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Experimental Discolouration treatment cream

Experimental Discolouration treatment cream

hey guys, here is the story:

I was searching through my junk the other day and came across a couple of tubes of this prescription medicine cream I had a couple of years back to treat something like a sweat rash.

the active chemical is called: “Triamcinolone Acetonide”

I did some research on it, and supposedly its the same stuff used in asthma inhalers.

The thing I was wondering about, is that I remember the doc telling me it may cause lightening of the skin (or darkening, I cant remember) because its some form of steroid.

It just hit me that if it does actually have a lightening effect, that I could use it to help rid my discolouration….

any docs or meds have any opinions/thoughts on this?


nobody has any clues?

Is this thread in the right forum?

This was discussed either here or at PE Forums somewhat. Someone was telling about this creme that is used for freckles to be lightened would work on the pee pee. Best I can do.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

mmm thanks tt

maybe I’ll just say fuck it and give it a shot for a week

if anything bad starts happening I’ll quit.

I’ll post my results.

Don’t worry I have that shanty Irish Blood with Freckles on my shoulders. God do I hate them freckles! So I was intrigued by how to get rid of them, that’s how I jumped into that thread I was telling you about.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I’ll keep you posted….

this cream shit is several years out of expiry date though, so who knows? Maybe it’s changed into something completely different….

if it works, maybe I can set up a business:
“Secjays premium aged discolouration cream, in the cask for 4 years”


So, have it worked yet? =)

Restarting everything.

Corticosteroid creams

The following information is from an online drug company information page about their preparation of a skin cream that contains triamcinolone acetonide.

"Long-term continuous treatment with topical corticosteroids should be avoided as far as possible as this may cause atrophic changes in the skin leading to thinning, loss of elasticity, dilation of superficial blood vessels, telangiectasias and ecchymoses … Systemic absorption of topically applied corticosteroids may occur, particularly under the following conditions: when large quantities are used, or when application is made to wide areas of the body, or to damaged skin; when potent topical corticosteroids are used; and when the occlusive dressing technique is applied. Depression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis with consequent suppression of the adrenal gland may occur."

In other words, continuous use of corticosteroid creams on your penis may cause the skin to get thin, surface blood vessels to bleed (and cause bruises), and if enough is absorbed, could cause problems with your adrenal glands. You probably shouldn’t count on this as a remedy for discoloration.

More information.

thanks for the infoze westla!
Lucky I decided to chuck that shit out…

I never used it, mostly because it was way expired, but its lucky I didnt after all, I would have wanted those crummy side effects just to nicen up the colouration!

Sorry to the others questions, I forgot this thread existed! :)

I’ve wondered about those “ethnic skin bleaching” creams. For black/darker skinned people. You can find them in the “ethnic” areas of stores like Wal-Mart. Dunno if they’d work for our type of discoloration though. They are meant to lighten birth marks, and other “blemishes” but, then again, our discolorations are from deliberate “bruising” from blood trapped under the skin during PE. I’ll volunteer for laser treatment if someone will pay for it ;)

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