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nerve damage

nerve damage

i think i may have finally hurt myself. inside the head on the bottom where it is normally sensitive where if you press it, it seems as if it’s itchy. i hope i didn’t injure any nerves. does anyone know if the itchiness is a sign of damage or if it will subside as it heals?

Hey hazmat

I am beginning to think that PE is not for you. I hate to say something like this to anyone, but you seem to either be working at it too hard and injuring yourself, or you are obsessing on injuries. Look back on your past posts here and on the old PE Forums, most if not all, are about injuries of one kind or another.

Maybe you can get over this by reevaluating your exercises and asking questions about how to do them correctly. With the amount of injuries that you are posting about, you are not doing something right. Good luck!

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You got to take it easy, your doing advanced exercises and you say your a newbie. I don’t know why it would itch, is it numb? does it hurt? Is it all red did you rub the skin raw? Time for a pe vacation you are over working it.


2 much 2 soon = 2 late?

Yes, it’s possible that you have damaged nerves but it could also be any one of a 1,000 other things too. My advice is to stop PE immediately and monitor your injury site closely! If it worsens or persists for more than a few days consult your healthcare proffesional immediately - no arguments, don’t take chances!

If you are serious about PE you must accept that it is going to take time and, no matter how hard you push it, it will not happen overnight. Injuring yourself only makes it take longer and may seriously compromise the quality of your results.

Please try to remember, PE is not a competition!


BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Re: 2 much 2 soon = 2 late?

Originally posted by lil12big1
… . If you are serious about PE you must accept that it is going to take time and, no matter how hard you push it, it will not happen overnight. Injuring yourself only makes it take longer and may seriously compromise the quality of your results.
Please try to remember, PE is not a competition!

Well said!


it feels like a burn when you pee kind of.

does anyone what can happen if you overdo it?

is there such thing as a pe doctor?


Everyone is giving you the same advice….. take a rest!!!!

We have learned that virtually any injury will fix itself if you give it rest. Try to take at least 2 weeks off completely… no jelq, no tugging, no NOTHING!!!

Then check back with us. If you want to go see a uroligist then go ahead and do so. After you start back, you may to just do some light jelqing for awhile. Better yet, go join Big Al’s site and follow his newbie program and advance as he says. I am a member there and it has some great info and a very nicely laid out program for starters and advanced guys.


ummm, maybe you need not to see a M.D but some kind of physcologist? ahem, ‘hypocondria’

u dont need to freak out with every little tiny signal you get. learn to cope with your body, it’s alot more hardy than you’d expect. If everything was so frail, don’t u think life as we know it’d be extinct by now? sheesh hehaha

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