Injury in urine channel, help
Hi fello PE`rs.
This is my first post couldn’t post in injury forum, maby MOD. Can move it there?
Anyway, I have been PE`ing for almost 2 years.
For about 4-5 weeks ago something happend.
I have had a streching only rutine fort the last 6 months, no gains so I decided to switsh to a pumping rutine.
I pumpet for about 18min at 3-5 HG low pressure.
After that session I felt a tiny tingelig inside my willy, nothing worriyng.
Two days after that , I streched for 15min, very easy pull.
Little more tingeling this time, so I desided to take a few days off.
I woke up the morning after and went to the toilet, when I started to pee it hurts like f***.
Almost like I was pissing razorblades, I freaked out.
I thought , maby I had injured the urine channel , it felt like that.
I Have been to 2 different doctors, no urine\bladder infection.
I told them about PE, they said it will heal up, just be gentle for couple weeks.
Now after almost 5 weeks , it’s still hurts when I pee , same pain level.
This doesn’t seem to heal, almost like I am ripping open a wound every time I piss.
Feels like that. I am almost certin that it’s not an STD, same partner for 5years ect.
Any body out there who had similar experience?
Maby I should go see a urologist?
Edit: My erections are as good as always, morning wood ect.
So it functions as before :)