Have I Damaged My Penis Permanently
I feel so stupid that I’ve done this and this so stupid writing this but here it is. There was a programme on TV the other day featuring a journalist who was practicing the technique “jelqing”. As I’m sure you will know, it involves making an “ok” sign with your finger and thumb around your penis and stroking it down the shaft of your penis towards the head about 40 or so times. So, whilst I was watching the programme I thought “what the hell” and tried the method simply out of interest. I performed the “jelqing” once for precisely 40 strokes whilst half erect, and that is all.
I woke up the next morning and the whole top part of the shaft running to the tip of the head was completely numb and my erections aren’t as strong. This has been going on for 6 days now without improvement and I am obviously terrified. Is it really possible that I have damaged my penis permanently even with such a short, one off period of “jelqing”. I have since learnt that I probably put too much pressure on the dorsal nerve of the penis. Is it possible I have damaged the nerve permanently?? How can I have done this?
I’m angry at myself for doing it and I’m worried and I don’t know how I would be able to explain this to a doctor.
Can anyone offer any advice??
Thank you for any help, I need it, I’m pretty terrified at the prospect of a permanent partially numb penis.