Firm vein & shaft swelling
Hi I’m new to the forum (and PE in general). Hopefully someone can help me move this to the injuries forum.
I’m a 36yo in good health. Not a ton of exercise lately but often a lot of jogging and moderate weight lifting. Smaller than average in height/weight.
Generally healthy eating habits. No diagnosed mental or physical conditions.
I started PE a few weeks ago, relatively light stretching & manual jelq (5-10 mins in shower). About 5 days ago when I woke up I noticed a pretty significantly firm vein and noticeable swelling on the right side of shaft. It gives my penis a leftward curve.
The vein is sensitive and a bit uncomfortable to touch but not painful. Swelling feels fine. It has gotten a little bit better over the last couple days but certainly not gone. No additional pain/discomfort when erect.
No medical opinion yet. Trying to gauge the severity and how much I should be concerned. Stopped all PE. Trying to avoid activity but I have had sex/masturbated (no noticeable pain). I’ve been applying light compression for a few minutes at a time, as often as I’m able.
Does this condition sound/look familiar to anybody? Possibly it will recover with time?
Thank you!
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