I had a very severe case of prostatitis in 1988. I was on antibiotics for months. The pain in my lower abdomen and the region between my anus and ball sac was very severe. I was under the care of an urologist for a long time. It finally cleared up, and I was able to resume sexual activity after about six months.
The whole thing flared up again in 2002. This time the urologist went in and took biopsy samples for cancer screening. I was experiencing terrible pain at times as well as urine retention. I remember one time it was necessary to catheterize me. There was 850 cc of urine drained from my bladder. That in itself caused much pain from distension of the bladder. This pain persisted for several hours, diminishing as the time passed.
Four of my friends also went for cancer of the prostate screening about time same time. It turned out that I was the only one who received a negative report. However, it was suggested that I have a procedure called TURP (trans-urethral resection of the prostate) done. I was in the hospital for four days after that procedure.
That procedure was done in March of 2003. It was suggested that I refrain from any form of sex until cleared by the urologist. That did not happen until August of that year. That was a very long, dry spell for me as I was use to having sex nearly every day.
I do remember that at that time I was a bit apprehensive about climaxing. I anticipated the possibility of painful contractions when I finally climaxed. This never materialized, however.
I was told going into the surgery that I might end up incontinent, having severe ED or that I would experience retrograde ejaculations. None of these situations ever materialized, however.
I have never had the return of the severe pain experienced with the prostatitis since then. I am so very glad that I had the TURP done.
08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p