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Week long break due to red spots

Week long break due to red spots

So I started the newbie routine a few weeks back. I think I was going a bit too hard during the jelqs cause I got some fierce red spots on my head (about 4 or 5 very red ones). It’s taken them a whole week to disappear with no jelqing.

Did I do the right thing? Or should I not worry about red spots? Or perhaps just lighten the ‘workout’ but continue?

Started July '08.

Beginning NBPEL 5.1", EG 5".

Now: NBPEL 5.4", EG 5" !

I probably haven’t been PEing much longer than you, but I saw no one has responded to you yet.

Here’s a few ideas that might help.

No one knows your body better than you—I would say better safe than sorry. A week off from PE is much better than permanent damage.

You should try to identify whether you did something wrong: improper technique/ too much too fast/ . Based on the information you gave, I don’t know if anyone could determine that.

Maybe you should watch the video again—make sure you’re gripping right/ emphasizing pressure on the sides/ not the sensitive areas with a lot of nerves. Make sure you’re change up your grips, and that you’re switching hands, etc etc etc.

You didn’t say whether there was any pain, how many jelqs you did, or how long you were doing it.

Maybe just double-check your assumptions—& make sure your technique was good. If your workout was reasonable, it may be a signal you used too much pressure. On the other hand, if your technique was perfect, but you progressed your workouts quickly in terms of time spent and pressure applied, it may be a signal that you did things too fast.

Welcome on TP, FutureLongJohn. Red spots on your glans are consequence of too much pressure. When jelquing, you have to move the blood in your penis, smoothly and slowly, stroke after stroke, the degree of erection should be about 60-80% of max. Weight untill red spots will disappear, and when restarting lighten up a bit.

I whish you best gains.

I use an infrared heat light on my days off aswell as a warm up/down, this helps me speed up recovery.

When I have small red dots, after useing my lamp for 15mins they have almost all dispeared, 1 hour later thay have all gone.

Are you drinking plenty of water?

Here is quite a good post on infrared heat

Using Light to get Heavy - INFRARED

Thanks for the help guys. It wasn’t painful. I think I definitely went at it too hard and will begin again slower.

I was just doing the newbie routine:
5min hot wrap
5-10min of 30 second hand stretches.
10min 100-200 jelqs (usually takes longer as after about 20 jelqs my erection becomes too hard, so I have to do it in sets).
5 min hot wrap

I was adding a few hold jelqs at the end, I think they may have been too much.

I just wasn’t sure whether red spots were bad or good (or neither) as on the front page of the forums it had them as a neutral indicator of growth.

I’ve also noticed in regards to warming up, if I maintain an erection for awhile and then let it go soft for PE it’s really heated up, or if I just sit on it for a stretch it gets really heated up by my butt cheeks. Would these count the same as a hot wrap or not so much? Only because I share a house / kitchen and would rather avoid the question of why I’m heating up a wet sock filled with rice in the microwave oven.. Hehe.

Thanks again and thanks for the welcome marinera! I’ve actually been lurking for awhile :)

Started July '08.

Beginning NBPEL 5.1", EG 5".

Now: NBPEL 5.4", EG 5" !

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