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Huge Blister, 3 Months Passed


Originally Posted by tenaciousD
Theoretically you could take a penicillin-derivative and decolonize your healthy skin flora which could enable a different bug’s infection to fulminate (get much worse) rather than improve because your skin flora might be keeping the bad bugs in check. Although uncommon, this situation would make it go from bad to worse.

Sounds horrible. Hopefully it will heal on it’s own by next week, that’s all i can say, I’m really not eager to go to doctors for such a small problem, i can even have sex or pump if i want, all i can’t do is squeeze the area hard, i can touch it and it feels like nothing.
Some people are probably standing in line with some serious skin conditions and the consultation alone is 50€, plus lots of waiting around and wasting time.

Originally Posted by train spot
Sounds horrible. Hopefully it will heal on it’s own by next week, that’s all i can say, I’m really not eager to go to doctors for such a small problem, i can even have sex or pump if i want, all i can’t do is squeeze the area hard, i can touch it and it feels like nothing.
Some people are probably standing in line with some serious skin conditions and the consultation alone is 50€, plus lots of waiting around and wasting time.

Yeah. And that’s how you wound up with a giant unhealed wound that will probably leave a scar.

TD said it a lot better than I did: leave it alone and go to the doctor.

The results came negative after 2 weeks and i even had to go there a second time just to find this out so it was a total waste of money and time. I was also coming to the same conclusion myself during this time since it was clearly healing on it’s own but very slow. Also, like mentioned before by both myself and AndyJ, as i got back into my pe routine the blister was healing better and faster, i actually think that letting it heal on it’s own without pe will leave a permanent scar, while now after starting my routine with no setbacks the area seems to be going away forever. I’ll post back when the area is fully healed, surely with no permanent scar.

Here’s a screenshot of prelude99 from 2023 where many blisters at the same time can be seen and he continues to pump even more at high pressure in bigger tubes after. And the next photos from later that year the blistered area is clear.

Last edited by train spot : 08-14-2024 at .

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