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red spots after two years of pe?

red spots after two years of pe?

I’ve been PE’ing for about two and a half years now with about 3/4” to an 1” in length gains. I’ve been hanging with the Captn’s Wench since January. I’m hanging 13lbs SD, and the past few times I’ve done it I’ve been getting red spots on my head as I did when I first started. If I remember correctly the last time I saw red spots was when I first started way back when I was 17. I think I gained maybe a 1/2” or so. It just doesn’t make sense to me to see them after I’ve already been hanging for almost 3 months. Any ideas?

Btw I just switched routines. Before I was doing something more like this:
Day 1 SD
Day 2 SO
Day 3 BTC
Day 4 OTS

Now I’m going to do SD everyday until I stop seeing gains, and then switch to SO until I stop seeing gains, etc.

I can’t answer your specific question — why they are appearing now — but have you read the "red spots" threads here? Spotting On The Penis Head

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Thanks Goomba I have no idea why they are appearing again either. I had them back when I started, and just thought it was strange for them to return.

Red spots = overtraining. You did just switch to a more strenuous routine, correct?


Just because you are an expert doesn’t make you invincible to injury. Boundaries still exist.

Red spots on the glans means blood is under pressure. This causes capillaries to burst. Perhaps the hanger needs to be moved up your shaft a bit or towed out (looser in front) to relieve some of the pressure.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

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