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Is it possible to have permanent nerve damage

Is it possible to have permanent nerve damage

Yes I have spoken to doctors. They say feeling should return. However has anyone had a case where their penis glans went numb, and then after feeling returned, sensitivity was less? My penis glans is definitely not numb, but does have reduced sensitivity. Let me know since I know you guys have been thought this stuff, thanks.


I have permanently lost some feeling in the base of my dick. Of course it’s possible to mess yourself up.

You only can hope that the feeling will return, because this is something it’s impossible for doctors to fix, unfortunately.


But I thought nerves can’t be permanently damaged unless lacerated. Just takes awhile to heal.

Anyone else?

Yeesh, I expected more responses than this.

Couldn’t the dearth of responses be a good thing considering how you worded the question?

I’ll bet that even after conducting whatever expensive tests are available that even a neurologist wouldn’t be able to tell you with any degree of confidence whether all feeling will return, much less the time frame.

At one point I ended up with greatly reduced sensitivity that eventually returned to normal, but it took a long time. I suspect the majority of such minor nerve injuries from PE do eventually fully heal. I’m aware of other cases that cleared up given enough time. Just be aware that the time frame for improvement is measured in months.

Of course, stop doing whatever caused the injury.

What caused the injury?

I never heard of permanent nerve damage caused by PE; Mr. Nine had a nerve damage that required 6 months to heal: it’s the longest one recorded here (not counting bullshitters), but I could be wrong, of course.

Do you have erections?

We did go into this a great deal in another thread “firm flaccid penis”. Basically, nerves if they are damaged, take a very long time to heal, but they can come back up to 100% eventually. If it’s serious, a year or two is not uncommon. The repair rate is so slow it can seem like the damage is permanent. I have read that the growth rate is about 1/4 inch per year. Of course one can do permanent damage… Which is why one should listen to the body at all times.

Hey Latency, good to hear from you.

Have the sensations been creeping back some more, compared to last year?

Sorry wrong thread, it was “ED Worries”.

Originally Posted by refresh9
Yeesh, I expected more responses than this.

You’re the boy who cried Wolf. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

True, good to hear, I just have reduced sensitivity in glans. Can’t feel cold, but I can feel touch.

Yes. I permanently fucked up my dick over 2 years ago. I’ve got a thread on this. I’m not completely numb but I sure hell ain’t sensitive. If you want more info just PM me.

I really hope this isn’t the case for you. Remember less is more. I did a little PE recently very lightly and saw good gains from it. I’m now very cautious with my dick and my body in general. Treat it well. You only have one.

Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser

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