Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pubic Fat and Liposuction


Pubic Fat and Liposuction

Hi to all, in my last measurement I noticed a full inch difference between the BPEL and NBPEL. So, I should urgently get rid of that fat layer but the problem is that a cardio workout is only good for general fat loss from the body but not for local fat accumulations. That’s why liposuction seems a better solution for me. Is there any member who tried this before? Is there any possible complication about the genital health?

Soon to be 9''.

The idea does intrigue me. However I’m gonna try weight loss first, If I still have too much padding there when I get where I wanna be I might consider it.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Luv, what would you expect lyposuction of the fat pad to run cost wise?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Can’t they just push the fat pad into my cock and sew it up:D

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Lipo might sound like a good idea, but the area might look strange afterwards. I’ve read that the procedure leaves these honeycomb shaped ridges in the skin or something like that. Besides… what if they accidentally suck out one of your nuts? :)

Becoming.... Godsize

That would be pretty silly…

Why not just start eating smarter and doing more exercise? Some say the better blood flow from cardio speeds up gaining anyway.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

I had a pubic fat pad liposuction done in 1994. At the time my pubic fat pad had a thickness of about 1.5” (I weighed 280 lbs at the time). Since I suffer from ED, I needed all the usable penis that I could get, so I chose to have the surgery.

I had insurance at the time, but of course this type of surgery was not covered by insurance. At the time I also needed surgery done to correct a deviated septum. I arranged for the surgeon to do both surgeries at the same time. This meant that my insurance did cover the cost of the anesthesia, and some of the operating room’s costs that I would otherwise have had to pay myself if I had only had the pubic fat pad liposuction done. I can’t remember my exact cost, but I believe that it was between $2500 - $3000. I had this procedure done at the best (read that as most expensive) plastic surgeon in the area, so you might find someone who would do it for less.

I had to wear a compression garment (basically bike shorts) for a couple of weeks to try to smooth things as much as possible. I am pleased with the cosmetics of the surgery, as I can not detect any lumpiness in my pubic fat pad area. Of course I’m not shaved there, so there could be some slight lumpiness that I haven’t noticed.

After the surgery, and after the swelling went down I ended up with a pubic fat pad thickness of about .5”. My weight has gone up and down a few times since then. The last time that I weighed 280 lbs (3 years ago) I had regrown a little fat in the area and the thickness was up to .75”. Now I’ve lost down to 240 lbs and my pubic fat pad is again about .5”.

To me it was very well worth it. If I could spend another $3000 to get another .75” - 1” I’d gladly do it.

I thought lypo actually sucked the fat cells away, and once they were gone, no more storage in that area was possible?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


I think that if done as an outpatient at a surgi-center it would be $1200-2000.


I agree, I wouldn’t consider it untill I have made a good dent with diet/exercise first, since they might make the procedure unecessary and save me some bucks.

>>I’ve read that the procedure leaves these honeycomb shaped ridges in the skin or something like that.>>

My wife had some liposuction done in various places, it leaves things a little lumpy for a couple months, then it smooths out.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Liposuction does remove many of the fat cells, but no all. If you keep your weight constant or lose weight then you’ll not get any new fat cells or enlarge any of the existing cells. If you gain weight after the liposuction then you’ll gain new fat cells or enlarge existing cells everywhere, even where you’ve had fat liposuctioned away.

If you cycle your weight up and down you are much more likely to get fat back in the fattest areas of your body. You’ll also get some fat growing in the area where you had the liposuction done because whatever genetic/environmental factors that cause you to deposit that fat in the first place will cause you to regain fat in that area if you are gaining weight. It was’t a whole lot, but it was definitely there.

LOL! I’m a 5’9” bodybuilder, I weigh 190 pounds and have a 31” waist. Fairly low budy fat here, but I still have a difference of 1 3/8” between my BPEL and NBPEL. I go from 6” to 7 3/8” as I push the ruler.


8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

thanks itsme for your reply, so it works but a bit expensive. Anyway I will give it a try.

Soon to be 9''.

Originally Posted by itsme
I had a pubic fat pad liposuction done in 1994. At the time my pubic fat pad had a thickness of about 1.5” (I weighed 280 lbs at the time). Since I suffer from ED, I needed all the usable penis that I could get, so I chose to have the surgery.

I had insurance at the time, but of course this type of surgery was not covered by insurance. At the time I also needed surgery done to correct a deviated septum. I arranged for the surgeon to do both surgeries at the same time. This meant that my insurance did cover the cost of the anesthesia, and some of the operating room’s costs that I would otherwise have had to pay myself if I had only had the pubic fat pad liposuction done. I can’t remember my exact cost, but I believe that it was between $2500 - $3000. I had this procedure done at the best (read that as most expensive) plastic surgeon in the area, so you might find someone who would do it for less.

I had to wear a compression garment (basically bike shorts) for a couple of weeks to try to smooth things as much as possible. I am pleased with the cosmetics of the surgery, as I can not detect any lumpiness in my pubic fat pad area. Of course I’m not shaved there, so there could be some slight lumpiness that I haven’t noticed.

After the surgery, and after the swelling went down I ended up with a pubic fat pad thickness of about .5”. My weight has gone up and down a few times since then. The last time that I weighed 280 lbs (3 years ago) I had regrown a little fat in the area and the thickness was up to .75”. Now I’ve lost down to 240 lbs and my pubic fat pad is again about .5”.

To me it was very well worth it. If I could spend another $3000 to get another .75” - 1” I’d gladly do it.

Simple example of the supra pubic lipo and success!

does anyone have more info on this procedure? i hit the gym 3-4 days a week and also do some cardio *190lbs with 10-12% bodyfat
however still have about a 1” fat pad. (nbpel 6”, bpel 7”) so its mainly genetics

considering to have lipo done if it could reduce my fat pad to about 0.25”. would look amazing!

Then- 5.7 x 4.7 (bpel x mseg)

Now- 7.1 x 5.1 (beg 5.5) // Goal-> 8 x 5.5+

Extender Log 2017


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