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Hard Flaccidinjury.


Hard Flaccidinjury.

Can’t post elsewhere, so I am doing it here.

I used apex extender+male hanger. Definitly overdid it. Used for about 2 weeks, 5 days on 2 off. After those two weeks my wife and I had 2 days of intense sex. Felt fine the whole time. After the second day of sex, I went to pee and slightly tugged my penis. Instant shooting pains and I almost fell over.

After that hard flaccid started. Penis shrunk in and hurt, lots of anxiety etc. I went to a urologist who said I would heal and just give it time, but no sex for 4-6 weeks.

My symptoms went away after about 2 weeks and I thought I was good. We had sex again. Symptoms returned. That was about a week ago.

I’m worried I have caused permanent damage. Any advice or reassurance y’all can offer me is greatly appreciated. Just want this thing to go back to normal.

I also stopped all PE, don’t worry about that, and this time I will be waiting for full 4-6 weeks before sex

Ive done more harm to my dick than most. Let it rest. Im sure in about a month it will be fine. Start.back with light work. Stress is really your biggest problem. Please beloeve me. Your head can totally make u freak.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Over Stretched Hard Flaccid, Really Concerned About Nerve Damage

Hello all. I was stupid and stretched using male hanger- I way over stretched and didn’t check for how long I was stretching( I would just screw it until it was uncomfortable, wait a few minutes, then screw some more). (I also tightened the male hanger way too hard on my dick) for about 2 weeks (30 min etch day, 5 days on 2 off). I definitely was starting to have issues and didn’t pay attention to them (lack of erection quality).

A few days later I had sex with my wife.

A few hours after I came, I went to pee and got a terrible shooting pain in my penis.

All the hard flaccid symptoms came after that. (Penis was first numb, then painful, pain in perinum, anxiety, cosntipation)

That was a month ago. Two weeks after I thought I had healed and we had sex again. This caused the HF to return. Since then, it’s came and went but has not left. I’m terrified I caused nerve damage with the over stretching and over tightening of the male hanger. If anyone has advice or a way to help me calm down, please tell me. This is hell.

I went to 2 urologists who both said to give it a few weeks and I would be fine . I’m going to a pelvic floor physiotherapist in 2 days. I’m so scared I fucked up my dick for life. This is absolut hell.

Last edited by dereksmith22 : 07-28-2024 at . Reason: Added info

Man, I agree that you went way too hard. This whole thing works with slow gains. Your body has to have time for healing and adjusting to the stresses you have exposed it to. I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I have done stupid things like hang 20 lbs from my junk without building up to it.

You went to two actual doctors. They said give it a few weeks. Man, I suggest listening to them. Yes, it’s scary. But just leave it alone and let it heal. I got a repetitive use injury in one wrist (typing, not jerking too hard). They put me in a brace that immobilized my wrist and thumb for a month, then, slowly, I had 2 months of physical therapy for it. 3 lousy months of not being able to do my day job effectively because of the impact on my body caused by… my day job.

Point being, I went a full month not even rotating my wrist. I’m back at full power. Leave your manhood alone except to pee. Come back to other ideas when it’s healthy. And next time… take it easy.

Thank you so much for the assurance. I think I will be okay. I’m sure I didn’t do permanent damage. I really appreciate it man.

We’re here for you!

Update- Its been almost 2 weeks since my re-injury, 1 month since injury. I appear to be continuing to heal well and am on the road to recovery from what I can tell- but far from 100%. HF symptoms have gone way down, nocturnal erections are back and less painful/tight, though they still are not 100%, maybe like 80-90% .

Things I have been doing to heal: eating clean with an abundance of fruit, vegetables and protein. Vegetable smoothies have been my go to and helped with some of the initial constipation. I started taking B complex vitamins incase it is nerve related, as that is supposed to assist with nerve regeneration. No alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, very limited exercise and almost 0 heavy lifting. Rest of genitals- no touching except to pee as was recommended by Lit15 and multiple urologists. After 4 more weeks I’m hoping to be good as new.

Today I did get a surprisingly large burning sensation in the urethra after peeing and have had a difficult time with getting all of my pee out. I think this is part of the healing process, but time will tell. Will come back with another update in a few weeks/if things get interesting again.

Thank you so much to those that responded. Injuring your junk is terrifying, especially when you think it might be permanent, having the support of expereinced individuals really helped calm my nerves. Also, Dereck Smith is a fake name incase anyone was wondering lmao.

I’m also going through an injury, not hard flaccid but I’m about 6 weeks into it and its scary as hell for sure. Pain from stretching it too hard, its comforting to see other PE’ers who are also going through similar long stretches of healing. I’m also not 100% but roughly in the same time-frame as you for healing.

I don’t know how I missed your update considering how often I refresh my filtered page, but here we are. I’m so pleased to read of your progress! Further, the return of night wood is a great indicator of returning health. Stay the course!

Repeating my "not a Dr" disclaimer, but another anecdote for you: I participate in a grappling sport, and so injuries happen regularly. It’s fun, and people struggle to miss participating over injuries. New people especially, when they’ve just gotten "the bug." Coincidentally, new people get their ribs popped so often you can practically set your watch by it. And what do they do? Finally have one day where they feel mostly okay and so they get right back on the mat. They eff their ribs right back up and prolong the recovery immeasurably compared to waiting for full recovery the first time around.

Don’t be a new guy. Recover all the way before you start back.

Update again for y’all! Three weeks since last orgasm and I’m like 80-90% back to normal. I have to wait 3 more weeks to orgasm (according to urologist) and should be fully healed by then.

I went and saw a pelvic floor physio today who confirmed the hypothesis that I tore a muscle in my pelvic floor, and the inflimation from that tear was putting strain on my pedundul nerve.

To expedite healing I started a supplement stack: l-carnatitine(blood flow) a nerve blend from Amazon (nerve healing) , b vitamins(nerve healing) c vitamins(muscle tear healing) , 2.5mg cialis/day(blood flow), and 600mg ib profin (inflamation/pain) Plenty of protein in diet, and a shit ton of fruits and vegetables; and being in a caloric surplus. I did not do any stretches, but will likely start them soon as the muscle continues to heal then will add in strengthening exercises. No going to the gym/heavy lifting, but walking and staying active. This whole thing really reminds me of when I slightly herniated a disc a few years ago in terms of recovery time/the nerve pain component.

Incredibly glad to be recovering and to have the support of members of this sub. I agree with Dr. Hinks statement that the mental component of HF is one of the hardest parts to heal from. If you are reading this now with a similar injury, remember that you WILL recover and do not need to worry that anything is permanent. It may take time and effort and will probably suck, but your penis will come back! Please stay off the HF Reddit, it is a depressing vortex of horror stories which are not going to happen to you.

Peace and love to all, and happy gains!

Congrats! I’m so glad that you BOTH got medical care AND support from the community here. We’ll see you in the progress threads soon!

Originally Posted by dereksmith22
Today I did get a surprisingly large burning sensation in the urethra after peeing and have had a difficult time with getting all of my pee out. I think this is part of the healing process, but time will tell.

That is a very common occurrence after penile damage, particularly an impact or compression injury.

The urethra is supposed to be about the same size all the way from the prostate to the glans. It’s somewhat stretchy as well. However, when exposed to trauma, it can shrink at that area; the tight spots are called strictures. They may cause "discomfort" (*) when urinating or ejaculating, and "failure to completely empty the bladder." Which is actually usually empty, but urine can get backed up behind the stricture, where it will happly stay until you pull your underwear up, where it will promptly release and cause a wet spot.

A large percentage of men get strictures for no-damn-reason at some point in their life; the stats are also different by race and circumcision status. You can look the numbers up if you care.

When I wound up with strictures I looked at the urology procedure. It’s very simple: summarized from various urologist’s web sites, they put the patient under local or general anesthesia, then shove a big steel rod in and work it back and forth like they were plunging a toilet. Takes ten or fifteen minutes, then they give you a pad to contain any urine or blood leakage and tell you to go to ER if it starts bleeding too much. The strictures aren’t nearly as stretchy as the undamaged urethra, and can tear when forced abruptly open by the rods. (called "sounds") They can scar as they heal, and it’s quite common for strictures to return at the same spot, requiring recurrent visits to the doc.

Some modern urologists will advise the patient to use stepped urology sounds and gradually stretch the strictures out yourself over a few weeks since it’s much less traumatic to the urethra. If your urologist diagnoses a stricture, make sure get him to explain exactly what he plans to do, and what the side effects might be, and ask him about the DIY protocol if he doesn’t mention it.

If you’re like most men the idea of having a steel rod shoved up your dick will make you cross your legs while shouting "HELL NO!" It can actually be rather pleasurable, though *extremely* strange the first few times. There’s actually a whole sex toy category for it.

Many guys would squick out over the idea of DIY, and nobody’s insurance would pay for dozens of visits for the doc to do it when one ramrod session would do, so it’s not a real common thing.

For now, though, I suggest you just continue waiting as advised, and don’t do anything to complicate the urologists’ diagnosis. If you have a drip problem, talk to your pharmacy clerk. There are a number of products for dealing with male incontinence of various sorts, from "flood" to "that damned drip."

(*) In Lesser Medicalese, "discomfort" can be anything from breaking your back to having your leg bitten off by a shark

That makes sense! I actually have a friend who is super into sounding for sexual purposes and never shuts up about it, lmao. I’m definitely one of the people freaked out by the idea, but I’m glad it sounds (lol) like it’s been helpful for you! The dripping has gone down a ton, and I haven’t had that pain again after that day, so that is good!

Massively appreciated!! I’m sure it will help someone who is desperately searching this thread

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