Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Injury in December. Turtling, numb, cold, small flaccid. Please view my pictures

Spack sounds like he has similar symptoms to me. Sometimes after I masturbate, my left glans feels numb, as I stated in my previous posts. I also have cold glans sometimes, and small, skinny flaccid sometimes.

Did you also have erectile dysfunction? What about morning wood? I get morning wood pretty much every morning. But during the day when I’m awake it’s harder for me to get an erection.

Anyone can make a recovery story, but if literally thousands try a method and less than a handful of people say they recovered, what does it tell you?

Don’t get distracted by this nonsense. People have been putting their lives on hold with resting with nothing to show for it since these forums first started.

Originally Posted by nblade98
Spack sounds like he has similar symptoms to me. Sometimes after I masturbate, my left glans feels numb, as I stated in my previous posts. I also have cold glans sometimes, and small, skinny flaccid sometimes.

Did you also have erectile dysfunction? What about morning wood? I get morning wood pretty much every morning. But during the day when I’m awake it’s harder for me to get an erection.

Hey, when I first had the injury I had some form off ED, not sure if it was actual ED or if it was just my nerves I was honestly so freaked out at the time of the initial injury. Around 2-3 weeks into the injury tho I tested my erection and it seemed fine but the problem was once I went soft parts of my penis would be clearly more numb then before which is why I say avoid it if you can. But I still did get morning wood through basically the whole process but at first it was around 50% hardness of what is normally was and eventually it went back to normal.

There’s some other guy that had the same symptoms as me his name was Oberyn or something like that, you can find him on other injury posts he’ll tell you I used to message him when I was first injured to get tips because he was farther along with the healing process than I was at the time. Literally we both had the same symptoms you had that’s why I’m even posting this.

And ignore this inspirt99 guy not sure if he’s mad because he never healed from whatever Injury he has and now he’s tryna call me a liar because mine actually healed I really don’t understand his issue it’s kinda sad, I read some of his posts and he’s saying to sit upright in a wooden chair and masturbate to get better lol, you can listen to him if you want I guess I’m just sharing my experience and it’s offending him, refraining from masturbation is what helped me heal in 3-4 months. He’s on 3 years of his injury so I would be very cautious doing anything he says.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
Anyone can make a recovery story, but if literally thousands try a method and less than a handful of people say they recovered, what does it tell you?

Don’t get distracted by this nonsense. People have been putting their lives on hold with resting with nothing to show for it since these forums first started.

What are you even trying to say lol, are you saying recovery is impossible? Lol bro Where are you getting ur info from? There isn’t even close to a thousand people on this site that experienced penis numbness from a injury I’ve seen maybe 30 in total I literally went through every post that involved numbness in the injury forum when I first got injured to figure out what to do since I was so freaked out. And your sitting here saying thousands of people went through this and didn’t recover that is litterally just made up nonsense. I’m sorry for whatever happened to you maybe one day you will figure out a way to get better but you gotta understand that not everyone’s injury is the same as yours so stop be so negative. I’m speaking SPECIFICALLY to the people who are experiencing numbness from injury that’s it, that’s what I had and resting is what I did to get back to normal.

I have the same symptoms as everyone else. I have an hospital appt on Wednesday to check my urethra for any injuries or tears as it is still painful there as flairs up sometimes. Then Friday I have another appt to do an MRI to check for venous leaks

My erections have gotten better but the gland is still deflated and got small flaccid

You started out by coming onto this thread and attacking me, as oppose to starting by getting into the specifics of your injury and recovery. Only after I pressed you for more info did you provide some specifics, and got defensive and tried to act like I was in the wrong for asking questions which you should have answered from the start.

Because you say you have recovered, you are dismissing everything I’m saying, and also ignoring the fact that, across this forum and other forums, there are thousands of injuries (vastly more than 30 involving numbness of some sort) that have had no meaningful progress from periods of extended rest, and in some cases, have wasted years of their lives trying to rest.

What I said was that a wooden chair with a straight back and a memory foam cushion on the seat is a good position to ejaculate, because ejaculation can cause improvements or damage, depending mainly on the position of your body. A wooden seat with a memory foam cushion is the best mix of firmness and softness I’ve found. Silicone lube increases stimulation and arousal which increases the rate of improvements. Based on my own experience, I believe most of these serious injuries are very slow healing injuries that can get worse or damaged further easily, and need proper stimulation and bloodflow for any meaningful progress to happen.

There are thousands of injuries across this forum and others, many involving numbness, who’ve tried exactly what you’ve said and didn’t have any progress.

Many years of people’s lives wasted, and now you want to repeat the same mistakes over and over until someone else finds a solution. That’s why you said to wait until I recover fully before listening to me. But resting has been proven not to help, and harms people by having them waste time and end relationships, for no good reason. If you are having damage from ejaculation, ejaculate in a different position. Resting has been proven not to help.

You can also have further damage by ejaculating in your sleep. Just because your body “does it on its own” doesn’t mean it will be perfectly harmless to your injury. The idea that the brain is picking up signals from the penis telling it that there is some tissue or neurovascular damage, and exactly when its suddenly ok to get an erection is a delusion. The horny part of our brain doesn’t know or much care what kind of penile issues are messing with its function.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
You started out by coming onto this thread and attacking me, as oppose to starting by getting into the specifics of your injury and recovery. Only after I pressed you for more info did you provide some specifics, and got defensive and tried to act like I was in the wrong for asking questions which you should have answered from the start.

Because you say you have recovered, you are dismissing everything I’m saying, and also ignoring the fact that, across this forum and other forums, there are thousands of injuries (vastly more than 30 involving numbness of some sort) that have had no meaningful progress from periods of extended rest, and in some cases, have wasted years of their lives trying to rest.

What I said was that a wooden chair with a straight back and a memory foam cushion on the seat is a good position to ejaculate, because ejaculation can cause improvements or damage, depending mainly on the position of your body. A wooden seat with a memory foam cushion is the best mix of firmness and softness I’ve found. Silicone lube increases stimulation and arousal which increases the rate of improvements. Based on my own experience, I believe most of these serious injuries are very slow healing injuries that can get worse or damaged further easily, and need proper stimulation and bloodflow for any meaningful progress to happen.

There are thousands of injuries across this forum and others, many involving numbness, who’ve tried exactly what you’ve said and didn’t have any progress.

Many years of people’s lives wasted, and now you want to repeat the same mistakes over and over until someone else finds a solution. That’s why you said to wait until I recover fully before listening to me. But resting has been proven not to help, and harms people by having them waste time and end relationships, for no good reason. If you are having damage from ejaculation, ejaculate in a different position. Resting has been proven not to help.

I’m not here to argue with you. You’ve had your injury for 3 years and still haven’t fixed it by whatever your doing, I healed mine in 3-4 months and your saying that resting is proven not to work lol. So my case doesn’t count? Haha just because your mad doesn’t mean you can just disregard the facts. I never attacked you I just said to stop giving out bad info to people especially when they just got injured. You keep on talking about other cases of guys not healing but they have completely different injuries then I did, the only people I was saying this info I’m giving might help is the ones that just recently started experiencing numbness from a injury. Like I said masturbation while your penis is numb will NOT help you only set you back. Any injury to the penis or balls whether it be a fracture or testicular torsion the doctor will tell you to not masturbate or have sex for at least a month. And your over here saying masturbation helps with healing? Oh yea can you give me actual scientific proof of these claims or are the just made up by you? I think if you really knew what was good for you you wouldn’t still be here posting on forums everyday for 3 years. I’m leaving now and if anyone really has any questions feel free to message me I’m not here to argue just wanted to help anyone dealing with what I went through. And goodluck spirit I hope you do find the solution to your problem one day but attacking someone who’s just tryna help isn’t getting you anywhere.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
You can also have further damage by ejaculating in your sleep. Just because your body "does it on its own" doesn’t mean it will be perfectly harmless to your injury. The idea that the brain is picking up signals from the penis telling it that there is some tissue or neurovascular damage, and exactly when its suddenly ok to get an erection is a delusion. The horny part of our brain doesn’t know or much care what kind of penile issues are messing with its function.

Oh and one last thing here’s a link to another guy who healed in a month by resting since apparently it doesn’t work.

https://www.peg … -give-time.html

That guy did a ton of things, and has no way of pinpointing what exactly caused him to recovery in one month. I could find a story about a person who prayed a lot during cancer and happened to recover; does that mean it was from praying?

The overwhelming majority of people have not recovered from resting- the key fact which you disregard. I’m sure you and some other people on another forum would love for me to stop posting, but sorry it’s not going to happen.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
That guy did a ton of things, and has no way of pinpointing what exactly caused him to recovery in one month. I could find a story about a person who prayed a lot during cancer and happened to recover; does that mean it was from praying?

The overwhelming majority of people have not recovered from resting- the key fact which you disregard. I’m sure you and some other people on another forum would love for me to stop posting, but sorry it’s not going to happen.

Why would I want you to stop posting? My only point was resting worked for me and other people also, that guy clearly says he avoided masturbation and sex and got better, also he used different supplements to heal to that promote blood flow which I totally think helped the process, my main point was he RESTED and got better same with me. Now show me how many people recovered with ur method. EXACTLY

Obv no matter what I say and how many people I show you that healed by resting ur gonna say something negative or deny it so there’s no point of arguing. This is really my last time posting. Good luck man. Peace.

Your only point wasn’t just that resting worked for you and a few other people (who may have had minor injuries that healed in a very short period of time, and may have healed anyway). For every one person that happened to heal while resting or attempting to rest, I could find 75 or 100 that didn’t.

You also tried to tell me that what I am doing for myself, and the results that I’m observing and reporting, are somehow incorrect, and that I should stop posting about them. That was the only thing I had a problem with. I also asked you for more specifics about your injury and recovery (details which would have made sense to share in the beginning) and you got nasty right away. You started things off by attacking me directly, then tried to claim you didn’t want to argue.

There isn’t much left to say at this point.

And the wheels on the bus go round and round.

I know right; this guy attacks me in this vague post and then keeps repeating himself and provoking me into doing the same, while claiming he doesn’t want to argue. Well whatever, I wish him the best going forward. Stuff happens.

Originally Posted by Naranjito
Nblade, you are saying that is hard for you to get an erection without estimulation. Where is the problem here??
Non-estimulation erections can happened, but the main thing is to be able to have an erection when you get fisical or mental estimulated.
Am I the inly one that think this?

My flaccid is shorter and skinnier sometimes, like not enough blood is getting there. Glans is cold sometimes too. You may be right, but I can tell my dick isn’t 100% healed yet. I’m able to have sex like normal, but after ejaculating sometimes my left glans becomes numb. So I believe I still have nerve damage that can be healed by rest.

Inspirit I appreciate your posts, but I think we have different injuries. I don’t have any gash on my dick. I’m going to rest my dick for a couple months and see what happens. I’m scared to have sex because half of the time when I do, my glans gets numb and my dick turtles.


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