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INJURY! - Dorsal Nerve


INJURY! - Dorsal Nerve

I have been PE’ing fairly regularly for about a year and a half and have always erred on the side of caution. Lately I have been using a routine of air clamping + vac-extending with high heat.

It feels as if the dorsal nerve that runs on top of the full length of the penis has broken. It feels like it has been pulled away from where it is attached under the glans. It may still be attached there but the tension from it is gone. What I mean by that is: when I pull my penis straight out I can’t feel the tension from the nerve cord thingy pulling on the middle bottom edge of my glans. It has either pulled away or has broken in a different spot.

I have been using hot rice socks in conjuction with air clamping. I usually do 4 or 5 sets at 10 or so minutes each. Then I immediately put on my vac-extender and put a hot rice sock around my shaft and slowly ratchet the extender up so that I really feel the stretch. I would try to get 3 or 4 sets of 10 to 12 minutes of this kind of stretching in after each air clamping workout. I think that maybe I seriously compromised the strength of the dorsal nerve by using high heat and then stretching it out. Perhaps the heat caused certain sections of the dorsal nerve to weaken, become thinner and thus more vulnerable.

After an air clamping + vacextender with high heat workout I would put on an ADS to keep my penis in an extended state. For an ADS I rigged up something with parts from a static-stretcher and the cap and sleeve off of my vacextender. Basically I would just leave the vacextender cap and sleeve on my penis and use the static-stretcher to hold it in an extended state. I would take frequent breaks to check on my glans to make sure that I wasn’t getting any blisters or losing feeling, etc. The longest I would wear the ADS for is maybe 2 hours straight before I would take it all off to make sure everything was o.k. I think that I wore out the dorsal nerve and it broke at one of the compromised sections. I could feel the cord becoming fatigued and was hopeful that I was conditioning my penis for a permanent flacid hang.

I can tell that the dorsal nerve is broken because I no longer feel its tension when I manually pull my penis straight out. However, there isn’t any real pain; other than intermitent feelings of acute burning in a few places on my penis and around the base area. It may be that over time the nerve became so thin that it just snapped and now I am FUBAR.

Everything was fine and then I felt two intense sharp stabbing sensations on the left side of the base of my shaft, kind of deep into the groin area. I instantly removed the ADS and my dick was dead. Limp. A noodle. I took a Viagra just to make sure that I can still get an erection and with the Viagra I can but there is a dramatic reduction in glans sensation. Without Viagra my penis is pathetic. Shriveled, limp, and lifeless. I know that something BAD has happened. Oh, and when I kegel nothing happens now. My penis used to pull back. Now nothing. My penis just hangs lifeless from my body like a cow udder.

I am going to a urologist as soon as I can get into one. I’ll let you know what the doctor says. I am freaking out BIG TIME.

Last edited by ppp10734 : 05-14-2008 at .

Keep posted amigo. My initial reaction is that “snapping” the nerve due to stretching it out until it was, “too thin” over time seems HIGHLY unlikely. There are probably many other potential explanations here besides something of a permanently damaging nature. Watch your diet so your body is in as good as a possible shape to heal up. Also apply something that’s good for you and massage it in gently with a little heat- olive oil, wheat germ oil, flax oil. No more viagra. Let it heal. Stop all PE obviously. See the doctor. But don’t panic. More likely that something else is going on which is now affecting the nerve than that the neve, “snapped”.

Good luck at the doctor.

Hopefully it isn’t what you think.

Thanks guys. This is harrowing.

Sounds painful. When you kegel, is it painful? Also, how is the circulation to your glans - do they still fill up? To be honest I don’t know what you mean by the nerve that runs along the penis.

This thread has also made me think twice about prolonged engorgement for flaccid gains, however it sounds like you were actively stretching your penis, not just jeeping blood in there.

Good luck mate keep us posted.

How is sensation in your shaft ? I would take a break from EVERYTHING that puts any sort of stress on your unit. I too had nerve damage a few years ago in a non PE related incident. I was stupid and tried to have sex again as soon as possible, and because of this I think some of the damage that might have healed, became permanent.

I think if your dorsal nerve was literally broken, you wouldn’t have any sensation at all, since that’s what the dorsal nerve does.

I think something else is going on here. Maybe some vein has been pulled out of its mooring, or something like that.

How is sensation?

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

>I can tell that the dorsal nerve is broken because I no longer feel its tension when I manually pull my penis straight out.

If you mean the tight bit of tissue along the top of the penis running through its length, that’s the septum. I suppose tearing it is possible, but I’d think doing so would hurt like hell and also cause swelling and bruising.

Whatever the case, it seems you have injured a nerve. Such injuries come on suddenly and without warning. I’ve been there.

Stop PEing. I realize that is easier said than done when you’re on a roll, but take some time off. Usually, minor nerve injuries eventually heal. The timeframe is measured in months, not weeks, so prepare accordingly.

Try not to freak out. I know that losing sensation is scary, but realize that most likely you will fully recover.

What hobby wrote.

You might have simply fatigued the BC muscles. If so, it will get better very very quickly. However, this is your body warning you to stop doing such extreme things. Listen to your body.

Do not take Viagra immediately after an injury unless a doctor advises it! Your dick has gone limp as a safety measure, because it needs rest.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Another reason to keep clamping and other PE exercises separate. Even using an Air-clamp, the pressure is intense, so immediately attaching a vac-extender/ADS afterwards is asking a lot of an already exhausted penis.

Get well soon.

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Thanks everybody.

From time to time I would see an injury thread pop up here; I never paid any attention. To all of those guys out there that have gone through this… FUCK! HOW DID YOU NOT GO INSANE?

It’s totally true that I have been overly penis focused for a very long time. Perhaps this is the ol’ Universe’s way of telling me to stop.

Anyway, as of right now I am still having greatly reduced glans sensation. And I can’t achieve an erection whatsoever no matter how hard I try - unless I have taken Viagra.

This is a nightmare.

Originally Posted by hobby
>I can tell that the dorsal nerve is broken because I no longer feel its tension when I manually pull my penis straight out.

If you mean the tight bit of tissue along the top of the penis running through its length, that’s the septum. I suppose tearing it is possible, but I’d think doing so would hurt like hell and also cause swelling and bruising.

Whatever the case, it seems you have injured a nerve. Such injuries come on suddenly and without warning. I’ve been there.

Stop PEing. I realize that is easier said than done when you’re on a roll, but take some time off. Usually, minor nerve injuries eventually heal. The timeframe is measured in months, not weeks, so prepare accordingly.

Try not to freak out. I know that losing sensation is scary, but realize that most likely you will fully recover.

Thanks hobby. I’m not certain exactly what has happened. I do know that something has detached because I no longer get any tugback when I pull my penis straight out (to get a bpfsl measurement for example). When I used to pull my penis straight out the “tight bit of tissue [which I have been calling a “cord”]” that runs along the top of my penis through its length used to limit how far I could pull. Now that is gone. When I used to pull to get a bpfsl measurement sometimes that “cord” would actually tug the part of the glans by where it is attached back towards my body a little bit. Now that doesn’t happen at all.

I have that “cord” too. It’s still there, as it’s the piece of tissue which limits how far I can stretch this thing out.

I didn’t know it was a nerve.

Some are saying the “hard cord” which appears when you try to elongate it to the max, is the septum. It’s in between the
CC’s, similar to the divider in the heart. Supposedly the dorsal nerve runs alongside the septum.

I too have a “hard cord” which runs across the dorsal side of the unit, it appears when it is stretched to the max, and this hard cord
Seems to be the limiter to any further stretch.

The septum is said to be a limiter in many, but it is said that it can elongate with stretching and heat.

I would your issue looked at by a urologist.

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