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Losing fat pad

Losing fat pad

General workout won’t do much for me as I’m pretty skinny anyway, but if I could do something to reduce the fat pad even by 0.25” it would be great, any suggestions for exercises that work that area?

Yes, it would be great to have an .25” fatpad. Mine’s still around 1.5” thick.

There’s no specific exercise to lose the fatpad. Any ABs/Upper leg exercise would be your best bet.

Your body burns fat evenly so just stick to a good diet, regular cardio and resistance training. I too have a thick fat pad that’s a little thicker than an inch.

Ulcaster your sig says you want average, how big are you might I ask? I’m 4” nbp

It’s a tricky area to lose. Ab exercises are not the way to go. They are going to increase the muscle tissue underneath the fat which doesn’t reduce the pad.

Keeping your Heart Rate up around 60%-70% max is the best way to lose fat. (It’s physiology if anyone wants the actual reasoning behind that I will take the time to type it out but I doubt it.)

Anyways how do you find out % of your max heart rate.

1. Find max HR.. A decent approximation is 220 - age = Max HR
Although some peoples will be higher and lower. The only way to find your actual max is to run yourself into the ground by slowly increasing running speed until your HR stops getting higher. (There will be a lot of lactic acid produced doing this and it will not be fun but will be much more accurate.)

2. Find your resting HR preferably while laying down.

3. Take your max HR - your Resting HR eg. Max HR = 205 Resting = 55

205-55 = 150.

150 is the important # here. You want to find 60%-70% of 150

150 x .6= 90 or 150 x .7= 105

Now again you might not see the reasoning but I can assure you this is what you do. Add the 60% or 70% value to your resting value. 105 + 55= 160
90+55= 145
So this example would need their HR to be in the 145 -165 range while exercising to be at max fat burning level.

Originally Posted by Anthony897

Ulcaster your sig says you want average, how big are you might I ask? I’m 4” nbp

Pm me and you can ask me anything you please…

>4.5” pre-pe.

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
Pm me and you can ask me anything you please..
>4.5” pre-pe.

Sorry about that, it didn’t cross my mind to pm you

It’s a tricky area to lose. Ab exercises are not the way to go. They are going to increase the muscle tissue underneath the fat which doesn’t reduce the pad.

Crosswalk, how far down do the Abdominal muscles go? (Genuine question)

The penis is attached to the pubic bone by Ligament, do the muscles stop before that or is it above or below the Ligament.

I ask because I do weighted crunches (aiming to keep the reps at 6)and wonder if I should drop the weight and increase reps to reduce my fat pad.

Spot training, such as training abs to lose weight does not work.
Only light cardio or fat burning training with low to medium intensity will do the trick.

A good diet will do just fine as well.

Abs training in any form will not increase or decrease your fat pad, however high reps with low weights in multiple sets is the best way to maintain a smaller waist line.


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