Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

First "injury?" any help appreciated.

First "injury?" any help appreciated.

Ok here is my story. I have been a member here for quite a while and got back into the routine lately.
I have also added some clamping using a cable clamp a few months ago and didn’t notice any issues, just enlarge flaccid girth.

I then toyed with some stretching, this is hard to describe but I basically used a device I made (illustration attached) to stretch my penis upward using bungee chord that went around the back of my neck. I probably did this 4 times in a 2 week period for maybe 20 minutes each time. I wasn’t concerned with the weight of pull since it really didn’t seem like much at all and there was no pain or discomfort.

Twice in the last week I was unable to obtain/sustain enough erection to have intercourse with my wife. This has only happened maybe 3 times in 13 years and previously could be related to too much alcohol. I did masturbate to porn just to make sure everything still works. It does, although I still notice some issue. I also notice the head of my penis seems slightly numb, has less coloration, and does not engorge like it did.

I am assuming I should just rest, but I am wondering if anyone knows what I might have done and what else I might be able to do.

I am also on Cymbolta, which can cause some of these symptoms, but they really have not been an issue for a long time.


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Start Date Nov 05 2006: BPEL (5.50) NBPEL (5.0) E .Girth(4.75) F. Length(4.00) F. Girth(4.25)

Last Meas June 14 2007: BPEL (7) NBPEL (6) E .Girth(5.50) F. Length(4.125) F. Girth(4.50)

This is normal for many people including me. If I plan on having sex, I don’t do any stretching or hanging for at least 12 hours beforehand.

Just adjust your timing to compensate for the fatigue.

I wish I thought it was normal, it certainly not normal for me. Its been over a week and it feels the same. I definitely notice a loss of sensitivity in the Corpus and some in the Glands. Also, when I do get an erection it doesn’t stay around as long as usual.

Maybe I am just panicking and need to give it more time, this sucks.


Start Date Nov 05 2006: BPEL (5.50) NBPEL (5.0) E .Girth(4.75) F. Length(4.00) F. Girth(4.25)

Last Meas June 14 2007: BPEL (7) NBPEL (6) E .Girth(5.50) F. Length(4.125) F. Girth(4.50)

Still having what appear to be long term issues

Man, this sucks. I have given up all PE related activities for 1 month and not gotten any better.

While having sex I cannot retain the normally hard erection that I always had. Having a very strong erection is the thing I have been happiest with since beginning PE, now it seems my stupidity has taken that very thing away. The way I describe what I feel now is that before this I had an erection that was very stiff in the middle lower shaft, now, it feel very placid. The penis also doesn’t want to keep erect or fully engorged. Man this sucks, there have been numerous times over the last month were I have faked an orgasm or just given up. Even trying myself with porn I can definitely tell the same issues are present. Very frustrating, I have never ever experienced this. Very sad.

Anyone have ideas, have I damaged my tunica, nerve damage, something else? any suggestion for treatment? Do I try some Viagra to see if that solves it? Would that tell me that there was nothing physically wrong if Viagra worked?

thanks in advance


Start Date Nov 05 2006: BPEL (5.50) NBPEL (5.0) E .Girth(4.75) F. Length(4.00) F. Girth(4.25)

Last Meas June 14 2007: BPEL (7) NBPEL (6) E .Girth(5.50) F. Length(4.125) F. Girth(4.50)

I posted a minute ago, but didn’t pay attention to the time frame and had to revise…

You mentioned that you’ve been taking Cymbolta for a while with no problems, so that more than likely rules it out as the problem.

I haven’t read back over your progress logs if you keep them here at the forum, but did you work your way up to the more intense stretching and clamping exercises? You very well may have injured yourself, and may possibly need to get an opinion from a doctor. If you plan to take Viagra, you’ll need to speak with one anyway, so just kill two birds with one stone.

This could also be psychological. It’s not hard to see that you’re pretty worried about the situation, and I went through a similar issue a few months back after pumping and jelqing a little more than I should. I thought the worst and it effected my EQ quite a bit. I was too stubborn to go to a doctor, but once I put the issue behind me and started thinking positively, my EQ went through the roof almost overnight.

I’m not a pro and still a newb here at the forums, but I would suggest a visit with your physician since you’re already taking meds. I’m sure he can set your mind at ease!

Start: November 2010 (BPEL: 7.5" -- EG (Midshaft): 5.6" -- EG (Base): 6.1")

I agree with BigDanny, if you are in panic the penis won’t work.

Mi cuerpo sera pequeno, pero mi mente es infinitamente grande.

Originally Posted by BigDanny
I posted a minute ago, but didn’t pay attention to the time frame and had to revise…

You mentioned that you’ve been taking Cymbolta for a while with no problems, so that more than likely rules it out as the problem.

I haven’t read back over your progress logs if you keep them here at the forum, but did you work your way up to the more intense stretching and clamping exercises? You very well may have injured yourself, and may possibly need to get an opinion from a doctor. If you plan to take Viagra, you’ll need to speak with one anyway, so just kill two birds with one stone.

This could also be psychological. It’s not hard to see that you’re pretty worried about the situation, and I went through a similar issue a few months back after pumping and jelqing a little more than I should. I thought the worst and it effected my EQ quite a bit. I was too stubborn to go to a doctor, but once I put the issue behind me and started thinking positively, my EQ went through the roof almost overnight.

I’m not a pro and still a newb here at the forums, but I would suggest a visit with your physician since you’re already taking meds. I’m sure he can set your mind at ease!

Wow, its that obvious huh? I was honestly reading another article on injuries and came back here to copy the link to my thread and to ask the folks on the other thread the question below:

~ “I in fact DO have an anxiety problem. I am wondering if perhaps I just tired my dick out doing a bit too much PE, then noticed a difference and immediately starting my mind turning that something was wrong. Perhaps this has turned a short term physical problem into a long term mental problem?”

Thanks so much for you’re in-site BigDanny.


Start Date Nov 05 2006: BPEL (5.50) NBPEL (5.0) E .Girth(4.75) F. Length(4.00) F. Girth(4.25)

Last Meas June 14 2007: BPEL (7) NBPEL (6) E .Girth(5.50) F. Length(4.125) F. Girth(4.50)

No worries! I was jelqing to the newbie routine, stretching, and I started trying the fowfers. I did a fowfer one night and I must have pulled my dick a little too hard and squeezed too hard right behind the glans. I had some pain in my shaft for a couple of days and lost my night/morning wood completely. I was pretty sure I had broken my dick. I had a lot of trouble getting erections for almost two weeks due to the worry and I’m sure some recovery on my dick’s part. It took a weekend trip away from my daily grind and these forums to get my mind off of the problem, and the second day into our trip, I woke up next to my girlfriend with some titanium morning wood. That eased my mind and I’ve been fine ever since. I have pretty much given up PE though. I’d love to gain another inch or so in length and girth, but I’m lucky enough to have an admirable size already. I definitely don’t want to ruin it. I’m not saying you or anyone else should give up PE though!! I still do mild random stretching and jelq in the shower from time to time for pleasure, but the daily routine isn’t for me.

Start: November 2010 (BPEL: 7.5" -- EG (Midshaft): 5.6" -- EG (Base): 6.1")

Last edited by BigDanny : 04-19-2011 at .
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