Thunder's Place

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Red Spots

Red Spots

I’ve wet jelqed three times this week and have been getting a ton of these little red spots on the top half of my shaft every single time. I usually do my jelqs at about 80% erection but this week I’ve been sick and also been doing it at night so I’ve been tired and have only been doing them at about 50% erection level. I noticed dozens of tiny little red spots on the top half of my shaft especially on the underside. I sometimes get a few spots on the top side after a long work out, but these past few times there’s just tons and tons of little tiny ones all over like every capillary on the top half of my penis burst. Anyone know what this could be from and have any advice to stop it?

Your strokes are too intense. Stop squeezing so hard.

I wasn’t taking any medications till yesterday. I think I might be squeezing too hard. Doing the jelqs at such a low erection level is annoying because I have excess skin at the base of my penis because I’m not cut and without squeezing hard I just don’t feel it working. I’ll try to PE tomorrow in the morning so I have a stronger erection I guess.

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