Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is it actually really that bad?


Originally Posted by DozeKnow
When deciding which injuries to rest and which to move, ask first the question “Can I physically move it?” and if the answer is yes, you do. There is no injury anywhere in the body which will benefit from strict rest (IE idleness) over movement of some description. There are many reasons for this. My experience in PE is limited. However, I am a former rehabilitation consultant for athletes, a current senior lab technician in both research and clinical settings and a studying endocrinologist. Given that I have a fair few years and degrees of anatomical and physiological understanding, plus having yet to see any evidence either in research or real life to point towards rest>movement for recovery, I’ll recommend the movement.

For the record I will not diagnose online, but I will say again, I have yet to see even one example of any level of trauma wherein movement was possible and not beneficial.

I posted, I was just wondering, So you know about those certain glands that are in different parts of the body, that secrete hormones directly into the blood? That could be helpful here. I read about Endocrinology many years ago and what I remember and correct me if I am wrong, there is a mechanisms and signals, right. I am probably going to make an ass of myself and It has been a hell of a long time since I did a small study on this ( it has been about 25 years ago or so) I forget what the mechanism is called but it is a communication, it is a chemical communication between cells in a tissue or an organ, maybe? There are signals. I don’t remember what the scientific words for them are but one of them, is a chemical that has effects or acts on that the same cell. Another signal is another chemical that reacts within the that same cell. There is one more and that is a hormone that is released into the blood as a secretory nueron, or something like that. So Dozeknow, am I kind of on track? I remember it was interesting and goes pretty deep as well.

Let’s discuss the penis and movement. Have you ever injured your penis hanging weights off of it? A ligament/ligament get hyper-stretched and by the time the weights are released, damage is done. It hurts and at times, members here were not able to get an erection for a few days. A few days to let that heal really works even though, you can still move the penis. Have you ever pumped? A penis in a cylinder that is over vacuumed. It can move, but why continue to manipulate it. We let ourselves heal. The penis is not just a muscle, it consist ligaments as you know. It is not like an arm or a leg, it is a penis. Do you know anything about penis discoloration? It is internal bruising and it can take years to disappear, but in most cases you have it for life. Do you know about plateauing? Over exercising can cause the penis to plateau, meaning that the penis stops gaining, period. In most cases, it take about 6 months of rest to be able to come back to PEing to get the gains started.

To sum this all up, the bottom line is the biggest thing that this forum preaches is Safety, and a lot of these exercises can be detrimental to a penis. We don’t want that for any of our members, and what’s a few days off any ways. A lot of members will post of their injury, but may not be getting in the details that should.

I must say, I am very impressed with your education. I do look forward to reading your posts, maybe you can thread something that you may think that can help us with injuries, for example, discoloration, internal bruising. This is a problem to many here, it is ugly. Just a thought, I am just trying to pick your brain.

Now then, Lets get back to Panamera’s thread.

DozeKnow has some very interesting points, which it looks like could actually be supported by some hard science. I wonder if athletic rehabilitation has some carryover to the PE world. Perhaps more appealing about his post is his knowledge of the endocrine system. Where there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to support the efficacy of PE practices and recovery procedures, perhaps DozeKnow has some valid points here. I read the Sparkyx post about thromboses veins and lymph vessels thoroughly, and most were finding that the ultimate treatment was to gently knead the vessels with heat, till the blockages were released. In effect, there is still some physical contact being made- some were even discussing jelqing and stripping the vessels to clear them, albeit, probably more lightly than a full on PE routine.

DozeKnow- what is your experience with the lymphatic system? Is there a generally accepted course of action for clearing blockages?

Tntjockey, you have certainly answered many of my questions, and have helped me immensely. I value and respect your opinion and agree with your stance on safety.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
I posted, I was just wondering, So you know about those certain glands that are in different parts of the body, that secrete hormones directly into the blood? That could be helpful here. I read about Endocrinology many years ago and what I remember and correct me if I am wrong, there is a mechanisms and signals, right. I am probably going to make an ass of myself and It has been a hell of a long time since I did a small study on this ( it has been about 25 years ago or so) I forget what the mechanism is called but it is a communication, it is a chemical communication between cells in a tissue or an organ, maybe? There are signals. I don’t remember what the scientific words for them are but one of them, is a chemical that has effects or acts on that the same cell. Another signal is another chemical that reacts within the that same cell. There is one more and that is a hormone that is released into the blood as a secretory nueron, or something like that. So Dozeknow, am I kind of on track? I remember it was interesting and goes pretty deep as well.

Let’s discuss the penis and movement. Have you ever injured your penis hanging weights off of it? A ligament/ligament get hyper-stretched and by the time the weights are released, damage is done. It hurts and at times, members here were not able to get an erection for a few days. A few days to let that heal really works even though, you can still move the penis. Have you ever pumped? A penis in a cylinder that is over vacuumed. It can move, but why continue to manipulate it. We let ourselves heal. The penis is not just a muscle, it consist ligaments as you know. It is not like an arm or a leg, it is a penis. Do you know anything about penis discoloration? It is internal bruising and it can take years to disappear, but in most cases you have it for life. Do you know about plateauing? Over exercising can cause the penis to plateau, meaning that the penis stops gaining, period. In most cases, it take about 6 months of rest to be able to come back to PEing to get the gains started.

To sum this all up, the bottom line is the biggest thing that this forum preaches is Safety, and a lot of these exercises can be detrimental to a penis. We don’t want that for any of our members, and what’s a few days off any ways. A lot of members will post of their injury, but may not be getting in the details that should.

I must say, I am very impressed with your education. I do look forward to reading your posts, maybe you can thread something that you may think that can help us with injuries, for example, discoloration, internal bruising. This is a problem to many here, it is ugly. Just a thought, I am just trying to pick your brain.

Now then, Lets get back to Panamera’s thread.

I’m impressed by your retention of knowledge on my subject of passion.

What you are referring to are, I believe, paracrine signals. These are signals sent from nearby cells to the target cell. My expertise here is relatively thin. I do know that via lymph clearance you could, theoretically, move the cytokines which were released to adjacent cells up out of the tissue, thus reducing inflammation. The lymph system is sort of like drainage for the cells. That would be equal in helpfulness to the benefits fresh, oxygenated blood brought in. You may also be referring to autocrine (within the same cell) signals, which could have similar bearing here, although I believe a paracrine response is more likely given the injury will probably be global (to the whole structure) rather than local. I doubt any of us are taking pin-pricks to the dick. I doubt you’re referring to juxtracrine

Now, why movement? Simply, when tissue is moved it is signaled to heal. If tissue isn’t moved, it is either replaced (with scar tissue) or it is wasted. In the first case, scar tissue is significantly more brittle than the soft tissue of your best buddy, plus it is approx. 60-70% weaker. Why does movement say “heal?” Because it says to your body, hey, we need this. So your body will prioritize that healing with local growth factors, in this case most likely IGF-BPx. To be honest this is where I’m spending most of my time: finding out just what is healing the friend downstairs. IGFALS? Dihydro and oestrogen, does it react like other collagenous tissue, or is the fact its a sex organ change things? Hell, I wouldn’t rule out special paracrine or endocrine signalling in this case, given the nearby structures.

Besides the above, it supplies fresh nutrients via movement. It also increases the availability of the hormones via this same mechanism. My former point about lymph clearance. The system is slow. Use your hands to help. Lastly, we want our ligaments to heal long, if we let them contract via trauma and rest, they will take that opportunity.

As for injuries to my penis, I’ve had two, both the same. Girl riding, over-excitation, crunch. The first took me from a proud, 15.5cm that pointed to the ceiling into a twisted, mangled 14.5cm that pointed over one hip. I also developed a lot of stretch marks down one side. I rested it fully for 2 months and watched it shrink, but did nothing because it hurt to touch.

The next time, I knew better. The structure was already week, so this time was much worse. It made an audible crunch noise. The whole thing swelled up purple and red. Long story short, I stretched and massaged it every day and experimented with improving blood flow via topical ointments, after 3 weeks it was A-ok. This time it didn’t shrink ultimately, it stayed at 14.5, although it did shrink again 9 months later for other reasons.

Could this movement be why pe lends itself to stronger and harder erections?

Originally Posted by DozeKnow
I’m impressed by your retention of knowledge on my subject of passion.

What you are referring to are, I believe, paracrine signals. These are signals sent from nearby cells to the target cell. My expertise here is relatively thin. I do know that via lymph clearance you could, theoretically, move the cytokines which were released to adjacent cells up out of the tissue, thus reducing inflammation. The lymph system is sort of like drainage for the cells. That would be equal in helpfulness to the benefits fresh, oxygenated blood brought in. You may also be referring to autocrine (within the same cell) signals, which could have similar bearing here, although I believe a paracrine response is more likely given the injury will probably be global (to the whole structure) rather than local. I doubt any of us are taking pin-pricks to the dick. I doubt you’re referring to juxtracrine

Now, why movement? Simply, when tissue is moved it is signaled to heal. If tissue isn’t moved, it is either replaced (with scar tissue) or it is wasted. In the first case, scar tissue is significantly more brittle than the soft tissue of your best buddy, plus it is approx. 60-70% weaker. Why does movement say "heal?" Because it says to your body, hey, we need this. So your body will prioritize that healing with local growth factors, in this case most likely IGF-BPx. To be honest this is where I’m spending most of my time: finding out just what is healing the friend downstairs. IGFALS? Dihydro and oestrogen, does it react like other collagenous tissue, or is the fact its a sex organ change things? Hell, I wouldn’t rule out special paracrine or endocrine signalling in this case, given the nearby structures.

Besides the above, it supplies fresh nutrients via movement. It also increases the availability of the hormones via this same mechanism. My former point about lymph clearance. The system is slow. Use your hands to help. Lastly, we want our ligaments to heal long, if we let them contract via trauma and rest, they will take that opportunity.

As for injuries to my penis, I’ve had two, both the same. Girl riding, over-excitation, crunch. The first took me from a proud, 15.5cm that pointed to the ceiling into a twisted, mangled 14.5cm that pointed over one hip. I also developed a lot of stretch marks down one side. I rested it fully for 2 months and watched it shrink, but did nothing because it hurt to touch.

The next time, I knew better. The structure was already week, so this time was much worse. It made an audible crunch noise. The whole thing swelled up purple and red. Long story short, I stretched and massaged it every day and experimented with improving blood flow via topical ointments, after 3 weeks it was A-ok. This time it didn’t shrink ultimately, it stayed at 14.5, although it did shrink again 9 months later for other reasons.

This morning I went through some old storage bins and found parts of my study on Endocrinology, And as I was reading it I wasn’t to far off.

The mechanism I posted about is called Paracrine and that is the chemical that does the communication between cells within a tissue or an organ.

Androcrine is a signal and that is the chemical that acts on the same exact cell.

Intracrine is a signal and that is the chemical that acts within that same cell.

This next one is where I was mixed up on, but I almost got it right through memory. The other signal is Neuroendocrine, and that is the hormone that is released into the blood by a neurosecretory neuron. I was almost right on this last one. Neuroendocrine also stems out much further to Neuroendocrinology and I do not know anything about that, because that is a study in itself.

So with all of that, let’s take Panamera and use him as a Guinea Pig. If you read this thread Thombosed Vein vs Clogged Lymph Vessels , this what he may have. What kind of movement do you suggest that will get the chemicals to help heal his penis without causing any aggression. I truly am very interested in your answer. Now then, if you do suggest movement, should it be while his penis is erect or flaccid? A massage? twirling of the penis? a slight up and down pull, side to side pull. what will bring his penis back to health, not that it is not healthy, but it is injured. What would you suggest for Panamera to do?

Now then, Panamera, if DozeKnow suggests something, can you please try it and get back to us with results and how long it took you to heal, that is if you have not already healed.

I truly am interested in your response DozeKnow.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
This morning I went through some old storage bins and found parts of my study on Endocrinology, And as I was reading it I wasn’t to far off.

The mechanism I posted about is called Paracrine and that is the chemical that does the communication between cells within a tissue or an organ.

Androcrine is a signal and that is the chemical that acts on the same exact cell.

Intracrine is a signal and that is the chemical that acts within that same cell.

This next one is where I was mixed up on, but I almost got it right through memory. The other signal is Neuroendocrine, and that is the hormone that is released into the blood by a neurosecretory neuron. I was almost right on this last one. Neuroendocrine also stems out much further to Neuroendocrinology and I do not know anything about that, because that is a study in itself.

So with all of that, let’s take Panamera and use him as a Guinea Pig. If you read this thread Thombosed Vein vs Clogged Lymph Vessels , this what he may have. What kind of movement do you suggest that will get the chemicals to help heal his penis without causing any aggression. I truly am very interested in your answer. Now then, if you do suggest movement, should it be while his penis is erect or flaccid? A massage? twirling of the penis? a slight up and down pull, side to side pull. what will bring his penis back to health, not that it is not healthy, but it is injured. What would you suggest for Panamera to do?

Now then, Panamera, if DozeKnow suggests something, can you please try it and get back to us with results and how long it took you to heal, that is if you have not already healed.

I truly am interested in your response DozeKnow.

Sure thing! I am interested to see how it affects recovery. I suspect that the lymph blockage is causing inflammation, which only makes sense that it would perpetuate the issue and make things take longer to heal. Perhaps some variation of movement or jelqs or something would help reduce inflammation through one of the mentioned mechanisms. Id be interested to see.

What I can say is that I have been having sex with my fiancé, and it doesn’t really seem to be getting worse at all. There is a localized dull soreness about midway up my shaft where it appears the lymph vessel branches out - I will attach a drawing. When I palpate this area, I don’t feel any tough knots or swelling, it only seems to feel that way as I move toward the base. The area that is sore also seems to move with my skin, and when I do move it there is no soreness originating from my shaft. Makes me think that this is an entirely superficial "injury" of sorts.

Here is a super generalized illustration of what I am talking about. The red line indicates the lymph vessel I am referring to. Where it branches out, it is less the branch/network structure of veins, and more just an undetectable area that seems to punctuate the lymph vessel- sort of how tendons attach to muscles- a sharply defined rigid tissues that fades into a general area. There is a very dull soreness in this area, and the lymph vessel seems inflamed and fairly hard with small round “pearl-like” structures along its length. The entire area moves freely with my skin.

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Originally Posted by tntjockey
This morning I went through some old storage bins and found parts of my study on Endocrinology, And as I was reading it I wasn’t to far off.

The mechanism I posted about is called Paracrine and that is the chemical that does the communication between cells within a tissue or an organ.

Androcrine is a signal and that is the chemical that acts on the same exact cell.

Intracrine is a signal and that is the chemical that acts within that same cell.

This next one is where I was mixed up on, but I almost got it right through memory. The other signal is Neuroendocrine, and that is the hormone that is released into the blood by a neurosecretory neuron. I was almost right on this last one. Neuroendocrine also stems out much further to Neuroendocrinology and I do not know anything about that, because that is a study in itself.

So with all of that, let’s take Panamera and use him as a Guinea Pig. If you read this thread Thombosed Vein vs Clogged Lymph Vessels , this what he may have. What kind of movement do you suggest that will get the chemicals to help heal his penis without causing any aggression. I truly am very interested in your answer. Now then, if you do suggest movement, should it be while his penis is erect or flaccid? A massage? Twirling of the penis? A slight up and down pull, side to side pull. What will bring his penis back to health, not that it is not healthy, but it is injured. What would you suggest for Panamera to do?

Now then, Panamera, if DozeKnow suggests something, can you please try it and get back to us with results and how long it took you to heal, that is if you have not already healed.

I truly am interested in your response DozeKnow.

Close. Actually, as far as I know it is just paracrine now, I have never heard of andocrine. Intracrine is a hormone which enters into a cell to have its effect, it isn’t the name of an effect in itself. For example, steroid hormones enter into the cell and bind receptors (intracrine) whereas peptide hormones such as IGF bind on the surface of the cell. The effect could be any endocrine effect, intracine is just a classification for it being internally acting.

Both erect and flaccid. Panamera, I would just jelq very lightly for a few minutes, then stretch for 20-40 seconds dynamically, I’d move through semi-circles at the bottom of your range of motion, then at the top for another set. Do that two or three times. The first is to improve the clearance, the second is to discourage recovery and encourage regeneration. Lastly, have sex/edge to give the tissue both a reason to heal and the local androgenic factors it requires. Coincidentally these are also often anabolic. Increase the duration of the first two until you are back to full volume, don’t work through the pain, do work through the discomfort. If you feel anything sharp, stop. If anything burns, stop. A feeling of warmth, slight pins and needles or a deep stretch is a good sign. Start mostly flaccid jelquing and move towards more erect.

I tried to make this very plain English but sorry if I accidentally slipped into some overly scientific terms. Clarification is just a message away.

When you say you’d move through semi-circles, what do you mean by this?

I mean pull it down towards the floor, then keeping tension on your member, pull it 90 degrees to the right. Then back down and 90 degrees to the left, as though you are drawing a crescent with your penis. Then repeat in the top range of motion. The reason you do this is less to get the blood flowing and more to prevent reflexive tightening of any supporting structures as a response to the injury.

Please don't call over training on me- I owe him a lifetime of rest days.

Ok. Thanks for the advice. I am going to put it to good use later today. Going to slowly get myself back into it with some jelqs and stretches.

Hey guys- so here is a quick follow up. Back to jelqs with very light clamping, and so far, blockage seems to be subsiding. The hardness of the vessel is very much less pronounced, and seems to be resolving quickly. Based on the off time vs the light jelq time, I am inclined to conclude that I actually made better progress healing while staying active than I had while on break.

Good to hear. Are you stretching it out too? Any pain/discomfort?

Yes, the whole gamut. Soreness had largely vanished.


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