First "injury?" any help appreciated.
Ok here is my story. I have been a member here for quite a while and got back into the routine lately.
I have also added some clamping using a cable clamp a few months ago and didn’t notice any issues, just enlarge flaccid girth.
I then toyed with some stretching, this is hard to describe but I basically used a device I made (illustration attached) to stretch my penis upward using bungee chord that went around the back of my neck. I probably did this 4 times in a 2 week period for maybe 20 minutes each time. I wasn’t concerned with the weight of pull since it really didn’t seem like much at all and there was no pain or discomfort.
Twice in the last week I was unable to obtain/sustain enough erection to have intercourse with my wife. This has only happened maybe 3 times in 13 years and previously could be related to too much alcohol. I did masturbate to porn just to make sure everything still works. It does, although I still notice some issue. I also notice the head of my penis seems slightly numb, has less coloration, and does not engorge like it did.
I am assuming I should just rest, but I am wondering if anyone knows what I might have done and what else I might be able to do.
I am also on Cymbolta, which can cause some of these symptoms, but they really have not been an issue for a long time.
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Start Date Nov 05 2006: BPEL (5.50) NBPEL (5.0) E .Girth(4.75) F. Length(4.00) F. Girth(4.25)
Last Meas June 14 2007: BPEL (7) NBPEL (6) E .Girth(5.50) F. Length(4.125) F. Girth(4.50)