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A Method for Getting Rid Of Red Spots

A Method for Getting Rid Of Red Spots

This could very well have been covered in another thread but I thought I’d share, just in case it wasn’t, or there are guys whom are unaware of it. I have noticed that a long night of sex has been able to erase the red spots and more seriously burst vessels I get from a pe session (it was in the back seat of a car in a dark area). I, personally, never want to explain why my penis looks like a turnip but I don’t want want to stop working out on Thursday so I can go out on Saturday night. Warmup is very important, but even with the most thorough of warmups I still have pretty serious spotting.

Most everyone will tell you that heating works well to speed up recovery and it does, but I think there is more we can do. If you don’t have a readily available vagina, or if you have one that you don’t want to show your beat red dick to, then use your hand as if it were one. Use an overhand grip so your thumb and index finger make a ring that you can slide the entire way up and down your shaft. Lube up and lay back, pretending that your favorite celeb is going cowgirl on top of you. Not so bad eh?

Do this as much as you feel like. A few days ago I removed a clamp to find a serious purple blotch (not being careful enough). I combined this massaging technique with a couple of heatings and the blotch, that I thought would be around for a week, was almost entirely gone in 24hrs. I would do the massages 3 or 4 times for maybe 15min each during that 24hr period. The time I spent heating was similar. But as I have tried heating alone to get rid of similar marks, I feel the massages worked extremely well. Give it a try. Some spots can be very stubborn, but at the very least you will get to spend lots of time letting your hand feel your recent gains. This method has instilled a new confidence in me towards working out before a big date, or night on the town.

Glad to hear that works for you.

Usually, red spots disappear (heal) on their own within 24 hrs. A penile bruise may take two or more days to be absorbed. Causing erections (NOT ones you then abuse) will bring re-oxygenated blood to your cock and hasten healing in a natural way.



I suppose I should have added that this is to be done very gently. The thinking is that this lite massage will encourage the blood to be reabsorbed more quickly the same way massaging a muscle will speed up recovery from a lactic acid buildup.

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