The admins on a profit orientated forum can never acknowledge hard flaccid as an actual physical injury because if they do, they are terrified that they would open themselves up to a cataclysm of lawsuits. As long as they feign ignorance and there isn’t a medical test showing the damage, they figure they should be OK.
They aren’t telling you to see a doctor to rule out an injury, they are telling you to see a doctor to rule out a lawsuit. Even those who got hard flaccid from a non PE related physical accident, or after drug use (damage to the nervous system) must be deligitimized too, because if they acknowledge the injury for those people, they would be acknowledging it for those injured from PE, and potentially opening themselves up to a giant lawsuit.
If you sift through the vague and lackluster safety info on a profit orientated forum, you’ll see that they explicitly mention that erect bends can cause permanent damage, but not for any other exercise. If the admins demonstrate awareness of hard flaccid injuries in open forum, the question becomes raised as to why this wasn’t disclosed in the safety info.
And just so people know, my internet source for jelqing prior to my injury was some random site with virtually zero safety info or any comprehensive info at all. I tried jelqing as a joke thinking it would do nothing. Later I discovered a profit orientated forum when seeking solutions about my injury and discovered this nightmare and how these criminally minded people operate.
PS- Heart disease is a symptom, not a thing unto itself. Erectile dysfunction is a symptom, not a thing unto itself. A headache is a symptom, not a thing unto itself. So all of these things kind of aren’t actually real things, they are symptoms. Kind of like how hard flaccid isn’t a real thing. See what I did there?