TimTopple seems to have a possible pelvic floor issue given that he also has some urinary leakage, which can be a symptom of a lax pelvic floor. That is pretty clearly a clinical issue that should be addressed, and I’m glad he is doing so.
But for most of the rest of us, transient ED related to chronic pelvic floor dysfunction is unlikely to be present. So please forgive me for saying this as I mean it respectfully and as a constructive comment to anyone concerned about this, but others on this thread might be overthinking this issue.
Intermittently weak erections have so, so many possible causes, most of which are transient and not related to arterial supply, venous drainage or enervation (all of which are biophysical issues sometimes, but not always, related to the pelvic floor musculature). Just as an example, think of all the times poor sleep or stress can cause some degree of mild ED. The hormonal balance that leads to strong erectile function is subtle and constantly shifting in a whole organism homeostasis. So many things can affect this negatively, as well as positively.
I also wouldn’t worry too much about kegel exercises resulting in problems. Most guys find strong pelvic muscles a huge benefit in sexual function. In my PE practice, I’ve found the stronger my kegel the harder my erection. And they enable strong ejaculatory force, which feels amazing.
You might get some transient fatigue after exercising them causing some transient laxity or tightness, like you would after training any of your skeletal muscles, but I think it is probably the unusual case for this to cause ongoing ED issues. Plus, it doesn’t take a lot of kegel work to see results. I don’t think it has to be super intense or high volume. Just a little on a regular basis.
If you find your perineal muscles are tensed up after a PE session, just spend a little time connecting with them and relaxing them. I’ve had a rolfer look at my posture and tell me I have chronically tensed up perineal muscles based on the way I stand and move. I immediately checked in with those muscles and realized he was right. Probably been going on my whole life, as I seem to carry a lot of physical tension at a baseline. Bit of a Type A. So I try to relax them when I think about it. But mostly I don’t and I always find them tensed up on the occasions that I do check in. And I’ve never had any issues with ED. Not saying my experience is universal, just that it isn’t necessarily going to cause problems.
There are a lot of members on this forum, so statistically a few might have this as a chronic issue resulting in ED, but I think as a general matter it is relatively rare, and I don’t think anyone should be too concerned about kegel exercises causing an imbalance.
Rock out with your cock out!