Originally Posted by Tim_Topple
For a while now I have been convinced that I caused damage to my penis through PE in some way. Erections are hard to gain and are hard to maintain. These symptoms of traditional ED seem parallel to symptoms of ED caused by pelvic floor dysfunction. So how do you know the difference? I have a referral to a urologist to cover all my bases but that will likely be a long waiting time. Does anyone know ways to differentiate between the two causes of ED?
First off, not an expert, but pretty educated on general issues. I’m learning along with everyone else. So take this for what it’s worth.
Do you get nocturnal erections? Is your sex drive normal? Do you respond to viagra or cialis?
What kind of PE exercises do you think could be the culprit? There are two possible pelvic floor issues, flaccid muscles and tight muscles, both of which would have a range of other symptoms related to bladder and bowels, at least for most people.
Based on mechanism of PE exercises and penile anatomy I think it is fairly unlikely that it is a pelvic floor issue caused by PE.
A flaccid pelvic floor musculature would come from the muscles being flaccid or overstretched. Reportedly this can cause venous outflows related ED. A flaccid pelvic floor means either muscular atrophy (from aging or immobility) or stretch muscles from chronically increased intra-pelvic pressure, like long-term severe constipation or heavy powerlifting where you wear a belt and hold super high intra-abdominal pressure. For most people, there is never anything that extreme to cause problems, even for constipated powerlifters.
I can’t think of a PE exercise that causes that kind of intra-abdominal pressure (think of straining at the toilet; it’s called a valsalva maneuver). Even heavy weight hanging is limited to external pelvic attachments, like the base of the CC and the suspensory ligament anchored to the superficial portion of the pubic bones. There isn’t really an attachment to the involved pelvic floor muscles.
So I think if you do have a flaccid pelvic floor issues then it is probably unrelated to PE. But I’m interested to hear your theory and could be wrong.
But, if your pelvic floor muscles are just generally weak and you think there is a venous outflow issue then you can strengthen them doing pelvic floor muscle exercises like kegels. There are whole yoga practices related to the pelvic floor, which is called the mula bandha. You can look up yoga routines under that name, if you like.
I think a tight pelvic floor is less likely, since a tight pelvic floor compresses the arteries that lead to penile inflow, and the fact that you can get an erection makes that seem less likely. But perhaps you hold a lot of muscular tension in your pelvic floor, maybe as a reaction to some PE exercises and maybe this leads to intermittent arterial compression that results in some ED. There are relaxation exercises and stretches that might help if you’re thinking that is the case. You can also search for them online.
Unrelated to the pelvic floor I think high pressure pumping can theoretically cause some venous outflow issues which could make maintaining an erection difficult, but that is just a theory unless someone here has experienced that or known of it in someone else. But that is unrelated to the pelvic floor.
Whatever the issue, I would consider a mula bandha practice/ kegel exercise routine. A lot of guys, including me, have had firmer, longer lasting erections as a result. It might improve your EQ substantially no matter the cause of ED. I also have increased my ejaculation force and distance substantially from a regular routine, which is nice. So there’s no harm in it unless your issue is a tight pelvic floor.
Some guys find jelqing also helps. Lots of info on this forum about ways to go.
Good luck and keep us posted.