do a lot of cardio due to knee injury you might want to take these two items to keep the weight off. As far as getting rid of some fat in that area you may want to limit beer if you drink beer to two can per day or less. Beer is estrogenic as well as pain killers and NSAIDs. Fat accumulates in the groin area as well as the abdomen when one is to estrogenic.

You say you are already lean, you want to keep that leaness.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Weight loss from water weight is temporary and will come back as soon as you drink something though.

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