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Injury Please Help Me

No it doesn’t. First what about actually answering the questions so that other people can glean potential useful info- Which tests did you actually have? Did you pay out of pocket for these tests? How many urologists did you need to see in order to get them to agree to do all of this? Where did you go for them (a typical urologist office, a hospital, a medical university, etc). Why not write up a detailed post outlining your beginning to end story of doing all of this, because it sounds of like a hell of a journey. You’ve been posting a lot on the other forum so you have the time to post. Many guys have had bad and difficult experiences getting anywhere with the medical establishment and would benefit from hearing the actual details. It would contribute more than just repeating the same stuff about pelvic tension that has been repeated for like six years on another forum.

Which leads to the next point, since you’ve been injured for like 10 years, or, as you said yesterday, actually 13 years, why do you act like you are suddenly finding out about this pelvic floor thing for the first time, as if it’s some big new discovery? If you’ve actually been injured for 13 years, and were as active, determined and aggressive, in seeking out help, that you would have needed to be in order to get all of those tests, how could you not have found out about the pelvic floor thing sooner? Despite the extreme determination it would have required to have had all of this testing done, you didn’t post once? Or let alone even do a single drop of internet research, even once? Because if you had, you would have seen the pelvic floor thing a long time ago, and wouldn’t all of the sudden be acting like it’s some big new breakthrough discovery on another forum.

The whole thing doesn’t make any sense.

Yeah, cuz I made all this stuff up. It’s all a lie! You sir won! Congratulations!!!!

Sorry I didn’t give a definite answer as to how many years I’ve had this. I didn’t know I had to give the exact time that I’ve had such a shitty condition. 10 years 13 years.. idk man… somewhere around there it’s been too freaking long. I was a teenager that’s all I remember. It started with me not being able to maintain an erectjin. That was the first red flag. Then I started getting blood in the semen. So I went to a urologist. He performed a cystoscopy. Found nothing. I had health insurance so it was covered . I was treated for prostaitis with antibiotics. Didn’t help. Went from urologist to urologist who didn’t understand what was going on. Had a pelvic mri.. found nothing. I never posted on these forums because going to urologists seemed like the smart answer and smart thing to do. You happy? Any more questions?

Urologists seemed like the smart answer and smart thing to do, but they weren’t able to provide you any relief for your symptoms. So after you weren’t able to get any help from the urologists, you decided to just do nothing for 13 years? You’re been injured for 13 years, so when did all these tests happen, in the beginning when the injury first started? To make it as clear as possible, how many years after the injury happened did you get each test? How many years after the injury did you get the cystoscopy, how many years after the injury did you get the pelvic mri, etc. Were those the only two tests? Originally you said ‘everything’ from cystoscopies to mris.

You said insurance covered the cystoscopy, but what about the pelvic mri? You went from urologist to urologist, how many? Can you be a little more specific about some of the conversations you had with these different urologists? Many have found them to be quite short and dismissive, but you kept the opinion, even after all of these fruitless doctors visits, that it seemed like the ‘smart thing’ to do, and didn’t look it up on the internet for 13 years. The whole thing is just really weird.

Have you tried the reverse kegels exercises I assumed someone was PMing you about?
Have you tried heating with IR lamp?
Please update us with this so this thread can move somewhere.

This will sound weird. Try Yohimbine + Horny Goat Weed (it’s on amazon) start edging (with porn if you want), get to the highest possible erection.

Dude ur asking too many questions. Lol. Why would I make this shit up?

I’ve posted enough information about what I did and what tests I’ve had done. Why does it matter if I paid for it or if insurance covered it?

Do nothing for 13 years? Where and when the hell did I say I did nothing for 13 years? Like what else can I freakin do? I can’t wake up one day and say everything’s ok. Every fucking day I try to do something, but nothing has helped. Doctors obviously don’t help, and they still haven’t given me an answer as to why I’m having erection problems, turtling and blood in semen.

So you really can’t answer some simple questions?

You didn’t provide enough information and your story makes no sense. You can clear it up easily by answering some simple questions.

Dude I really don’t know what you want me to answer? My answers are all in my post. Idk what you want from me.. but if you think I’m making this up… then ur kinda nuts and shame on you.

How many years after the injury did you get the cystocopy?

How many years after the injury did you get the pelvic mri?

Did you pay out of pocket for the pelvic mri?

How many urologists in total did you see?

I got the cystoscopy immediately after I noticed blood in the semen. I was probably a year after the injury(turtling and erection problems )It happened so long ago that I don’t really rememebr exactly when the injury occurred and when I went to the doctor man. I didn’t keep this stuff in a notebook. I stupidly didn’t think that jelqing and using the extender caused any harm.. but after analyzing and stuff it made sense. Doctors didn’t think it was a physical injury tho either. They blamed it on prostaitits and thought the blood was from infection of the prostrate. The pelvic mri was probably 2 years after the cystoscopies. I’ve seen seven to eight urologists total. Each were confused and sent me away pretty much, said the erectioin problems were in my head and had no info about where the blood was coming from. I had health insurance. I’m sure I paid something but I was covered the majority of the time. Anything else?

But if you think I’m making this shit up then that’s a real shame, because honestly why would I waste my time or anyone else’s. I’m just trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me, and if I can finally get out of this mess. I wanna help myself and others dealing with this shit

A year after the injury, you got the cystoscopy. The pelvic mri was two years after the cystocopies (you had this test done more than once?), and you saw 7-8 urologists.

Did you pay out of pocket for the pelvic mri?

How many urologists did you need to see until you found one that decided to do the pelvic mri? (Was it urologist number 2, or urologist number 6)?

Was the urologist that conducted the pelvic mri in a private practice, hospital, medical university, etc.?

Did you have any other tests done besides the cystoscopy/cystoscopies and pelvic mri?

Idk man, I’ve been to so many doctors I don’t know who did what. I know the first urologist I saw did the cystoscopy, and gave me antibiotics. All urologists were different, some were at a urology center, some were at a hospital. The second urologist too put me on different antibiotics, and did a cysto while I was put under. He found nothing. I’ve also had transrectal ultrasound, semen cultures, testicular ultrasounds , kidney ultrasound, bladder ultrasound, urine culture, and how many times do I have to tell you. I have health INSURANCE. So I didn’t pay much out of pocket . I don’t rememebr what number urologist asked for the pelvic mri. Maybe 4 , maybe 5 maybe 6 . I really don’t know dude. All I know is that they never found anything, and to this day. I still have no answer.


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