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How Long Before Spots Go?

How Long Before Spots Go?

I’ve gotten some spots on the head after some jelqing last Thursday. I tried doing a DLD Blaster today (Tuesday), and the red spots re-appeared. How long do I have to wait before the spots go away and I can begin jelqing again? Sorry if this has been asked many times, but nothing came up in the search. Thanks in advance.

Tiny spots will generally disappear overnight. They are nothing that should worry you too much. You should even be able to jelq normally whilst thoroughly ignoring them. The discoloration to watch out for are large areas on the shaft. These can be easily aggravated by continued jelqing.

If you are still worried. Take a day off to be sure.

If you are creating spots with the blaster check your grip is not reducing blood flow too much and regain circulation more frequently. You may be using the pressure of the blood in the head to support your grip, this is generally a bad idea, try looking for alternate ways of improving your grip.

Thanks memento. The thing is though, that I’ve had that since last Thursday. They disappeared Sunday, and reappeared today after the DLD Blaster. You are right though, I was putting too much pressure on the head. So should I just keep jelqing and ignore them or wait a week?

Its normally safe to ignore tiny pin pricks but anything larger you should watch out for. Though you say they are the same spots, are you sure of this? Repeatedly traumatising an area that has yet to heal is often a bad idea.

If in doubt take a days rest (maybe even 2). There is no way these should take a week to heal unless you have some other underlying health issue preventing your body healing properly.

A lot of people get these tiny spots every time they jelq, some people even associate the spots with a good workout.

Can I take it you are following a 3/1 or 5/2 plan of work days with rest days?

Hey, thanks for the speedy reply Memento. I’ll take the next couple days off. I’m following a 1/3 routine. Sometime’s more rest days, because I’ve noticed I get more growth with this kind of routine.

1/3 sounds like not much in the way of work. You may find that this works initialy but you will need to up work rate later. The bodybuilding analogy only goes so far.

Do you really feel that much in need of rest days after a single days work? You may be rushing the intensity build up.

Anyway, I’ll be interested in hearing of your gains after 3 months of 1/3, please do post them (maybe add to size’s database).

Ok, will do. Thanks again memento. I’m keeping a log right now, and I’ll post it up in about 2 months.

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