I seem to be racking up injuries left and right, well 2 total, but all within the last month…
First one that happened i noticed while jelqing, you could feel a slight bump at the very base of the shaft, if you felt around your pubic area, and then could feel a really thing strand run up and disappear around midshaft or whatever. Took that about 1 and a half weeks to heal from what i remember.
Now i managed to get another injury 2 or so days ago after a full week of PE with 1 days full break, didn’t even notice til the day after i PE’d and went to take a piss and noticed that i had a little bit of a lump right below the head on the right side of my penis. I felt the area and you could feel like a little stringy type feeling, maybe about an inch in length at most, i’m guessing i somehow ripped something, i didn’t really jelq or pull that intensely, but maybe i might have. It seems to be healing and hopefully will disappear within a week. There is no discoloration whatsoever and you cannot really see it, you can just see the foreskin being a little higher than usual, doesn’t really hurt at all either. I’m guessing from the injuries section it’s a thrombosed vein, but I’m also hoping it’s not.
So i’m guessing i’m gonna start to hold the record here for injuries pretty soon unless i get my stuff under control, i’m taking a break til it goes away…
Thoughts can kill...