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Is it possible to have permanent nerve damage

You said in your post that I quoted that it was lacerated. Bruised is still going to take some time. I bruised nerves in my elbows 3 months ago and they still hurt like hell (bi-lateral tennis elbow).

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

If there is no way to lacerate a nerve by tugging on your penis then the medical community is completely wrong about how long it will take for a nerve to heal. That’s all I’m saying.

Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser

Originally Posted by UserName86

If there is no way to lacerate a nerve by tugging on your penis then the medical community is completely wrong about how long it will take for a nerve to heal. That’s all I’m saying.

That’s a non sequitur . Whether the medical community is right or wrong about the speed of nerves healing has absolutely nothing to do with whether you can "lacerate" a nerve by tugging.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 04-15-2008 at .

Originally Posted by sunshinekid

You said in your post that I quoted that it was lacerated. Bruised is still going to take some time. I bruised nerves in my elbows 3 months ago and they still hurt like hell (bi-lateral tennis elbow).

Woops sorry, I seem to have failed in my attempt to communicate. I’ll just restate the way I wanted to, it will reheal in a manner of a few weeks to a year, but if lacerated it has a less chance of healing in general, but if it did it would take much longer upwards of a year or mroe.

Originally Posted by refresh9

I’m stating it from a medical standpoint. Anyone in the medical community will say that, unless it was lacerated, if left alone it WILL heal, but it would take weeks to a year. I just don’t understand why it wouldn’t heal. That’s what I’m saying.

I meant to say this, I can see how it’d be confusing. Lacerated has a chance of not even healing.

Originally Posted by Lampwick

That’s a non sequitur . Whether the medical community is right or wrong about the speed of nerves healing has absolutely nothing to do with whether you can "lacerate" a nerve by tugging.

I don’t believe you can lacerate a nerve, from tugging, unless you caused some kind of obvious pull damage, like bleeding/pain, thus showing you have pulled beyond elasticity. Laceration would occur from an actual tissue wound, not just from stretching. How could one stretch their penis enough to lacerate a nerve but not lacerate the penis tissue itself?

Lampwick that’s my bad. I forgot to include that if it takes 6 to 15 months as I believe I used to read all them time for an unlacerated nerve AND you can’t lacerate a nerve by tugging on your penis (maybe I heard this in another thread so I could talking about something that wasn’t mentioned) then ONE of those statements is wrong because mine hasn’t healed in the last oh 25 months I think it is now.

Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser

It’s possible you were still aggravating the last bits of the nerve by masterbating or not using proper lubrication.

With the techniques for extending limbs one or two inches, how much distance do the nerves have to stretch/grow by? Me says same distance.

Word is this technique uses spreading at .040” inch per day.

I have had an injury around the base of my penis for at least 2 1/2 years now. Doctors can’t really explain it. They say everything is fine. But my uncle who is a doctor thinks it’s either a pinched nerve, or nerve damage. When I felt the pain, all I was doing was playing pool. I leaned over to take a shot, and it felt like my dick collapsed into my body and disappeared. Al though, I still think I originally caused this earlier that day when I was trimming my pubes. I held my dick to the left to not hurt it when buzzing the hair and I felt something weird. Almost like a pulled a muscle, or tweaked something. But after the initial feeling I was fine, until my dick collapsed a few hours later. It generally is pulled towards my body now way more than it used to. Meaning it changed appearance. Instead of hanging loosely forward, it kind of sticks out and shoots to the left. Now I feel this weird sense of dullness at the base of my penis. And it feels like to the right of the base is all kinds of messed up. Like the wires are crossed or something. What I go through is basically torture. It’s not painful (except when I smoke weed, I start to think about the injury too much and it starts to hurt pretty bad). It’s just that I always have an urge to to rub around there to loosen things up because it’s always tight and bloated usually. My shaft even shows signs of something. Basically it feels like my dick is being choked out. More so on the right side of the shaft, near the base. Almost like something cut into my dick and now resides there after it healed in some messed up way. These veins showed up out of nowhere, purple and blue right there where I have this problem. Almost like my dick was being choked and showing it by turning “blue”. This is scary stuff, I’ve wasted 3 grand on doctors for the past 2 1/2 years. And I’m still not fixed. Nothing has gotten better, or worse.

This sucks guys, any ideas??

The only good thing is I can still get erections, Al though they feel weird. I can still come, and everything works. But god this is torture. It happened out of nowhere, and I didn’t even do this trying PE or having rough sex or anything, it just fucking happened. I mean, if it was from when I was trimming, all I did was swing my dick to the left, that shouldn’t do anything, I wasn’t even full hard or anything.

Anybody have any new ideas? Or approaches to try and diagnose what I have wrong?

As I have said on the other thread: Firm flaccid penis (see post #44)

Relaxation may be key. The problem is, that if relaxation is the problem, then worrying will only make it worse. It’s a tough call guys, but you have to dig deep and find some courage to keep smiling.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Originally Posted by marky777
It’s a tough call guys, but you have to dig deep and find some courage to keep smiling.


Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser

Any improvements anybody?

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Not really. But I definitely have had the firm flaccid penis before. So is this a circulation problem? Do you think I have a hang up somewhere? It definitely feels like I had something mess up pretty bad right near the right base of my dick and my groin. It even feels different then the other side but doctors keep saying it feels normal/the same and I know it’s not true, I can FEEL IT. Not to mention since it happened, I’ve had these purple and blue veins pop out all along the right side of my shaft, that were never there before, like it’s struggling to pump blood through that side. But yeah, I haven’t had that same “Umph!” since my mysterious “injury” 2 1/2 years ago.. It hasn’t gotten better or worse. I’m lost.

Latency, and whomever else has nerve damage, I have an experiment that I suggest you all try to help heal those nerves:

Buy Virgin Coconut Oil, find a good kind, and apply a half teaspoon or more of it on your penis every night for 30 days. Tell me if it heals.

My hypothesis behind this is the fact that Coconut is made up of fatty acids, however they are medium to short chain triglycerides. Which means they absorb very quickly through the skin and get used very quickly. The majority of the nervous system is made up of lipids as well. So the coconut oil would absorb through the skin and since the nerves are very close to the surface of the skin the nerves would soon absorb the coconut oil and begin rehealing them with new fatty chains. I’d also advise eating 3 tablespoons a day of the coconut oil. Report back and tell me how it goes, you have nothing to lose, and lots of health benefits to gain.

`Start: 5"NBPEL, 6"BPEL, 4.5"EG

`Current: 5"NBPEL, 6"BPEL, 4.5"EG

So far a few fractions of inch increase on base erect girth.


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