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Preventing nerve damage from jelqing?

jelqing and nerve damage; how sensitive is your shaft SUPPOSED to be?

Howdy. I’ve been lurking for some time, and I read all the posts on loss of sensitivity in the penis, but didn’t see much on the matter of preventing nerve damage (or on people’s experiences with nerve damage).

About three years ago, I used jelq for about four-five months, gained some girth, and probably gained around half an inch in length, but stopped because it got to be kind of annoying. I think I MAY have also lost a bit of sensitivity, but I’m not sure whether this actually occured, because I don’t totally remember how sensitive I was before.

So my first question is, how sensitive is your shaft SUPPOSED to be? I wasn’t sexually active three years ago around the time when I was jelqing; I have been since then. But because of the time lapse and my uncertain memory, I’m not sure whether I did any actual damage or whether it’s all in my mind. I’d say that my dick is definitely more sensitive than most other parts of my body, but it’s not like super sensitive, except for the head. But basically, my shaft is not that sensitive, especially if I’ve been masturbating or during the second or third round of sex, and if I’m wearing a condom I often can’t come for a very long time unless I almost pull out so that I’m rubbing my head against the part just inside the vagina. Can anyone else relate to this uncertainty about whether your dick is less sensitive than it’s supposed to be?

Second, I’m considering resuming jelqing for a few months just to eke out another half inch or so. I plan to follow common sense by not doing too much, too soon, not squeezing too hard, etc., but my first question is whether anyone has any advice on avoiding loss of sensitivity from jelqing?

e.g., Is it much better to use lube if you don’t want to lose sensitivity?
Are certain grips (e.g., the ‘okay’ grip rather than the pinch grip) safer?
Should I avoid touching the top surface of my penis, because that is where the dorsal nerve lies?

I’m 5.75” long and 5.5 inches around, which I think makes me shorter than average, but I don’t want to get longer if it means I shall be losing sensitivity. Thanks for your help!

Last edited by Swinteck : 11-18-2004 at .

It is most likely just how your mind perceives it. Most people hit the dorsal nerve and cause problems there. There a few posts on that, I don’t know if you specifically saw them or not. Just avoid it as best you can and there should be some diagrams on the dorsal nerve in or around those threads about it. If not Grey’s anatomy might be worth peaking at online.

I think it varies from person to person how sensitive you are. I used to be super sensitive to pain, I had to spank off using lube, after a long time I learned to just grab the bishop and charge him with Hersey without any lube torturing him for a confession. ;) I believe in general that most people look at being sensitive as a different topic. Not wanting to be a minute man and suffer from premature ejaculation lets them toughen up the willy with no consideration to losing the reaction as easily.

Wet jelqing and dry-jelqing accomplish different things for different people. Usually if you are cut or not is a large factor in this.

I also believe that you should look for any threads here on ejaculatory incompetence which usually has a huge psychological factor to it. Basically it is the exact opposite of premature ejaculation. I have intense trouble with condoms now then years past. I wrap my friend up and unless an epileptic is having a seizure while giving me a handjob it becomes too easy to lose.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Another thing to consider is that having a lot of sex can make you less sensitive, regardless of whether or not you jelq. I remember being a lot more sensitive before I started having sex, and now maybe the novelty of sex has worn off, making me slightly less sensitive.

Hmm, I’m definitely not having sex too much. It’s been pretty sporadic lately. Besides nerve damage, the other thing that occured to me is that perhaps jelqing leads to a little toughening of the skin, just as your hands get calloused if put a lot of friction on them. This toughening may reduce sensitivity. It wouldn’t be a problem if this toughness eventually goes away, just as your hands eventually turn soft again if you don’t subject them to a lot of friction. However, a permanent change in the thickness of the skin would be a very bad thing.

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